Invincible Scanning System

: 883th Act separately

Chapter 883

  Canglong, as many points as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, 200 points.

   All of a sudden, Qi Xiaosheng's points reached more than 300 points.

  Among them, 200 points came from Canglong, and the remaining 100 points came from pterosaurs and those Jurassic security personnel who were killed by him.

   As for the 500 points of task two, although the task is actually completed, it is not actually completed, because this task will not be really liquidated until the end of the reincarnation world.

  During this period, the loss of dinosaur cloning and gene editing data will make the task into an unfinished state again.

   Therefore, Qi Xiaosheng has not got the 500 points for task two.

   In addition, task 2 is not done by Qi Xiaosheng alone, and will definitely give Li Tie and Li Aniu some points.

  According to Qi Xiaosheng's speculation, Li Aniu and Li Tie will walk about 100-150 minutes.

   Qi Xiaosheng is calculated based on 150 points, so that Qi Xiaosheng's current points can be regarded as 650 points.

   "650 points.

   is killing Tyrannosaurus Rex, another 200 points, and then killing two or three velociraptors, it must be enough. "

  Qi Shengsheng smiled on his face, then relaxed, and gradually went to sleep.

   His strength was sealed, and the long-lost tiredness and sleepiness also appeared again.

   Around ten noon, Qi Xiaosheng woke up, opened his eyes, and saw Li Aniu and Li Tie at the first sight.

  The two old friends would not watch TV, play mobile phones, or dare to disturb the captain to rest, so this morning I was in a daze here.

   "Captain, you woke up."

  Li Tie found Qi Xiaosheng opened his eyes for the first time, and immediately showed his joy.


   Qi Xiaosheng sat up and asked, "How do you feel?"

   "I didn't hit the bone, just scratched the skin, rested for a day, and was able to move." Li Tie said immediately.

   Actually, although the bullet did not hit his bone, it also passed through the meat. The injury was not serious, but it was definitely not a minor injury.

   However, Li Tie is worried that he will be dragged down and will be abandoned, so he can only hold on.

   Qi Xiaosheng, of course, saw it, but he didn't break it.

   "Although, in task two, your points must be 100, but if you want to live in the main space, the more points, the better.

   This evening is a good opportunity.

   In the evening, I will act to hunt the Tyrannosaurus Rex. "

   "Captain, what can we do with it?" Li Tie immediately asked, and at the same time he gave a glance to Li Aniu.

   "Captain, if you don't say anything else, you can give me any effort," Li Aniu said quickly.

   "It's dangerous to kill Tyrannosaurus Rex. You two don't say the first time you touch the gun. There is another person who is injured, can't help me, and will become a drag." Qi Xiaosheng didn't worry about the feelings of the two, and told the truth.

   listened, and their faces were suddenly disappointed.

  They felt that Qi Xiaosheng was about to abandon the two.

   "However, if you don't follow me, it doesn't mean you don't do anything." Qi Xiaosheng turned around and made the two come back to God.

   "Captain, what can we do?"

  Li Tie asked for the first time.

   "When I went to kill Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus, the movement was not small, and it would definitely attract everyone's attention.

   At this time, you can take the opportunity to kill other dinosaurs.

   In this world, there are many herbivorous dinosaurs, the threat is not big, you can kill them. "

  Qi Xiaosheng turned on the TV while talking.

   As soon as the TV was turned on, a column dedicated to dinosaurs appeared. This is a customized column for the Jurassic world.

   Qi Xiaosheng searched and found several small herbivorous dinosaurs, detailed description of them on TV, and the area where they lived in the Jurassic world.

   This is a Jurassic world that is convenient for tourists to visit. It is a program specially organized and very user-friendly.

  At this moment, it became the teaching material for Qi Xiaosheng to teach Li Tie and Li Aniu.

   "Microceratops, small herbivorous dinosaurs, have a low threat, but a little faster speed, but they sleep at night, you can take advantage of the opportunity to hunt some.

   Stegosaurus has a larger body and strong defense, but the bullets can penetrate, they are slow, and hunting them is a good target, because your marksmanship is not very good, and for you, they are guns.

   III. Horned dragon, aggression is a bit more, you don’t want to go, just go straight when you encounter it.

  A dragon, strong defense, bullets are difficult to penetrate, leave directly when encountered, they will not actively attack you.


   Qi Xiaosheng was very patient and gave a detailed introduction.

   Li Tie and Li Aniu listened carefully.

   "Finally, I will leave it to you to use transportation."

  Qi Xiaosheng said while opening the video of the spherical tour bus on TV.

  The video explanation is also very clear. The most important point is that this car is an automatic wayfinding, automatic road navigation, as long as you speak the area, you can drive automatically.

  This is absolutely convenient for Li Te and Li Aniu.

   In addition, the defense of this spherical tour bus is also very good. In the original plot, the Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked for a long time before it was broken.

   After a long explanation, Qi Xiaosheng opened the package and began to distribute guns.

   machine gun, one per person, four magazines per person.

  The rest is for Qi Xiaosheng's own use.

  After distributing the weapons, Qi Xiaosheng went out again and got some food.

   Several people were fed and drunk, and the sky was dark.

   " Let's go."

  Qi Xiaosheng said while walking directly to the window and climbed down first.

   "Come down, don't worry about being discovered." Qi Xiaosheng said.

   The security of Jurassic World was solved by him and Tyrannosaurus Rex most of the time, and now, their goal is Tyrannosaurus Rex, and there is no manpower to deal with Qi Xiaosheng.

  Li Aniu listened and jumped from the second floor with Li Tie on his back.


   A dull noise appeared, Li Aniu landed on the ground very steadily, but Li Tie took a breath of breath, violently shaking, tearing his unhealed wound.

   "Huh, the body is really good enough."

   Qi Xiaosheng praised, and then took Li Aniu and Li Tie to the park passenger area.

In the passenger area, there are many spherical tour buses parked.

   Qi Xiaosheng rushed in, started one, and cracked the system, canceled the background operation permission of Jurassic Park, and then let Li Tie and Li Aniu sit in.

   "Remember me to speed you up, stop hunting at dawn, go to the place where it comes, and join me.".

   Qi Xiaosheng finally gave an order, and then watched Li Aniu and Li Tie leave in a star tour bus.

  After the two disappeared, Qi Xiaosheng opened a star tour bus, threw the backpack with guns and ammunition into it, and then cracked the system. He also took the star tour bus and went directly to the forest in front.

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