Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 563: Frozen world

The ice-bound world, as a superior martial skill of the immortal product, was put on display, and suddenly snow fell between the sky and the earth, and Bingyue's body was surrounded by a layer of white mist, rotating in the sky.

In an instant, the fog changed and condensed in the void, instantly forming a sea of ​​ice, and the terrifying extreme intention was released between the heaven and the earth, as if to freeze everything in the world.

At this moment, Bing Yuer and Bing Yaya were all eclipsed in horror. It was too detached to be threatened in this way, and the power was more than ten times stronger than before. It was really terrifying.

Even Ye Qingcheng and Suzaku frowned and watched nervously. Such a move was terrifying, and they were very worried about Qin Feng.

However, compared to Qin Feng's nine bans, the blessing of ten times the energy is not that abnormal in this frozen world.

"Ten times the energy blessing? Little carving skills."

Qin Feng looked calm, surrounded by endless white sharp edges, all blocked by his divine king vision, and could not get close to the slightest of his body.

In addition, a dragon talisman is also surrounded by the **** king sea of ​​the **** king vision, protecting all the four people on the peacock and preventing them from being affected.

Because the four people's cultivation is not enough to stop the threat of the frozen world, and Bingyue's explosive power against the frozen world is much worse!

"Fengwu for nine days!"

Qin Feng was lightly duo, he sacrificed his own absolute sword, and under the blessing of the nine bans, Feng Wu's strength for nine days has a dozen times the damage blessing.

In addition, the power of Fengwu Nine Heavens is extremely terrifying. It is the superior martial art of the earth immortal, and possesses the strength of damage blessing, so the superimposed spiritual power has increased the damage power by a hundred times!


In the world, the frozen world encountered the fire of the phoenix, and began to emit layers of white smoke, and the confined space around Qin Feng was broken open and instantly burned.


Bingyue let out a scream, Feng Wu’s nine-day divine fire was ignited together with his true qi, and his expression was distorted and unbearable by the pain!

The fire of the phoenix intertwined in the nine days of the phoenix dance ignited the icy energy in the void and spread to the icy moon in an instant. This kind of magical flame was impossible to guard against, causing the surrounding temperature to rise instantly.

The place was originally frozen for thousands of miles, but due to the appearance of Qin Feng's phoenix fire, it instantly melted, and a lake with a radius of several hundred meters appeared.

The endless heat steamed up, and if Bingyue hadn't had a solid foundation, I'm afraid it would have burned into ashes the moment the True Qi was ignited just now!


There was a huge rumbling sound from the void, and the frozen world was melted directly by Feng Wu for nine days, completely unable to cause any harm to Qin Feng.

"Boy, you wait for me!"

After Bing Yue shouted loudly, he pierced through the void in an instant and flew towards the direction of the Bing Ling clan.

"Master Qin must not kill him, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome!"

At this time, Bing Yu'er not far away suddenly said that Bingyue is the arrogant of the Bingling clan, strong enough to rank in the top five.

If he were killed by Qin Feng, they would definitely cause huge losses to the Ice Spirit clan, and as the saint of the Ice Spirit clan, she had been instilled to put the interests of the Ice Spirit clan first.

Even if she didn't like Bingyue anymore, and she didn't agree with the elders' grievances, she couldn't watch the interests of the Bingling clan suffer.

After all, the Ice Spirit clan, but her mother clan, and if Bingyue died, then their Ice Spirit clan would have no hope of confronting the Flame clan.

"Trouble, coincidence, I am not afraid of trouble."

A cold light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, no matter what the trouble was, he couldn't stop him.

Bingyue was a vicious and vicious person, and he actually tried to attack Vermillion Bird Ye Qingcheng. For this reason alone, he couldn't stay!


Qin Feng stepped on the void, traversed the space in an instant, and instantly caught up with Bing Yue's figure. The Jue Xian Sword was too extraordinary, far beyond Bing Yue's ability to compare.

"Boy, I have already asked the Bing Ling clan for help. If you dare to kill me, you must endure endless revenge from the Bing Ling clan!"

Bingyue was eclipsed in shock. He ran a few kilometers first and was all overtaken. He couldn't even escape in front of Qin Feng!

"Really? If your Ice Spirit clan is so powerful, how can you prepare for the saintess to ask for everything?"

Qin Feng sneered, and the Jue Xian Sword instantly slashed out, killing Bing Yue in the void on the spot.

After slaying Bingyue, a diamond Scratch Card appeared in the void, Qin Feng stepped forward and picked up the Scratch Card.

This time, he was a little disappointed that he didn't get the kind of star gold card like Step forward.

Scratch this scratch-off card at random, and the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using the Diamond Scratch Card to get a panacea."

Listening to the system's prompt, Qin Feng nodded in satisfaction. A holy medicine is still very good.

After slaying Bingyue, Bing Yaya and Bing Yu'er on the back of the peacock were all stunned. This scene was too shocking!

Bingyue is the arrogant of their Ice Spirit clan, so easily killed by Qin Feng, if the blame comes down from above, the two of them will definitely not get out of the relationship.

"How could this be?"

Bing Yaya paled with fright, and the death of Bingyue had a great impact on their Ice Spirit clan.

After all, there were only five masters in the prince domain of their Ice Spirit clan, the saint child was abolished, Bingyue was killed, and now only three are left!

This incident directly caused their Ice Spirit clan's strength to drop sharply, and I am afraid that they will no longer be able to compare with the Flame Clan, and can only become vassals.

Bing Yuer was also dumbfounded. She just said to stop Qin Feng, also for the future of the Bing Ling clan.

It was just that Qin Feng acted extremely decisively, beheading Bingyue instantly, without giving her a chance to stop him.

"It's better to return to the clan first, otherwise the clansmen will blame it and it will be detrimental to Young Master Qin!!"

Bing Yuer's expression was a little dazed. As the saint of the Bing Ling clan, she was taught to put the interests of the Bing Ling clan first.

Now, Bingyue died in front of them as the arrogant, causing them to fall into a dilemma for a while.

Bingyue's thoughts, and their junior and sisters were also well aware of it, and the other party was definitely not at ease when they came here.

And Qin Feng killed Bing Yue completely to help them. If Qin Feng was misunderstood because of this and was chased by the Bing Ling clan, it would be difficult for the two of them to choose.

"Two younger sisters, the Ice Spirit clan has abandoned you two, and you are still thinking about the Ice Spirit clan. You are really kind and lovely."

Suzaku in the Suzaku Holy Land saw the blank expressions of the two, so a soft voice came out.

She grew up in the Suzaku Holy Land, and felt the same for this kind of thing. If it weren't for Qin Feng's appearance, she would have followed in the footsteps of the two, and had no choice.

"As a saint of a clan, I can't help myself. I understand that, but are you really willing to do this?"

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