Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 566: What trash are you

Qin Feng's expression was very unhappy. He was obviously here to solve the young master of the Huo Clan, but a person who was not the righteous master appeared in front of him, which was too delay.

"What kind of **** are you?"

Qin Feng squinted at the other party, feeling very upset, and didn't take the flame clan deputy patriarch that appeared before him seriously.


"You are rubbish..."

The cultivators of the Huo Clan were all dumbfounded when they heard this. They didn't expect the people to be so arrogant, calling their deputy chieftain trash, it was too arrogant.

"Before you are dying, what last words do you have? If you don't say it now, there will be no chance."

The deputy patriarch of the Flame Clan sneered again and again, his strength in the entire Flame Clan was enough to rank in the top three, except for the patriarch and the young master, he was the most!

"Coincidentally, this is exactly what I wanted to say."

Qin Feng's figure moved, he rose from the sky, facing the deputy chief of the flame clan, surrounded by strong wind.

"Be careful of the patriarch, this kid is very evil!"

Beside the deputy patriarch of the Huo Clan, there were some powerful monks suspended. They all spoke out after seeing the powerful threat Qin Feng showed just now.

"Even a little fat guy who can't get enough of anything can't deal with it. What's the use of raising you? Let me take him!"

The deputy patriarch of the Huoyan clan was very confident. He stepped out, his energy surged, and Qin Feng was completely ignored.

In his opinion, Qin Feng is just an ant, he kills it with one finger!

As the voice of the deputy head of the Huo Clan fell, a cloud of fire-like mist filled his palm, emitting a deadly light, sweeping towards Qin Feng.


The sky and the earth were trembling, and the deputy chief of the Flame clan bombarded with a fierce palm, releasing a destructive force for a while, shattering the void on the spot.

This is the fame stunt of the deputy chief of the Flame clan, the palm of the fire cloud, near his palm, filled with a devastating flame, as if it could melt everything in the world.

"Master Qin, be careful!"

Bing Yu'er and Bing Yaya felt the power of the deputy chief of the flame clan, and they were all frightened. They couldn't handle these methods!

Qin Feng didn't have any fear, he moved his body and greeted him frontally.

The sky-shaking seal flowed out a vast aura, suddenly blasted forward, releasing devastating energy.


There was a deafening roar, and the void trembled wildly, and the energy of the sky-shaking seal was too strong. In an instant, the Huoyun palm of the deputy chief of the flame clan disappeared invisible.

The deputy patriarch of the flame clan, seeing this scene, his face changed drastically, such a terrifying power made him terrified.

The heaven-shaking seal under the blessing of the nine bans is really terrifying. The blessing of almost a hundred times the energy is enough to deal with the deputy chief of the flame clan of the two heavens of the princes.


The heaven-shaking seal was condensed without dispersing, and continued to move forward, under the blessing of the nine bans, bursting with extremely terrifying energy.

The deputy patriarch of the Huo Clan didn't have time to dodge, but Qin Feng's earthshaking mark broke all his defenses and turned his entire arm into sludge.


The deputy patriarch of the Huo Clan was shocked. With such a terrifying killing style, he felt the threat of death, and he felt irresistible.


Qin Feng followed like a shadow, Ni Xianbu let him travel through the void, and slapped him fiercely on the face of the deputy head of the Huo Clan, leaving a big fingerprint immediately.

"You are crazy, why are you not crazy?"

Qin Feng sneered at the opponent who sneered at him. His speed was so fast that he was not comparable to the deputy chief of the Flame clan. The opponent had no time to dodge and was beaten upright.


Qin Feng took another shot with his palm. He took advantage of the victory and pursued and bombarded with his palms. The deputy chief of the Huo flame clan retreated again and again, and there was no room for resistance.

At this moment, the cultivators of the surrounding flame clan were all stunned. They were completely unable to understand why the cultivators of Shenzhao Jiuzhongtian had such a fighting power? !

The vice patriarchs of the princes and two heavens were unable to stop the opponent's move, and there was no room for resistance, which made them extremely confused.

"Young people have to be forgiving and forgiving!"

"Boy, don't go too far!"


Seeing that their deputy patriarch was humiliated, some elders of the Huoyan clan couldn't stand it anymore. They protected the deputy patriarch of the Huoyan clan, showing the horns, and surrounded Qin Feng.

"Why, I can't fight and want to fight in a group? It just saves me trouble, you guys go together."

Qin Feng's expression was extremely calm, even if these cultivators of the Flame Clan went up together and launched a group fight, they were not his opponents at all.

Because, Qin Feng has just observed that in this flame field, his strength has several times the bonus.

Combined with the strength of the nine bans, his combat power exceeded a hundred times, and even if the people here shot together, it was not his opponent at all.

However, when things came to the present, Qin Feng faintly realized that such a big event had happened in front of the mountain gate of the Huo Clan, and only one deputy patriarch appeared here.

Neither the young master nor the patriarch appeared, which told him everywhere that the two were not in the flame clan at all.


Qin Feng stepped on your reverse immortal step. If you walk in a leisurely garden, he came to the deputy chief of the Huo Clan in less than a blink of an eye, and directly put the absolute sword in his hand on the deputy chief's neck. .


At this moment, all the cultivators around the deputy chief of Huo Clan were stunned. They didn't even have time to react, they were surrounded by Qin Feng's breakthrough, and took the deputy chief!

"Say, what did your young master and patriarch do?"

In Qin Feng's eyes, an icy killing intent bloomed. In this secret realm, there were only the Flame Clan and the Ice Spirit Clan. Those two were not here. It was very likely that they were heading to the Ice Spirit Clan!

"Hahahaha, boy, you are the helper that the Ice Spirit Race got, tell you the truth, our Young Master and Patriarch have already gone to the Ice Spirit Race!"

The deputy head of the Huoyan clan was very hard-spirited, although his body was shaking unconsciously, but his face still showed a sense of mockery.

"What are you going to do to the Ice Spirit Race?"

Qin Feng's expression was a little weird. The young master and deputy chief of the Flame Clan must have been unwilling to go to the Ice Spirit Clan. Could it be that the other party couldn't wait for three days, so he went to capture the Ice Spirit Clan's saint in advance?

In this case, doesn't it mean that when I brought two people here, I actually ran a lot, and I would go directly to the Ice Spirit Race to solve them.

"Young man, if you have something to say, say what you want, as long as we can do it, we will definitely satisfy you."

An elder of the Huo Clan said fearfully, if the deputy patriarch died, it would be their turn.

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