Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 518: Ouchi master

"Those who block me die!"

Qin Feng stepped on the immortal step and swept across the sky with the ultimate sword in his hand. The terrifying sword aura pierced through the nine heavens, and even the sky was trembling, unable to bear the sword aura, spreading endless waves.

A splendid light flashed across the heavens and the earth, and Qin Feng's Absolute Immortal Sword unleashed a terrifying killing force!

"Fuck, what is that?"

"A **** bird!"

"Is it a Suzaku?"


Many monks near the imperial city were stunned. They were shocked when they looked at the brilliant figure in front of Qin Feng, and made noises again and again.

I saw a divine bird in front of Qin Feng, flowing with terrifying divine light, illuminating the night sky with amazing power!


The middle-class weapon of the earth fairy, Feng Wu Jiutian was used by Qin Feng. Under the blessing of the nine prohibitions, the power was extremely powerful, and the huge phoenix flowed out of destruction to gain aura, like a fairy coming to the world.

The eight great masters have formed a spear formation, and they unite together to attack the formation. They are extremely powerful and possess extremely powerful defensive capabilities. They will trap Qin Feng to death.

At this moment, the eyes of the eight great masters already showed the look of victory. The strength of the eight of them was combined, enough to make them invincible.

However, what made them unable to believe was that Qin Feng's phoenix dance for nine days showed terrifying power at this moment, and it suddenly shattered the hope of a master in the Eight Great Schools.


Qin Feng's Absolute Immortal Sword released a terrifying aura. Under the blessing of the nine bans, the phoenix danced like a stormy sea for nine days, swooping in the void, and the eight masters could no longer remain calm and backed away.

Because half of them felt the terrible phoenix dance for nine days, they knew that if they didn't retreat, they would definitely die on the spot instantly!

"I said, the one who stops me will die! Can you run away?"

Qin Feng’s eyes flashed with two golden light beams, and under his urging by Feng Wu for nine days, a terrible bird appeared

The sacred bird phoenix appeared between the heavens and the earth, shattering the void, and the spear formation formed by the eight great masters was completely vulnerable to a single blow and disintegrated in an instant.


One of the masters was the first to be hit by Qin Feng's Fengwu nine days on the spot, and the other seven masters, all their energy gathered towards this master, trying to help him stop Qin Feng's blow.

However, their wish fell through, and the nine days of Fengwu under the blessing of Qin Fengjiu ban were extremely powerful, and the ordinary princes in the distance could not stop them at all!

The terrifying phoenix claws, carrying devastating power, instantly shredded one of the eight masters into the void, and even the flesh became ashes, completely disappeared!


In the deadly silence in the field, the seven great inner masters were all caught in a deep shock. They were the great inner masters of the Yan Imperial Palace. They were extremely powerful, but they were severely beheaded, which made them all palpitations!

"Next it's your turn!"

Qin Feng stepped on the void, his **** king's vision circled around him, full of murderous aura, exploding with terrifying power.

"Nobody, go back!"

The leader of the Eight Great Inner Master, his face changed drastically, realizing Qin Feng's horror, he immediately fled to the distance.

Because even if the remaining seven masters made their best effort, they still couldn't compete with Qin Feng, which made him scared.

The other seven masters also changed their colors when they heard the words. Their footsteps were mysterious and turned into seven light beams, and they also flee towards the distance.

"Can you escape?"

In Qin Feng's gaze, there was a murderous intent that couldn't be concealed. The eight masters ambushed him, obviously because of the will of some people in the imperial city!

"Fengwu for nine days!"

As Qin Feng's voice fell, the phoenix dance in midair showed a terrifying light for nine days, and blasted towards the six masters who ran back.

The six masters felt the phoenix dance nine days used by Qin Feng, and their faces all showed hands in amazement.

Nine Heavens of Phoenix Dance is an intermediate martial skill of the earth and immortals. Under the blessing of the Nine Forbiddens, it is blessed with nearly a hundred times the strength, and it instantly blows the sky and illuminates the night of the wilderness.

"Puff puff……"

The rays of the phoenix dance nine days rushed past, and the scene was too terrifying. The six great masters were instantly killed by Qin Feng in the void and turned into ashes.

Near the imperial city, the monks and people who were watching the battle were all stunned. Under the phoenix dance for nine days, Qin Feng was in the world like a god.

All the cultivators present felt a sense of powerlessness. They looked at Qin Feng floating in the void, and if they faced a god, they would tremble all over. Some of the holy sons knelt down, unable to produce the will to resist. !


In an instant, six great masters were killed, two diamond scratching cards appeared in the void, Qin Feng rushed past and picked them up, and obtained some bright light pills.

He threw Ming Zhao Dan into his own space casually, and then stepped on Nixian Step to chase the fish that slipped through the net.

The leader of the master Ouchi was terrified, and the seven subordinates instantly collapsed, making it difficult for him to resist.

Those seven masters are not much different from him, they all shot, and they are not Qin Feng's enemy, and his own words are even worse!

At this moment, he felt the breath of Qin Feng rushing over behind him, and his whole body was trembling.

Originally, he and the eight masters came to ambush Qin Feng as a pretense, in order to lead Qin Feng to a previously ambushed place, and secretly kill him silently.

However, when they saw that Qin Feng's cultivation base was only in the Sixth Heaven of Shenzhao, they started to think about it.

Never thought they had miscalculated, all the helpers of the Seven Great Wuxiang Nine Heavens died!

As if the **** were on fire, the leader of the Ouchi master, his footsteps were mysterious, and he wanted to directly lead Qin Feng to that secret place!

At this moment, his speed increased to the extreme, like a shooting star, rushing towards the distance, and halfway through, he also swallowed several pills to increase his energy burning speed, and rushed on his way.

"Don't chase the poor!"

On the back of the dragon horse, Ye Qingcheng saw Qin Feng chasing after him with a grin, and immediately spoke through the voice.

However, at this time, Qin Feng had already jumped out tens of thousands of meters, and could not hear her reminder at all.

"Go, chase over and take a look!"

Under Ye Qingcheng's gesture, the dragon horse turned into a beam of light, exuding extremely terrifying power, and carried her and the Vermillion Bird to chase Qin Feng.

In the eyes of Ye Qingcheng and Suzaku, the leader of the Ouchi master has increased his speed to the extreme, and he did not hesitate to swallow the pill to accelerate the movement of Zhen Qi to escape.

More importantly, the direction the opponent flees is not the imperial city. Obviously they have tricks!

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