Invincible Scanning System

: The eighty-ninth recall order (Part 2)

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Chapter 849

"Go down, go down."

"Why? We have already paid the fee, and we are all ready to send, why should we go down?" On the teleportation array, one man, one woman and two warriors had already waited, and even the teleportation array began to flash, but at this moment it suddenly stopped. Was chased out by the administrator.


This is the ancestor of the Rong family, the Wu Zun strong who went to the war in response to the call of the Southern Region.

According to the rules, during the period of the call of the South Region Calling Order, the transmission array is limited and free to open. This is the rule set by the seven factions. Why, do you disagree? "

"It turned out to be Senior Wu Zun who responded to the symptom. You said earlier. How can we disagree?"

The male and female warriors immediately shut up, and Bi Gong hid aside, watching Qi Xiaosheng embark on the teleportation array.

Qi Xiaosheng came to Daming City very smoothly when the teleportation array opened and the light flashed.

"Come out, come out quickly, don't be in front of the next strong."

Qi Xiaosheng had just appeared, and there was a shout outside the teleportation array.

It sounds not very polite, but Qi Xiaosheng saw the man's look anxious, and there were still a lot of Wu Zun around. It didn't seem to be rude, but it was an emergency, and he didn't care so much.

"Old Rong, come down quickly, don't delay other people's transmission."

At this time, a voice came, Qi Xiaosheng looked over and found that the man was the chief disciple of Tianlan Academy, Li Canglan.

Qi Xiaosheng immediately walked down.

Almost as soon as he came down, the teleportation array behind him immediately worked. Between the flashes of light, the space channel was opened, and more than ten figures came out of the teleportation array.

This is a dozen Wu Zun, Qi Xiaosheng all know, have met in Tianlan courtyard before, they are all ‘comrades’ in the Grand Master Building.

"what happened?"

Qi Xiaosheng asked knowingly.

"Hey, we won." Li Canglan's expression was extremely gloomy and extremely anxious.

"Before, we felt the Shaoyang Sect's call to the south.

However, we also have enemies outside the Tianlan courtyard, and we dare not support them easily, because we are all samsaras and annihilation artillery outside.

However, the Sect Master of Shaoyang couldn't wait, so he took people ahead of time.

Who would have thought that when they rushed out of the annihilation artillery range and were ready to fight against the group of reincarnations, they found that those were simply phantoms.

At that time we felt that things were not so good.

However, in order to make sure that this is not a move away from the mountain, we killed the samurai camp and found that the people there were hollowing out.

At this time, we knew we were in the middle, so we sent some people to support Shaoyang Sect.

However, in the first step, the warrior who sent the Shaoyang Sect directly met the enemy and died directly.

Therefore, we can only teleport to other cities. Unfortunately, the teleportation arrays near the Shaoyang Sect have been destroyed and can only be teleported to Daming City. This city is the closest to the Shaoyang Sect. Unfortunately, this also requires a Two hours of flight. "

Li Canglan gave a brief introduction.

Between his speeches, the teleportation array had not heard, turned on again and again, stepped out of the strong again and again.

Most of them came from Tianlanyuan, and some came from other regions. These people are the second batch of strong supporters.

Two consecutive conscription orders in the southern region, each of the southern regions sent more reinforcements.

Of course, these reinforcements do not fully support the fighting, they are also patrolling the cities to protect them.

"Since the war situation is tight, why are you still waiting to do it here? Why don't you go right away?" Qi Xiaosheng immediately looked around and a crowd of Wu Zun.

Around the teleportation array, there were thirty or forty Wu Zun waiting quietly, and did not go to the battlefield.

"Don't worry, wait for Senior Wushen to come and go together." Li Canglan quickly stopped Qi Xiaosheng, saying: "You don't know, this group of reincarnations are very cunning, leaving some ambush on the road.

When they met Wushen, they wouldn't shoot at all, but when they met Wu Zun, they would attack.

Before, we had lost three teams of Wu Zun, and more than 20 Wu Zun died in vain.

Although Rong Lao has advanced to Wushen, it's a pity that you have just advanced, and you were injured before, and the state is unstable. But the enemy has paid attention to you before, and even let the captain-level reincarnation kill you in advance.

So if you go on your own, you may not be able to encounter a martial arts attack on the road, or wait, and act well with people. "

"There is still such a thing." Qi Xiaosheng frowned.

He wanted to rush to the battlefield soon, behead the samsara, harvest the power of the samsara, wait here, that is to delay time.

But after thinking about it, Qi Xiaosheng also stayed.

The current battlefield should be very bloody, the South Side should suffer a loss, it is very dangerous to go now, and it is difficult for him to guarantee that he will not be forced out of stronger strength.

After all, he has advanced to the realm of Wushen, and has gone to the battlefield. It must be the samurai of the Wushen level to attack him.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the teleportation array flickered, and more than ten people came out of the teleportation array.

This is a group of strangers, supporters that Qi Xiaosheng has never seen, and there are even three martial gods among them.

Overjoyed in Qi Xiaosheng's heart, he immediately extracted the data and found that these three were the God of War in the Tianshui Pavilion, and the newly-supported God of War in the Tianshui Pavilion. His strength was not bad.

Three Tianshuige Wushen led twelve Wuzun and came to support.

"Li Canglan met three seniors." Li Canglan hurried over.

"Well, you are very good." The first martial **** named Yuan Kui immediately asked: "What's the situation, isn't the reincarnation in Tianlanyuan? Why did you come here again?"

"We were deceived. They were not a survival mission at all. They should be an annihilation mission. They had lost their wits before and cheated us." Li Canglan explained angrily, and said what Zi Xiaosheng said before. Again.

"There is still such a thing, a treacherous reincarnation." Yuan Kui's eyes flashed with a murder, and then said: "Then we will support the past now."

The three said aloud and rose directly into the air.

"Everyone, there are three martial gods leading the way, and all the later Wu Zun friends can also follow them together." Li Canglan immediately directed at the others.

"it is good."

Many Wu Zun are not waiting for to take off and catch up with Yuan Kui.

"Chief Li, the old man also took a step first." Qi Xiaosheng also arched his hand, directly into the sky, chasing Yuan Kui and others.

"Huh? Actually there is a new martial arts?" Yuan Kui felt Qi Xiaosheng's breath, looked back.

"Don't know, it should not be the seven super martial arts, nor the strong of the big school."

The three looked at each other and slowed down a little bit. After Qi Xiaosheng rushed in, he said, "Old man Yuan Kui, don't you know your surname is Gao Ming?"

"In the ancestor of the Xiarong family, before the war, by chance, advanced martial arts." Qi Xiaosheng quickly introduced.

"It turns out that there is a chance to fight. It seems that this time, your chances are good." Yuan Kui nodded slightly, revealing his admiration.

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