Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 499: Princes triple heaven

Qin Feng's reputation has been circulating in the imperial city recently. Fang Hongyuan believes that the other party's outstanding qualifications will be a major problem for the Great Yan Kingdom in the future. If it is resolved at this moment, it will be a solution to the worries!

"You don't need to be nervous, just let him come and die."

Qin Feng stood there unmoved, his eyes were very calm, since the other party was directed at him, as long as he was killed, everything would be resolved.

Qin Feng's words fell, and all around him, all eyes swept over, and countless people were stunned!

What's happening here? Could it be that Qin Feng still has the confidence to defeat Lord Fang Hou?

You know, the other party is a prince of the imperial city, the strength is extremely outstanding, and at the strongest peak!

Fang Hongyuan was not an ordinary monk, even among the princes in the imperial city, he was very powerful, and he was extremely famous among the elders.

Even Yan Yun Lanyue and the others were stunned when they heard the words. They heard Qin Feng's voice mean that they were going to challenge Hou Ye Fang Hongyuan!

"Boy, since you are rushing to find death, I will fulfill you!"

Fang Hongyuan was furious. Originally, because he was the saint son of Vermillion Bird Holy Land, he was a little concerned about Vermilion Bird Holy Land and planned to only abolish it. At this moment, he was murderous!

In Qin Feng's eyes, two sharp cold lights suddenly shot out. He looked directly at Hou Ye Fang Hongyuan, and said, "Well, do you want to die like that?"

As soon as Qin Feng said this, everyone around him suddenly twitched.

Qin Feng unexpectedly rushed in front of Lord Fang Hou, saying this, I have to say that he is indeed courageous! !

Just wanting Master Hou Fang Hongyuan to die too, it must be a terrifying existence in the realm of princes.

"Fuck, Qin Feng's strength is indeed very strong, you can only tell from defeating the second prince just now, but the opponent Hou Ye is so rude, is this too presumptuous?"

"Qin Feng's mouth is too stinky, I don't know how to converge, I'm afraid I kicked the iron plate this time!"

The onlookers around could no longer remain calm. Lord Hou Fang Hongyuan is a real vassal. Just ask the people present, who would dare to be so presumptuous to him?

Some cultivators who didn't deal with Qin Feng sneered in their hearts, and Qin Feng dared to speak like this, there was only a dead end!

"Qin Feng, are you talking in Lord Benhou?"

Fang Hongyuan's face was gloomy. He was here for revenge. The other party injured his son, making him extremely angry.

However, at this moment, the other party faced him without the slightest intention, which made his heart angry, and the other party was really arrogant and didn't know what death was!

"Old dog, of course I am talking to you."

The clouds on Qin Feng's face were light and breezy. He faced Fang Hongyuan without fear.

Everyone present was messed up in the wind. The dignified Yan Kingdom Imperial City, one of the eight princely families, was actually called an old dog, so they didn't know what to do.

"Qin Feng, don't be careless, Lord Fang Hou is extremely powerful. Among the eight princely families, his strength is also at the forefront, which should not be underestimated!"

Yan Yun was shocked, his face changed in an instant, and he hurriedly transmitted to Qin Feng, saying that Qin Feng had just won the battle against Yan Yu, and he must have been really angry at this time.

Even if he has the strength to kill the princes, I am afraid that he will be defeated by Fang Hongyuan because of his true strength!

"What are you afraid of? It's just a trivial prince, a triple heaven. With such an existence, I have killed more than one."

Qin Feng smiled faintly. He motioned to the distant Suzaku and others not to lean over. He rose again from the sky, only a hundred meters away from Fang Hongyuan.

In the face of Fang Hongyuan, who was in the third heaven of the princes, Qin Feng was not afraid. He had strong self-confidence in himself, although he was worn out a bit in the battle with the second prince.

However, as a divine body, his divine power is enduring for a long time, and his energy has been restored for most of the rest time!


Qin Feng opened his mouth and inhaled, countless energies from the heavens and the earth gathered towards him. The God King Sea behind him instantly swallowed all the energies and eliminated the mottled impurities, and he stood in a powerful field again!


Suddenly, the sound of the shackles breaking open sounded. After this battle with the second prince, Qin Feng did not break the mirror and directly promoted to the realm of Shenzhao Sixth Heaven.

His true energy returned, and he stood on the Sixth Heaven of Shenzhao, his strength was even stronger!

"Come on, kill you!"

Qin Feng squinted at Fang Hongyuan not far away, and his mouth curled up with a cold arc. At this moment, his strength was even higher. The existence of the vassal realm was no longer enough for him!

Unless this Lord Fang Hou, like the second prince Yanyu, was an invincible divine body with deep capital, that would make Qin Feng care a little bit.

However, it was obvious that even if the other party was a divine body, he was far from being able to compare with Yan Yu, and their aptitudes were very different.

Of course, but in terms of strength, Fang Hongyuan's strength is obviously better than Yan Yun. The reason is that the iron-blooded murderous aura he has around him is extremely astonishing. This is the astonishing murderous aura he has brewed over the years. If it is in essence, it is generally very powerful.

"Junior, you **** it!"

Fang Hongyuan's icy voice came, he attacked fiercely and rushed directly to Qin Feng, his whole body aura, as if he wanted to swallow human souls in.

"Old dog with the surname Fang, don't bark arbitrarily, Lord will teach you how to be a man!"

Qin Feng said in a leisurely manner, his face didn't show the slightest fear, and Fang Hongyuan suddenly became even more furious when these words came out.

In him, blood-colored murderous auras were intertwined, and he instantly moved towards Qin Feng, his murderous auras being extremely pressing.


Fang Hongyuan dived, his palms showing **** brilliance, grabbing downwards, there were bursts of sharp wind breaking in the sky.

This is the real qi and blood, intertwined in mid-air, bursting out dazzling light, it is extremely intriguing.

Qin Feng was not afraid, he was in the air, his eyes flickered, and he struck the sky with his foot on the counter-xian step.


The light of the sun was flowing in his palm, and he used the sun fist to slam each other's palms. Between the two of them, various **** patterns erupted, and the void erupted like a volcano, erupting with surging impact!

Fang Hongyuan's cultivation base was stronger and deeper, but Qin Feng's divine power was stronger. Under the bombardment of the two, in the physical competition, both sides were evenly matched, and they all flew out.

This scene undoubtedly did not shock Fang Hongyuan's heart to the extreme. He was a dozen or so small realms higher than Qin Feng, and the opponent was strong enough in the physical realm, almost immortal, and could be evenly divided with him, it was terrifying!

He believes that if the opponent is in the same situation as himself, he is afraid that he can be crushed by a finger!

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