Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 484: Two princes

Lan Yue had a full body, long legs, and a jade-white pretty face with a look of astonishment.

She has always heard that Qin Feng is very powerful, and now she is even more surprised to see the strength of the other party.

Lan Qi is the arrogant of their prince Lan Family. Although he is not very old, his cultivation has reached the Sixth Heaven of Wuxiang. This kind of strength is everywhere in the imperial city, and few of them can match it.

But it was such a person like a Tianjiao who was beaten into the lake by the opponent when he met Qin Fenggang.

In addition, Qin Feng's expression was as calm as water, and even his long black hair did not blow a bit. This was enough to see that the punch he just made did not use his fist, but was very relaxed and freehand.

In this way, it seems to be worthy of intriguing. Shenzhao's strength in the fifth heaven, crossed ten small realms, and flew Lan Qi with one punch. Such a means of shooting is highly talented and scary!

The difference between Qin Feng and Lan Qi is like the difference between heaven and earth, like Yinghuo and Haoyue!

If it were the enemy, I am afraid that Lan Qi was killed in the bombardment with just one punch!

At this moment, Huxin Pavilion was silent, these arrogances were all fierce people, and their eyes were full of wildness, focusing on Qin Feng's body.

"Fuck, was it Lan Qi who was beaten up just now?"

There were also people by the lake who spotted the young people who had been beaten by Qin Feng. They all showed strange gazes. Just now, Qin Feng had both witnessed Master Zhang flying, and now he was Li Lanqi. This shocked everyone!

"Brother Qin is really amazing."

Lan Yue smiled and complimented. She had bright eyes and white teeth, and she had a special temperament full of allure.

"Nothing, just so-so."

Qin Feng also smiled. Tianjiao's event said it was a banquet, but inevitably, it was just an appetizer.

Qin Feng glanced around randomly, and saw everything in his eyes. He felt that there were more than a dozen people stronger than Lanqi here.

Moreover, among those dozens of jewels, there are some people who are not only gorgeous, they are also supernatural and possess powerful methods.

Of course, Qin Feng wasn't unmoved at all. In his opinion, a monk in the state of no phase was just a chicken dog, even if it was a divine body, it was nothing more than a little extra effort.

At this moment, Qin Feng saw Jin Ye not far away, and he immediately became happy.

Not long ago, he had fought against Jin Ye and suppressed the opponent strong and domineering.

Jin Ye's heart was shaken, his feelings were even worse than others. Strictly speaking, Qin Feng's participation in this event only took a short period of time to suppress the three Tianjiaos. Such strength is terrifying!

"Huh, why are you here?"

Qin Feng smiled, he came to Jin Ye's side, stretched out his arm very familiarly, and held Jin Ye's shoulder.

This action made Jin Ye feel frightened. He was very afraid that Qin Feng would raise his hand and suppress him again.

"Haha, Brother Qin is lucky to meet."

Jin Ye's expression was very unnatural, and his cultivation was in the Sixth Heaven without phase. In the past, he dared to say that he was not afraid of anyone in the same rank.

However, at this time, he was crushed by Qin Feng across more than a dozen small realms, and his self-confidence was greatly affected.

"Does Brother Qin know Jin Shizi too?"

Seeing this scene, the seven prince Yanyun suddenly lit up. As one of the eight prince families of the imperial city, the Jin family was one of the two vacillating princes. It was Yanyun who wanted to win over the object.

This striker destroyed the Duanmu family and was also one of the vacillating princes. Now, Qin Feng has destroyed the Duanmu family. As the existence behind the Duanmu family, he has received news that the opponent is likely to support the second Prince!

"Yes, we two know each other."

Qin Feng smiled, his arms tightened a little, and Jin Ye's heart trembled immediately, and he nodded his head again and again, with a strong smile on his face.

At this time, someone told Lanyue that another distinguished guest had arrived.

"Everyone, let me be out of company."

Lanyue rose from the sky for the first time. As the host, she took the maid and entourage to greet another distinguished guest.

Qin Feng and the others took their seats, picked up a glass of wine, and sip a few symbolically, while Jin Ye was sitting not far from Qin Feng. People who didn't know thought how good the relationship between the two was.

Soon, Lan Yue took a few people back to her emptiness and landed in the courtyard of the Huxin Pavilion.

There was one person in the front, with dragons and tiger steps, a golden silk dancing, and his burly body was full of powerful divine power, a spirit of being the only one in the sky and the earth.

As this person appeared, Qin Feng found that Yan Yun's eyes shrank slightly, and even the palm of the wine glass was tightened.

Upon seeing this, Qin Feng immediately knew the identity of the person who came, so that Yan Yun would care so much, and the person who let Lan Yue take the initiative to greet him would be the second prince of the Great Yan Kingdom!

However, what makes it strange is that Yan Yun is a black hair, and the second prince is full of blond hair. If you want to come to the other party, he must have practiced some sacred exercises that caused the hair to change. .

The second prince and others descended on the courtyard in the center of the lake, and instantly those extremely sharp eyes swept across Yan Yun and Qin Feng.

Suddenly, there was a strong momentum radiating out, and the momentum of the entire lake courtyard was instantly cold. Some of the maids who were serving here trembled slightly, and the second prince was so powerful that it was shocking!

"It's the second prince Yanyu!"

Ouyang Xue whispered to Qin Feng, she had collected a lot of information for Qin Feng in the past few days in the imperial city, and she recognized Yan Yu in an instant.

After the guests were seated, Yanyu became the center of this place, and the other princes and children of Tianjiao all focused their attention on Yan Yun.

Even dozens of other jewels are also dedicated to Yanyu.

The second prince Yanyu is not only a distinguished person, but also an extremely powerful person. He directly overwhelms the guests and sits on the main seat. He is obviously only a guest, but like the owner of this place, very natural!

Although the Blue Moon family supported Yan Yun, the Seventh Prince, they did not dare to refute Yan Yu's face.

The others around him also acquiesced in such a thing. The second prince Yanyu was noble. In many people's minds, he would be the master of Yanbei in the future.

The second prince's posture, unscrupulous and powerful, made his heart tremble, and naturally no one would dare to ruin his face.

"The second prince can come here, it is really to make the heroes of the palace flourish, I will respect the second prince."

"Second prince, wise and martial, I am afraid that no one here can compare with you, I will do it first."

The Tianjiao disciples here all toast to the second prince Yanyu, which is very useful to the second prince Yanyu.

Here, only Qin Feng and the people he brought were not moved.

Even when Jin Ye wanted to raise the wine glass, Qin Feng just gave him a faint look, making Jin Ye feel guilty, almost unable to hold the wine glass in his hand.

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