Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 831: Reincarnation conspiracy

Chapter 831

   "The probability of extinguishing the two schools is only 0.2%? This... the mission this time is too difficult, the mission cannot be completed and it will be wiped out, the Lord God let us die."

   The demon brawn suddenly became nervous.

   Including other alternate captains, the look is also ugly, and each one looks ashen.

   The mission fails, the punishment of the main **** is to obliterate, and doing so is a battle that makes them fearless.

   Of course, there are also some think tank-shaped characters who look at the extinction star before they come out, and the extinction star has a back hand.

   "Don't worry.

  This is just the success rate of direct attacks.

   We are not without other ways to complete the task. "

   The starless expressionless expression.

   Transformed his brain into artificial intelligence, which has no emotion, which is flawed, that is, there is no human nature, but also has the advantage, that is, without the **** of emotion, he can think completely rationally.

   "My plan is to convene everyone and make a gesture of attacking the Tianlan Court. I also deliberately sacrificed several team members to let them know that our mission this time is a survival mission.

  Now, Tianlanyuan has released the Southern Region Recruitment Order, and every martial arts sent at least one-third of Wushen to come here.

   We have attacked Tianlanyuan several times in a row.

  Today, we used an SSS-level prop, Zhou Tianxingchen Banner, to crack the Tianlanyuan Nursing Education Great Array, and took out dozens of annihilation guns to make a full-scale attack.

   Now, Tianlan Institute is even more afraid to relax its vigilance and will try its best to defend.

   However, if at this time, we suddenly attack other super big factions, the chance of success will increase greatly. "

  Introducing the sound of the extinct star.

   He said that sacrificing the digital samsara tricked the Xuanwu continent martial arts, his appearance did not change by half, and even most of the samurai captains on the scene did not change.

   As a reincarnation, the necessary sacrifice is inevitable, everyone is very cold-blooded, as long as it is not their own sacrifice.

   "After these few battles, I already have further data and set the target of the attack." Star Extinction continued.

   "Oh?" Random Taoist and Wu Xia looked at the extinct star at the same time, and their expressions became serious.

   They set a plan before, but the target of the final attack has not yet been determined.

   "Goal one, Wanxianmen.

  Wanxian Gate is a super big brand that has risen in the last hundred years. The school has the shallowest background and the least number of martial arts.

  According to the information I got earlier, there are 69 martial arts gods at Wanxianmen, 18 of which are out of travel and can't come back at all, that is, 51.

  Based on these few days of fighting, I found 30 martial gods of Wanxianmen.

   Wanxianmen was benefited by hunting a samsara, and this is the state of development. They also love to fight with us the most, so there are as many as 30 people.

  That is to say, among the Wanxianmen martial arts, there are only 21 Wushen left. Among these 21, 15 are just new Wushen, and their strength is poor.

   Therefore, the Wanxianmen with empty strength is our primary goal. "

   "Goal two, Shaoyangzong.

   This is a veteran super big school, but it is the opposite of Wanxianmen.

Wanxianmen has risen newly, but it has grown stronger and developed very fast, and the Shaoyang Sect with the old Sect Master died, the strength of the martial arts has been decreasing. Especially a few years ago, the reincarnation Lord God invaded the South Region on a large scale, and the Star Sword God killed Many Shaoyang Zong Wushen made Shao Yangzong's strength further weakened.

  According to the information from the nano-robot I released, Shaoyangzong currently has 63 Wushen, only 4 more than Wanxianmen.

  Among them, twenty-three out of the trip have not yet returned, and thirteen have come to the battlefield to join the battle, and the martial arts have 27 remaining. Similarly, eight of these 27 are the new martial arts gods. "

  Meteor introduced two goals in succession, and many reincarnations were excited in the camp hall.

   "Although we still have to deal with 48 martial arts, but it is much less than before, the chance is great, at least 50% chance." Ranxing Taoist said excitedly.

   For reincarnations, there are many chances for 50%. Generally speaking, their characters are all dead.

   "No, not 50%, but at least 80%." Extinct corrected.

   "Bacheng?" Wu Xia froze for a moment, wondering: "How could it be Bacheng? With this plan, we have to attack two super-big factions at the same time, and we have to divide our troops.

   After the previous war, we also lost a lot of reincarnation captains, and now there are only 77 left, divided into two batches, and each side has less than forty people. "

   Random Star Dao frowned, thoughtfully.

  Wu Xia is powerful. When he was the captain, he used his brute force. As for his strategy, his team had another think tank.

   Random Star Daoist is much smarter and found a problem.

   However, Extinction Star apparently does not have the habit of playing dumb mysteries, but directly reveals the answer.

   "Master God mission, destroy two super-big factions!

  Destroy two super-large factions, how to define ‘extinguish’?

   I have investigated before, the martial arts facilities lost 70%, the doormen died 70%, the main inheritance treasure destroyed 70%, even if it was destroyed.

   Inside, 70% of the doormen died, the article is here.

   Let's destroy Wanxianmen and Shaoyang Sect, we can ignore Wushen, but slaughter their disciples and kill 70% of them. This is very simple.

As for the martial construction facilities, it is even simpler. In the war of martial arts, the loss caused by the aftermath of is estimated to be able to damage 70%. Those who are closely guarded inheritance treasures can only be attacked a few times. .

   In this case, the probability of completion of the task is 80%, I still conservatively estimate, maybe the probability is higher. "


"Okay." Wu Xia took a big leg kick and stood up excitedly, saying: "Eradication star, your mechanical head is really easy to use, no, after I go back, I have to think about it, whether or not to redeem myself. A brain."

   "Wu Xia, the extinction cleverness is not just a mechanical brain, but the original cleverness. I heard that before he entered the reincarnation, what kind of Ph.D. in mathematics and biology could you not compare."

   Random Star Dao laughed.

  Wu Xia was not angry, but instead laughed: "That's also true. I changed into a mechanical brain, and maybe it would crash, haha."

"Then next, we are ready to take action. I have built this whip space portal, and my nano-robots are already on standby at Wanxianmen and Shaoyangzong, and can be aggregated into a space receiving base station at any time. "

   "This matter will be changed later, but it will not let everyone know, so as not to leak the news. After all, Xuanwu Continent also has some wonderful skills, which may be able to spy on the information of the camp.

   In this way, everyone went back and told the team members, saying that after three days, they attacked the Tianlanyuan with all their strength. These three days, let everyone take a good rest.

   Extermination, you lead the reincarnation of the scientific and technological route, and make the annihilation gun with all your strength. If you are missing any materials, let's come out together. "Ran Xingdao humane.

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