Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 506: Dark Night Demon

"It's the Dark Night Demon of Nanling!"

Ye Qingcheng's heart jumped, and she recognized the person's figure.

When she was in the Killer God Dynasty, she had come into contact with all kinds of intelligence, and the incoming people were shrouded in gray mist, but that kind of aura, all showing the identity of the other party, is the Dark Night Demon in Nanling!

According to legend, the Dark Night Demon Lord, whose meritorious deeds are good fortune, is a powerful demon. The other party has made countless tragic cases of exterminating the door, which has made him famous.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually came to the Vermillion Bird Mansion and wanted to kill Qin Feng, which made her feel terrified, knowing who could invite the Dark Night Demon!

"What? It turned out to be the Dark Night Demon Lord!"

"Why did the Dark Night Demon Lord come to us?"


Some elders in Suzaku Holy Land heard this, their pupils shrank instantly, the atmosphere in the field was extremely solemn, the world was shaking, and it was almost suffocating for people to depress.

The Dark Night Demon has a terrible reputation. According to rumors, he has extreme speed and is extremely good at harassment. He is a notorious villain.

Many holy places, who have eaten Dark Night Demon Venerable, have suffered losses, because the opponent's speed is too fast, and those who went to kill him were all killed by the opponent, so until the end, the opponent was still at large.

"Black Night Demon Lord, the Son of the Suzaku Holy Land has not offended you, why did you attack and kill the Son of Our Holy Land?"

Jura frowned, and a powerful aura lingered around him, staring at the Dark Night Demon in the sky.

At this time, Zhu Luo's cultivation was fully restored and he was already in the intangible realm. However, in such a realm, facing the Dark Night Demon Lord, there was no room to fight back.

"To tell you the truth, Yan Yu is my apprentice. He is so outstanding and an important **** for me to control the Great Yan Kingdom in the future, but he was actually abolished by you. Have you ever offended me?"

Dark Night Demon Lord, murderous, with an extremely vicious smile, his invisible killing thought turned into a peerless edge, and the awe-inspiring heroes could not speak.

"What? There is such a thing?!"

Zhu Luo and the others were all shocked when they heard this. The evil-doing Dark Night Demon was delusional to control the entire Great Yan Kingdom. If such a person controls a country, it would be a waste of life!

However, the cultivation base of the second prince has reached half a step in the realm of the princes, and the strength is unmatched, and he is almost equal to the Dark Night Demon.

I'm afraid that even if the second prince is not abolished by Qin Feng, the other party's plan will fail!

"Bad me good deeds, I will send you on the road today!"

The killing thought of the Dark Night Demon Lord turned into a peerless edge, pointing directly to the origin of people, and the temperature in the sky plummeted, like the winter is coming, there are black snowflakes floating in the sky, it is the killing thought transformed by true energy!

"call out!"

Qin Feng frowned, and he raised his hand to hit the sky, the sun's true energy transformed into a gorgeous palm wind, and the sun's breath came out.

With a move of the huge palm, it turned into a grinding disc, shook into the sky, blocking the invisible killing thought.

"Puff puff!"

If the black snow meets boiling magma, it will melt instantly, and there will be continuous noises in the sky, and terrible divine power sweeps across all directions.

The sun's true energy, the stubborn to the yang, countered the invisible killing thought of the Dark Night Lord. Such a piece of peerless edge was wiped out by Qin Feng and resolved such a terrifying killing force!

The two of them are two extremes, the Dark Night Demon Lord has a murderous intent, and the whole body is extremely cold, like a terrifying murderous soldier.

However, Qin Feng was just reaching the sun, and his whole body was as gorgeous as the sun, blooming with a fierce and domineering aura, and there was a general trend that swept the world.

However, Qin Feng was a little suspicious that the true qi of the Dark Night Demon is a dark attribute, and the second prince Yanyu's true qi is sacred and magnificent. Can this person really cultivate the second prince Yanyu, such a powerful master?

"Qin Feng, don't think that you are from the ancient Qin clan. If you win Yanyu, you can be my opponent. I want you to know what immortal inheritance is!"

The aura of the Dark Night Demon Venerable became more and more tyrannical, his murderous intent was revealed, and the black true energy condensed into a killing sword, flowing out a terrifying aura.

Some low-level monks below couldn't help their bodies being convulsed, and they almost knelt down on the ground. The aura was so powerful that their blood seemed to have stopped.

"An immortal heritage?"

Qin Feng frowned slightly when he heard the words, he couldn't care about other things, and the vision of the **** king all over him instantly enveloped and became extremely bright.

The Absolute Immortal Sword flows out of the sun in his palm, he is as bright as a round of sun, and the Suzaku swordsmanship strikes directly forward!


There was a thunder explosion in the void, Qin Feng's Absolute Immortal Sword collided with the killing sword in the opponent's hand, and the terrible sword sound pierced the golden cracked stone. The sword light made people's souls about to collapse.

Both of them are full of sword auras, black and gold sword lights are everywhere, and the terrifying power sweeps across the ten directions, blowing in a whirlwind of real power, and shattering all the tangible qualities they encounter!


The Dark Night Demon screamed, the black killing sword in his hand tore the void, under his roar, the sky was shaking, and the countless buildings below suddenly popped out a few meters wide cracks. The spread of power is terrifying.

In the imperial city of Dayan Kingdom, half of the city was shocked, and countless people and monks were all awakened.

Their gazes were no exception, they all looked at the mansion where Qin Feng was in horror, the location of the original Xia family!

"what happened?"

"Why is the Xia family messed up again? No, it should be the Vermilion Bird Mansion."

The awakened people all talked a lot. Someone opened the door and stood on the roof of their home, looking into the distance.

The power spreading out there was terrifying, and the two of them rushed into the sky with their supernatural powers, exerting all their power to the extreme.

The terrifying sword glow fluctuated in divine power, and even the void was split in half, spreading out countless large cracks, filled with a very terrible aura, as if it was about to break the world.

The black sword light and the golden Suzaku swordsmanship have become eternal between heaven and earth, black and gold, covering everything between heaven and earth, making the imperial city of the Great Yan Kingdom become awed and distinct.

This stunning sword light shook the world, and the entire imperial city was shrouded in loud noises, awakening half of the capital of Yan State.

"Nima, it's terrible!"

"If you don't go to bed so late, can you let people live?"

"I want to fight outside the city..."

Countless people grumbled with dissatisfaction. Of course, they didn't dare to run to the two of them and yelled. Otherwise, they would anger them, for fear that they would be slapped into flesh with a palm.

The divine power fluctuations that spread over the Vermilion Bird Mansion also shook the Great Yan State Palace. In the palace hall, holding the Emperor Yan above it, looking down at the Seven Sons below, a terrible murderous aura appeared in his eyes!

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