Invincible Scanning System

: 905th Control Genetic Engineering Company

Chapter 905

"Dead... dead?"

Aniu and others showed a look of consternation.

This is inconsistent with their plan.

"No, not dead. If we die, we should return."

Li Tie had one experience, and his brain was more flexible than A Niu, and he took the lead to react.

"Look, the flying wolf's eyes are still rolling, his chest is still rolling, and he is not dead."

Wang Li also discovered this after careful observation.

"Hey, the flying wolf's neck is moving."

Aniu discovered the strange thing for the first time.

When everyone looked at it immediately, they found that the position of the flying wolf's neck and the scales of the skin continued to creep, as if there was something inside.

"team leader."

"It must be the captain."


Everyone said in unison, and there was also joy on his face.

Puff puff.

Flying wolf's skin and scales kept creeping. When the army came, Qi Xiaosheng finally penetrated its leather armor and drilled out.

He stepped out, suddenly shaking, plopping, and fell to the ground.

"team leader."

Aniu hurried by, and helped Qi Xiaosheng.

Li Tie and others also came over, his face full of anxiety.

Qi Xiaoshen's appearance was too miserable. His body was covered with abscesses, and his skin seemed to be burned away. Not only that, but his arms were twisted and deformed.

This is caused by his use of eagle to catch the power, and then forcibly broke the spine of the flying wolf.

The flying wolf's spine was broken, and Qi Xiaosheng's hands were lost.

"Captain, you... your hands."

Aniu looked at Qi Xiaosheng's arms with shock.

His hands seem to be completely abolished.

"It's okay, after going back, the injury will recover."

Qi Xiaosheng didn't care.

For him, this injury is simply pediatric.

With the help of A Niu, Qi Xiaosheng stood up.

In front, the military vehicle has already driven.

"According to the plan."

Qi Xiaosheng ordered.

Aside, Li Tie immediately pulled Claire over.

"Know what to say."

Li Tie said nervously.

"As long as you can help me, I will cooperate." Claire said in a deep voice.

Claire was cruel, but she had a deep affection for her brother. Now, her disciples were taken down by Qi Xiaosheng and others as hostages.

Secondly, the data of genetic engineering research violent pharmacy is in the hands of Qi Xiaosheng and others. Without cooperation, she will go to jail for life.

Third, Claire also heard that Qi Xiaosheng and others will help her continue to study the violent pharmacy and will not ask for patents.

For the third point, Claire did not believe it, but she had no choice now.

Soon, the military came.

Claire walked over on high heels.

She has been in a high position for many years, she is very popular, and she is also very cruel.

"You guys are late."

Instead, Claire took the lead.

"You as soldiers, holding the high taxes paid by our genetic engineering company, did not protect our company and the people of Chicago.

Instead, the security guard I hired killed all three violent beasts. "

Claire took the lead and took a bite.

"Humph, don't think we don't know the origin of the violent beast."

The officer snorted coldly, and at the same time glanced at the back, a sharp light radiated from his eyes.

"Do you have any evidence? If you don't have evidence, you will frame it indiscriminately. Be careful. I will go to the court and tell you to frame it." Claire did not give in at all.

"Then you better not let us find evidence."

The officer looked sluggish, and finally snorted coldly, no longer ignoring Claire, but ordered to blockade the scene.

Soon, Qi Xiaosheng and others were invited out, and more ambulances arrived to start treating the wounded.

Qi Xiaosheng was also taken to a private hospital for medical treatment.

The matter came to an end, Qi Xiaosheng gave orders in the hospital, and the rest of the team was done by the members of the team.

Of course, in the hospital, Qi Xiaosheng was not idle.

He took the genetic engineering data and began to collate and study the materials of the violent pharmacy.

Outside, Qi Xiaosheng ordered Wang Li and Aniu to ‘protect’ Claire to prevent her from making any small moves.

Wang Li is smart enough, A Niu's skill is good enough, the two men "one article and one martial arts", the cooperation is just right.

Li Tie and Wang Li are responsible for guarding Claire's younger brother.

The time flickered and seven days passed.

Claire reached cooperation with the military.

Don’t look at the military’s heavy casualties this time, but it also shows them the power of this weapon.

This time at home, the data of the violent behemoth has not been leaked. The fundamental way of outsiders is that the violent behemoth belongs to the attack of the genetic engineering company, which has completely become an unsolved mystery.

Without revealing the secret, the genetic engineering company simply cooperated with the military.

Funded by the military, the genetic engineering company continued to develop violent beasts.

Flying wolf, as the only living violent beast, became the research data of this time.

The corpses of giant crocodiles and wild apes were also quietly transported to genetic engineering companies and provided for research.

The secret test continued.

This time, it was not in space, but in a secret base provided by the military. The base was surrounded by troops to prevent the monster from fleeing again.

Half a month later, Qi Xiaosheng arrived in the new laboratory in a wheelchair.

In the laboratory, the flying wolf was confined in a glass room, and a robotic arm was stared above his spine, which was regularly destroyed every day.

The flying wolf has a strong resilience, because it incorporates the gecko's genes, it can be regenerated when the hands and feet are broken, the spine is broken, and it can grow quickly. It can be recovered in one day.

So every day, the wolf's spine must be re-pierced once.

Around the flying wolf, many researchers are extracting its blood.

The powerful flying wolf has now become a miserable experiment.

Qi Xiaosheng watched it and said to Claire beside him: "A batch of violent pharmacy has been produced. Don't continue to produce this defective product.

You produce this. "

Qi Xiaosheng said while taking out a data hard drive.

"Is this?" Claire looked puzzled, looking at Qi Xiaosheng sitting in a wheelchair, wrapped in gauze like a mummy.

For Qi Xiaosheng, Claire's heart was full of fear.

It was this man who killed her three violent beasts. At the same time, the injury was so severe that it was like no one else. This kind of powerful strength and mentality is simply not human. understood. "Qi Xiaosheng Road.

Claire appeared suspicious and immediately asked the researchers to come over.

When the researchers came, they didn't care at first, but when they opened the computer to watch, they immediately opened their eyes.

"what is this?"

"John, what's the fuss about?"

"Quickly, this is a violent potion. No, this is a perfect quality violent potion. He claimed to have solved the mad growth problem of violent potion."

"Who's it? It's another essay."

"No? I think it makes sense."


Soon, the researchers in the laboratory all gathered around, and after looking at them one by one, they were all surprised.

"Quickly prepare materials and conduct experiments."

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