Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 537: Escape?


With the earth-shaking sound, that mountain collapsed on the spot, and the terrifying mountain peaks spread cracks. Can you imagine how terrible Qin Feng's fist is?


The onlookers around were all in an uproar. Everyone took a breath. This scene was really shocking!

Kong Nian, the powerful Tianjiao of Nanling, was an invincible existence, and he was blown out with a punch!

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

"Have you noticed that the kid's boxing power suddenly multiplied several times earlier, it must be a terrifying technique for enhancing combat effectiveness!"

"Kong Nian actually lost!"

"Senior Brother Kong is really underestimating the enemy!"

The monks who came to experience with Kong Nian were all dumbfounded and talked one after another, their pupils were full of horror.

Even the younger sister who Wang Xi had just scolded Qin Feng was shocked at this moment. The thought that she was rude to Qin Feng just now made her tremble.

"Boy, you successfully angered me!"

Kong Nian climbed out of the chaotic mountain, and his eyes burst with cold killing intent, as powerful as him, and he was hit by the opponent with a punch. It was a shame to him.

"Yeah, you are not dead yet, it's really beyond my expectation."

There was a hint of mockery on Qin Feng's face. Kong Nian had withstood the attack of his Nine Forbiddens, and he was still able to get up. The Xiaocheng King's body indeed exceeded some of his expectations.

"Senior Brother Kong, you failed to take this young man's move, so you lost."

At this time, Wang Xi sitting on the back of the peacock said, in her opinion, Qin Feng's bet with Kong Nian ended in Kong Nian's defeat.

Then this Kong Nian shouldn't be aggressive again, he should just retreat!

"The kid just said that I could take his three punches and give me the elixir, but he didn't say how to take it. Now I am angry. This kid dares to fight against me. There is only a dead end!"

Kong Nian's eyes suddenly burst into cold light, and the cold killing intent was released, directly locking Qin Feng's body.

At this moment, all the people present were like a falling ice cellar, feeling the powerful aura of Kong Nian's body, and they were all unable to control themselves.

After enduring Qin Feng's sturdy three punches, he could still have such a terrifying combat effectiveness, so that everyone present could feel Kong Nian's domineering and domineering!

Here, only Qin Feng knew what was going on. His fiery eyes had already discovered that Kong Nian's blood was aroused.

The opponent's profound arts are extraordinary, so that his strength has reached the absolute domain, and he can perform far beyond the previous level.

However, this kind of profound art reversal, although the strength is increased, the sequelae are also huge. At this time, Kong Nian could not take the side effects into account in order to kill Qin Feng.

As long as he can slay Qin Feng and obtain the four elixir of life in Qin Feng, he can not only eliminate the side effects, but also increase his strength.

At this moment, Wang Xi and her six junior sisters all showed horror in their eyes, and all of them were frightened. The three wounded female monks were trembling with fright, their faces as golden paper.

Compared with the domineering Kong Nian, they are more willing to get along with Qin Feng, a life-saving benefactor. Once Qin Feng is defeated, the monks in Kong Nian will definitely not let them go.

Because they all knew that Kong Nian was interesting to her senior sister Wang Xi, and Wang Xi didn't like Kong Nian at all.

At this time, looking at Kong Nian's eyes, it was clear that he wanted to use it strong. Once Qin Feng died, then Wang Xi could only become the fish on the chopping board and be occupied by Kong Nian.

In order to seal up, the other party would not let them go, their fate was not much better than Wang Xi.


For her own safety and not to be insulted by Kong Nian and others, Wang Xi swallowed the pill and rose from the air on the back of the peacock. She stood with Qin Feng in her arms and decided to fight with Qin Feng. Advance and retreat together.

"Wang Xi, are you really sure you want to be my enemy?"

Kong Nian's whole body shone with light, and a terrifying aura was released, and the expressions in Wang Xi's eyes were full of aggressive aggression.

"Senior Brother Kong, since you and I have already torn your skin, and the matter is over, why bother to say so much."

Wang Xi's face was pale, her but medicine was not an elixir, and it did not have such a strong effect. At this time, the strength was still insufficient, 30% of the previous.

However, her words were very firm, and instead of being insulted by Kong Nian after Qin Feng died, she might as well simply fight to death.

"Smelly bitch, you can think clearly about the fate of going against me, I want you to die!"

"And you, you have to step into the eradication ground for your senior sister's wrong decision."

Kong Nian's eyes were cold, and he was extremely angry. At this time, his combat effectiveness was at a superb level, thinking that he had already controlled the battle.

With a wave of his big hand, countless monks behind him moved immediately, and there was a tremor in the sky, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The monks all had bad eyes, and their eyes greedily stared at the six juniors of Wang Xi.

Although Wang Xi's younger sister is a bit inferior to her appearance, but it is also a rare beauty enough to make them vent their animal desires.

At the same time, some people cast their eyes on the Suzaku and Ye Qingcheng on the back of the peacock. Both of them are beautiful, even stronger than Wang Xi. They are peerless stunners that make everyone's heart shake.

Wang Xi's younger sisters all looked resentful when they heard this, but they knew that the other party wanted to destroy their Dao Xin, but at this time they could only be angry with the enemy, otherwise, the end would only be miserable.

"My son, these people are too terrifying to stand firm against them, I will stop them, you find a chance to escape!"

At this time, Wang Xi communicated to Qin Feng without a trace. Qin Feng rescued them, but if she died here, she would be very guilty.

"You are all hurt like this, how can you stop them?"

Qin Feng was slightly happy when he heard the words. This girl has been injured like this, and the combat effectiveness is not as good as the previous 30%. How can he stop these dozens of practitioners?

"Our teacher has a secret method that can instantly burst out energy far beyond our own cultivation base, and can stop them for a while!"

Wang Xi spoke to Qin Feng again. Her so-called secret method was nothing more than burning her own life and forcibly raising her realm, but in that case, she herself would be finished, and she could only die without life.

"Forget it, for your girl's good character, you and I will save it."

Qin Feng said calmly, Wang Xi, the girl, knew that he had the intention to let him escape, the savior.

However, how could a dignified **** king let a woman sacrifice her life and escape by herself.

What's more, in front of these monks, the most powerful Kong Nian was in the second heaven of the princes, and the dozens of others were all formless and quasi princes, which was not enough to put him in his eyes.

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