Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 488: Do you want to teach me to do things too?

In the courtyard at the heart of the lake, some Tianjiao monks who had a good relationship with Fang Nian had surprisingly consistent movements.

They all swept away and flew towards Fang Nian's location, very afraid that Fang Nian would fall directly here.

Even the second prince Yanyu had her pupils contracted, and Qin Feng's strength made him feel threatened!

Tianjiao Fangnian's father is the prince of the Great Yan Kingdom, with many warriors under his command and extremely powerful.

Even his father Yanhuang had to sell him a bit of thin noodles, if Fang Nian really died, it would definitely cause the other party to be extremely angry!

But sensitive people also know that this is also an opportunity for the second prince, which will undoubtedly push Fang Houye to the second prince's side.

Because many people think that Qin Feng belongs to Yanyun's side. Qin Feng killed the Fang family's elder son, so it is bound to be considered by Fang Houye that it is inseparable from Yanyun, and the Yanyun family will definitely inherit Fanghouye Thunder Fury!

Lan Yue Ruofeng danced for nine days, her posture was extremely beautiful. When she came to the top of the ruins and saw Fang Nian lying in the ruins, her heart suddenly sank.

Fang Nian's qi and blood were sluggish, and the whole body's true qi was lost. Although he still breathed, he was only half-life left.

She hurriedly took out a healing pill from the space she was in and ate it for Fang Nian.

With Lanyue's fingertips pointing and dissolving the medicinal power of the pill, Fang Nian woke up with a painful grunt.

However, this pill can only protect Fang Nian's heart, but it cannot restore him to his previous realm of strength.

Moreover, Lan Yue knows a little about medicine, he thinks that the other party will be cured, and he can only become a **** that even ordinary people can't compare!

"how can!"

The dialect slumped to the ground, and he was defeated by Qin Feng with one move. It was not the thing that broke him the most.

He could clearly feel that the energy in his body was dissipating, and he could no longer gather together. All this showed that the blow of Qin Feng just now turned him into a useless person!

And he was afraid that he would never be able to step into the field of practice anymore, let alone reach the realm he is now.

Fang Nian was limp to the ground, he was extremely embarrassed, his eyes were distraught, his heart was ashen, he looked like a living dead.

"Brother Fang, don't be sad, there must be a way to recover you."

Lan Yue looked at the dialect with a complicated expression, she didn't know how to comfort the wounded in front of her.

This once domineering and supremely qualified Tianjiao has become a useless person, which is really embarrassing.

The cause of this incident was all because Fang Nian wanted to get ahead, arrogantly provoked Qin Feng, but ended up like this, which made people horrified.

"Qin Feng, you abolished Fang Shizi, you are antagonizing the entire Fang family!"

At this time, a Tianjiao who had a good relationship with Fang Nian scolded him, Fang Nian was distinguished and his father was a prince.

Master Fang Hou has devoted his endless efforts to Fang Nian, and now he has become a useless person. He is afraid that he will explode with terrible anger, and his cultivation is strong enough to the realm of Master Fang Hou, and the entire imperial city will arouse the sky. storm!

"Do you want to teach me how to do things?"

Qin Feng's expression was extremely calm. He stared at the monk who spoke. He abolished the Fang family son of the eight great princes, without any panic or fear.

In Qin Feng's view, Fang Nian is not even a stepping stone on his path to success!

As for the other party's father Fang Houye, if he irritated himself, he wouldn't mind razing the entire Fang family to the ground!

As Qin Feng's voice fell, the young Tianjiao cultivator's face turned red. He stared at the front, and there was killing intent surging in his eyes.

However, when he thought of the fate of the entourage He Fang Nian not long ago, he was frightened and couldn't help himself.

The person in front of him is the saint son of the Suzaku Holy Land, a peerless murderous man. The opponent is unbridled and ruthless, and he doesn't care about the identity of others at all. If he angers the opponent, he will definitely not end well.

This Tianjiao opened his mouth speechlessly, but in the end he couldn't let out any cruel words. He stood dingy among the crowd and stepped back.

This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing scene. However, none of the other monks present dared to look down upon him. After all, he dared to speak for Fang Nian, which is regarded as the friendship between friends. It is not worth the loss to fight back.

As for the others, they didn't even dare to say a word for Fang Nian, so how could their face laugh at him?

"Since you don't want to, then go away."

Qin Feng squinted at the other party and said coldly, not to mention the young man in front of him, even if it was Yan Yu, he didn't take it seriously.

The second prince Yanyu's cultivation reached half of the domain of the princes, and he was called the wizard of the imperial city, and was a powerful divine body.

Since the birth of the second prince Yanyu, he has been dazzling. He is a natural **** in the Great Yan Kingdom. Many living fossils believe that Yanyu's success can surpass his father Yanhuang!

"Qin Feng, you are so courageous, even if you are the saint son of the Suzaku Holy Land, you should not act like this!"

The golden hair of the second prince Yanyu was flowing with brilliance. His aura was extremely outstanding, surrounded by terrifying light, like a **** looking forward.

"Are you accusing me?"

Qin Feng was suspended in the air, his golden eyes, looking down at the second prince below, his expression extremely cold.

"This is the imperial city of my country Yan, I can't tolerate you being presumptuous here!"

The second prince Yanyu was angry, and his fighting power was extremely powerful. He was in the state of half-step princes. The younger generation was not afraid of anyone. There was the emperor's dragon qi intertwined all over his body, and his strength was far above Yanyun.

"You have too much control, don't think that as the second prince, I dare not kill you!"

Qin Feng slowly landed from the midair. He came to the courtyard, ready to turn his face.

"Second brother, don't worry! There may be room for discussion on this matter."

At this moment, Yan Yun knew that he couldn't remain silent any longer, the light in his eyes was radiant, and he stepped forward and said.

He knew that Qin Feng was a very powerful pill king, capable of refining the quasi-immortal pill, and if the opponent was willing to refining the healing sacred pill, he could restore Fang Nian to his previous realm.

In his opinion, although Qin Feng's combat effectiveness is extremely extraordinary, there is still a slight gap compared with his second brother.

The second prince Yanyu was young, and his cultivation was in the realm of half-step princes. His strength was extremely powerful. When an ordinary monk met him, he would die.

Even the older generation's famous masters, at the same level, Yan Yu can beat them one by one without losing the slightest.

The most astonishing thing in the rumors is that the second prince Yanyu, who first entered the realm of princes, killed four princes and identified his invincible capital, and indeed possessed the aptitude to watch the world and dominate me!

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