Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 533: Old woman deity

Just as Qin Feng and the others were looking for the elixir in the second level of the secret realm, in the distant sky, the grandmother of Great Yan Kingdom Rong was constantly crossing the void, using the world-shaking body technique, and rushed to the barren mountain outside the city.

Her external incarnation was killed by someone in the Qing Xuan realm, causing her body to be backlashed and severely injured, which made her extremely angry.

That Huashen possessed 60% of her strength. In the secret realm, she had just found a holy beast and was beheaded before she obtained the cultivation resources, which made her extremely angry.

After spending countless heaven and earth elixir, she finally stabilized her cultivation base at Judian, and directly came to the wilderness before the waterfall ban, preparing to enter the secret realm to find out the truth and kill the enemy.


In the secret realm, the Qin Feng trio once again scanned the Quartet with powerful spiritual thoughts, only to continue searching for the whereabouts of the elixir for more than ten thousand years.

Soon after, Qin Feng and the others discovered the whereabouts of a spiritual medicine, and there were still powerful guardians around.

Naturally, this can't trouble Qin Feng! After obtaining two Ten Thousand Years Elixir one after another, Qin Feng and the others came to a valley.


As soon as they approached the valley, Qin Feng and the others heard the sound of the valley trembling the sky, and the roar of monsters shook the sky.

There was a huge monster beast floating in the sky, and a huge python dragon, with a greenish-golden body, hovering in the sky, hundreds of meters long, exuding a terrifying and terrifying mighty body.

This is also a dragon that evolved from a green python, with a single horn on its head and two claws. At this time, it has become a king body, between the python and the dragon, reaching the realm of the lords!

Around it, there are seven charming female monks, all intertwined with magic weapons, constantly bombarding the blue-gold dragon.

However, even these seven female monks were fighting fiercely and could not break through the defense of the green dragon.

The cultivation of these seven female monks is also good. Compared with the giant python dragon, their figures are like the same fly in the sky, shouting tenderly.

It's just that although they are powerful, they still can't compare with that reckless dragon. Their powerful weapons can't pose a threat to the green gold reckless dragon at all!


The green-gold mang dragon raised up to the sky and let out a roar, surging with demon energy on its body, carrying a powerful lethality, to destroy everything.


The demon element transforms into shape, if one arrow penetrates the void, the arrow will have no illusion, and it will instantly stab everyone present.


"Be careful!"


At this moment, the female monks were all pale, and they fell from the sky to the ground, and the crisis was extremely dangerous.

"Humans die."

Naturally, the cyan Manglong will not pity the fragrant and cherish the jade. Its huge snake tail, like a heavenly dragon, traverses the sky and instantly sweeps towards the fallen seven!

At this moment, the seven powerful female monks were all frightened. The moment the giant python attacked them, they flashed in the void, covered with treasure armor, and the speed was incredible.

At the moment of the moment, four female monks escaped the killer blow of the azure gold dragon. They were suspended a hundred meters away, looking at the dragon in the air, all of them had lingering fears.

The other three people were hit, screamed and fell into the clouds, and slammed on the ground.

Although the Mang Dragon Tail was about to approach their bodies, they protected their bodies with treasures, but they were all seriously injured and lost the power to fight again!

"What a terrifying monster!"

"Such an evolving creature is far beyond ordinary princes!"

The four female monks had solemn expressions, and the strength of this cyan python dragon crushed one of them.

And the most powerful female monk among them was only in the realm of quasi-lords. Although it was amazing enough, it couldn't be compared with this reckless dragon.

"Humans, what becomes me obediently is Chinese food!"

The spirit of the green python Long Senhan came, making all the four female cultivators frightened, and the voice of each other possessed a cold and magical nature, which shocked their souls and made them feel like an ice cellar.

"What about Senior Sister?"

"This monster has a very strong cultivation base, or let's retreat first."

The three female monks all said, they all focused their eyes on a woman in red.

The woman was enchanting, wearing a red robes and contours that outlined her figure, very dazzling, it was obvious that this person was their backbone.

"This guy is indeed too strong. I will stop him temporarily. Go and take the injured juniors far away. I will follow up later!"

Wang Xi's pupils shrank slightly, and the juniors regarded her as the backbone, and followed her into the second level of mystery.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the second level of the small world, she made a mistake and encountered such a terrifying beast.

This fierce beast had thick skin and thick skin, and she couldn't defeat it with her quasi-prince's strength. It was even difficult to break through the opponent's defense, which made her very self-blame.

"But Sister, this dragon python is too strong, you can't stop it!"

Wang Xi's juniors were also very anxious. Although her world strength was very strong, she was afraid that she would not be able to retreat in the face of this reckless dragon!

Moreover, once the three of them get out, without the three of them to contain the fierce beast, then their senior sisters will only have a dead end.

"My cultivation base is the strongest, you don't have to worry about me, I have my own method, hurry up and rescue the junior sisters, this is an order!"

Wang Xi knew that it was difficult to defeat this green dragon python with her own strength, but she had no choice.

These juniors of hers can't stop the dragon python a bit, once she leaves, all these people will fall here!

When Wang Xi's three junior sisters heard the words, they looked at each other. They still obeyed the senior sister's opinion, transformed into three rays of light, and fell towards the valley.

"Want to run, can you walk?"

The voice of the green-gold dragon python came, and what was said in the words was clear, how could the prey it fancy allowed them to escape.


I saw a dragon wagging its tail from the green dragon python, and its huge tail flew across the sky like a heavenly sword, intercepting and killing the three.

At this moment, Wang Xi's body bloomed with heaven and earth, and she pinched her fist mark, and a sacred mountain appeared in front of her, blocking the attack of the green dragon python.


The red mountain was instantly shattered into the void, unable to stop the attack of the blue gold sky!

In the next instant, the demon yuan bombarded Wang Xi's body, blasting Wang Xi directly out.


Rope in midair, Wang Xi's mouth was bleeding, and the injury was serious. With this momentary blockade, her three junior sisters had taken the monks in the valley and flew away from the ground facing the distance.


At this moment, Wang Xi barely managed to maintain her figure in the void. Her body was shaky, her face was sallow and extremely miserable.

After all, she still underestimated the strength of the azure dragon python. The azure dragon python had always hidden its combat power. At this time, the real strength that had erupted, she was seriously injured.

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