Invincible Scanning System

: 921st Transformed into "Wei No. 1"?

Chapter 921

Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan nodded slightly.

This is indeed the case.

They have even seen cornices walking on the walls, and they have seen the cracked stones in their flesh. What science is needed?

Zhou Tao looked enviously at this futuristic, super-concept sports car with envious faces, but Li Yuanyuan aside frowned.

"This car is very cool, but it's too high-profile, it is not the current product of the earth's civilization at a glance." Li Yuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Don't I just show you off just now." Li Yiyi smiled, and then he didn't speak this time, and directly ordered the idea.

In the Pacific Rim World, mechas use neuron connection to control and do not need language at all. After Qi Xiaosheng's improvement, even the neuron connection line was omitted, but the spiritual power of the martial world was used to connect.

A mecha, with the mental strength of a person, will only obey the orders of one person.

At the next moment, the concept supercar of the future era changes again, like mercury is flowing. Soon, this car changes again and becomes a bright red Ferrari.

"He can also change his shape at will, much like Transformers.

Before coming in, I stored a few samples for him. "

Li Yiyi said.

"Although it is still very high-profile, at least it is much better than before." Li Yuanyuan nodded.

As she spoke, she walked towards the "Unique". She just came to the door, and the door slammed open.

She sat straight up, her face flushed with excitement.

"Qua, you can finally use the mech, I tried it in my room before."

As she said, the "Unique" made a car-like roar.

Of course, this is simulated.

The power source of the "Unique" comes from the Ark reactor, but it is not fuel oil. During operation, it is very quiet and there is no noise at all.

"Captain, what about you?"

Zhou Tao then looked at Qi Xiaosheng and others.

"I will come too."

Wang Li also smiled.

Mecha has been around for a long time, and everyone wants to try it.

So, Wang Li also took out the mecha, which was also fortunate for the dangerous wanderers, but Wang Li's mecha was much lower-key, and the blue energy light band was not obvious at all, all inside the metal plate armor.

Low-key, hidden, but has the power of terrifying violent.

This is the feeling of Wang Li's mech.

"My mech is called Ali, named after me." Wang Li said with a smile.

She is not a show-off, but at the moment she took out the mech and saw Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan's eyes, but she couldn't help but smirk.

Introduced, she also issued an order, the mecha changed, and became a certain BMW 5 hi car.

"Hey, it's my turn."

Li Aniu also came out, and thought to communicate the ring, releasing his mech.

A Niu's mechs are like his people. They are all huge plate armor, and their physique is a circle larger than those of others. They are six stories high, giving a sense of domineering power.

"Well, my mech is called Daniel."

Li Aniu introduced his mech, and everyone around the mouth twitched.

"With such a domineering mecha, I thought it would be called Ba Tian, ​​Yu Tian or something, actually called Daniel." Zhou Tao helped the amount, ruining the appearance of good things.

Li Aniu scratched his scalp and said, "I can't think of a good name. I think it's good. My name is Aniu. He's called Daniu. At first glance, he is a family."

"Okay, don't worry about A Niu, he has a big brain and no words in his mind." Li Tie threw A Niu's strong chest into a punch, and then released his own armor, his armor appeared Some are moderate, higher than Wang Li's, and low-key than Li Yiyi. At the same time, there is no dominance of A Niu Mech.

Li Tie's mech is exactly what the dangerous wanderer looks like, with no change.

"My mech is called "steel", how is it?" Li Tiedao.

The corners of everyone's lips twitched, and it seems that'steel' is not much better than'Daniel'.

Li Tie does not have this kind of consciousness, thinking that the name is good.

The next moment, the mech of him and Aniu changed.

Aniu's mecha was transformed into an Hummer of unknown model. For this, Aniu was not clear. It was just seen in the movie materials. It felt good and was recorded in the mecha system as the material for the transformation.

Li Tie's mech is an SUV, almost the same, all found in the movie database.

After all, both of them are ancients and have no concept of cars.

Everyone was ready, and then saw Qi Xiaosheng at the same time.

Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan were also extremely curious.

You know, these mechas are designed and manufactured by the captain, and they are already very powerful. So isn’t the captain’s mecha more powerful and more terrifying?

However, Qi Xiaosheng didn't release his mecha, and instead sat directly on A Niu's Hummer.

"Aniu, take me for a ride."

Qi Xiaosheng Road.


Aniu nodded and agreed.

Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan saw that Qi Xiaosheng did not mean to release the mecha, and suddenly showed a deep disappointment.

"Okay, act quickly."

Qi Xiaosheng ordered.

Although Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan were very disappointed in their hearts, they did not dare to force them and had to sit in the BMW 5 Series of Wang Li.

Looking at the envy and disappointment of the two, Wang Li smiled slightly, and launched the "Ali" while saying, "Don't envy, you know, here is the Transformers world, also has a very high profile technology. civilization.

If you perform well, maybe the captain will be happy, and he will build a mech for both of you.

In addition, even if the captain does not do it for you, you can also use points to buy, from the reincarnation of the main god, or from the captain. "

Wang Li still remembers that Qi Xiaosheng made eight mechas, four of which were given to them, and four were left.

At least three of these four mechas are for sale.

Of course, the captain did not say, and she did not disclose the matter.

"Really." Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan glanced at each other, and they both looked forward to it.

But soon, the two lowered their heads again.

Have an excellent performance? However, this is the Transformers world, or the difficulty of nightmares, the enhanced world, how can they perform well?

"Hopefully, in case it is realized?"

Wang At this time, everyone drove the car and walked through an underground passage into the city.

At this moment, everyone saw an old Comoros driving quickly. When this Comoros was driving, Li Yiyi's "unique number" suddenly sounded an alarm.

"Captain, it's not good. Bumblebee just scanned my "Unique Number."

Li Yiyi's expression changed dramatically, and he quickly reported.

"No, this is the original plot, the Hornet changed from the old second-generation Camaro to the new one." Wang Li also woke up suddenly.

"It scanned the "Unique Number", wouldn't it become the "Unique Number?" Li Yiyi said immediately.

"Relax, it's just mechanical life, and it can't become the'unique number' of symbiosis between flesh and machinery.

It's just that he can't change, and he will definitely find the problem, so let's leave quickly. "

Commanded Qi Xiaosheng's expression unchanged.

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