Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 535: Air machine

"Humans are very tricky, what are you thinking of?"

The green gold dragon python was very puzzled. The cruel kid in front of him would let him go, which made it very confused.

"I'll go, get out, I'll change my mind in a while!"

Qin Feng silently scolded, he finally showed kindness, this green dragon python actually dared to doubt himself.


The green dragon python turned into a golden light, quickly escaped, and disappeared.

After sending away the green dragon python, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. When he moved, he was about to leave here with the two women.

"How can you let it go? It hurt many of our fellows, so let it go!"

At this time, one of Wang Xi's junior sisters said in a bad tone that their junior and sister injured three people. If they let the green dragon python go like this, it would be too cheap!

"It hurts your fellow door, what does it have to do with me? I want to take revenge on yourselves."

Qin Feng's eyes condensed, and the little girl's tone was arrogant, and there was a tone of blame and fright, which made him very dissatisfied.

Sitting on the back of the peacock, Wang Xi's face was blue and white, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Qin Feng obviously saved their lives, but her junior sister questioned Qin Feng, which embarrassed her to the extreme.


Qin Feng choked on Wang Xi's younger sister, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak instantly. She pointed at Qin Feng with her jade finger pad, her body trembled and she didn't know what to say.

"What are you?"

Qin Feng was very dissatisfied, his face turned cold, and he kindly saved these people. Not only was these people not grateful, but they dared to reprimand himself, he didn't know what to say.

Qin Feng's voice was full of murderous intent, and the junior Wang Xi's sister was immediately bewildered. Qin Feng's murderous eyes made her dare not say anything that scared her.

"Thank you for the son's help. My junior sister is a fast-talking character. I hope the son doesn't mind."

Wang Xi let out a long sigh, knowing that her junior sister was wrong, and quickly apologized for the other person.

After all, it was her younger sister, she, as a senior sister, naturally couldn't let it happen. Her arrogant younger sister was the granddaughter of the elder in the door.

The identity of the other party is extremely noble, but when it comes to this secret realm, it is nothing.

But the other party has brought the character inside the door here, it is really ignorant! "Forget it, why do you guys love to go, just assume I didn't save you."

Qin Feng waved his hand, not wanting to mix up these personnel anymore, he greeted Suzaku and was ready to leave.

"Wang Meiren, we are really destined!"

At this time, Kong Nian brought a large number of masters in the sky, Yukong, and appeared above the mountain.

"It turned out to be Brother Kong."

When Wang Xi saw the person coming, her face changed drastically. Although she didn't like the person in front of her very much, she still had something to restrain her.

Among the Nanling, Wang Xi's sect can only be regarded as an intermediate sect. Compared with Kong Nian's sect, it is completely insignificant.

However, she has always been known for her strength and beauty in Nanling. There are countless suitors around her, and she has the nickname of Wang Meiren. Kong Nian in front of her is one of her suitors.

However, she didn't like Kong Nian's personality, and she had always been reluctant to deal with the person in front of her.

"Junior Sister Wang, I think your blood and blood are empty, is it because you have been seriously injured?"

Kong Nian's eyes flashed, his eyes staring straight at Wang Xi's plump body, with a wretched smile on his face.

He had always been devoted to Wang Xi and wanted to hold Wang Xi under his crotch. However, Wang Xi's strength was outstanding, only lower than him. It was not easy if he wanted to subdue him.

But now it's different. He feels that Wang Xi's body is empty and bloody, and his combat effectiveness is not 30% of the previous one. This may be a great opportunity!

"Huh, is it you?"

Kong Nian suddenly found Qin Feng's figure. Just now, he focused all his attention on Wang Xi's body. At this moment, he found Qin Feng not far away, and he was immediately ecstatic.

Moreover, he also saw Qin Feng holding a ten-year-old elixir in his hand. For the monks who entered the secret realm, that was the focus of this trip and an extremely precious training resource.

Especially because of his bad luck, after entering the second level, he has not yet received a ten thousand years elixir. At this time, the elixir in Qin Feng's hand is for him a training resource that he has sent to his door.

"You defeated a guardian beast together?"

Kong Nian's eyes flashed, and there was a powerful killing intent in his eyes. He thought that Qin Feng and Wang Xi were in a group. Several people must have defeated the monster beast, and Wang Xi, who had contributed the most, was seriously injured!

"The mere monster beasts are still used together, and defeating it is not easy."

Qin Feng weighed the medicinal materials in his hand, and destroyed the green dragon python. There was nothing for him to show off. This was nothing more than an ordinary trifle.

Kong Nian looked at Qin Feng suspiciously when he heard the words. In his opinion, it was impossible to defeat the fierce beast with Qin Feng's cultivation at the realm of Shenzhao. The opponent must be a support, otherwise, how could he not be injured.

Is the opponent's strength really not as simple as it seems?

Or is it true that the rumors heard outside of the prohibition are true, that the other party really destroyed the Brahma religion?

"Boy heard that you killed Fan Ye?!"

Kong Nian was naturally not afraid of Qin Feng, his eyes froze, and he didn't mean to shrink back. He desperately wanted the elixir in Qin Feng's hand, and he was missing an entry point at this moment.

"Yes, it's me."

Qin Feng stood with his hand in his hand, his face was extremely calm, he knew exactly what little abacus the person was playing in front of him.

At the moment when the other party appeared just now, the wretched eyes glanced at his two women, and stared at the elixir in his own hand, killing intent.

If this person is not resolved, I am afraid that this person will definitely bring himself constant trouble in this secret realm.

"It turned out to be you! Fan Ye and I are good friends, kid, I want to avenge him!"

Kong Nian's murderous intent was bound to appear, and the fox's tail was immediately exposed, showing a look filled with righteous indignation. People who don't know really think he and Fan Ye are close friends.

In fact, his relationship with Fan Ye is not very good, but it does not prevent him from lying in order to get the elixir.

The killing of Fan Ye was a good entry point, enough for him to take the opportunity to attack, solve Qin Feng's elixir of Qin Feng, and still get the three beauties in the palm of his hand.

The other cultivators in the surrounding area immediately understood Kong Nian's plan when they heard the words. They smiled and walked up unkindly, and surrounded Qin Feng and the others.

"Boy, you dare to kill Brahma to get a senior, really blocked!"

"Boy pay his life for Brother Fan!"


Everyone spoke, their expressions were very unkind.

"Noisy, what to pretend, don't you want the elixir in my hand, come and get it if you have the ability!"

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