Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 576: Look for

"Come on, go and take down the saint and the two girls, I'll go, stop this kid!"

The deputy chief of the Ice Spirit clan gave a sneer, with his hands behind his back, as if he was holding a bamboo.

Qin Feng heard this, he stepped forward and stopped in front of the two saints and Ye Qingcheng Suzaku.

"The shortest reigning patriarch in the history of the Ice Spirit clan, do you have any last words?"

Qin Feng's killing intent was infinite, and as his voice fell, the audience was immediately shocked.

The countless elders and monks of the Bing Ling clan were stunned. The expressions they looked at Qin Feng suddenly changed.

Their deputy patriarch is strong, and his cultivation is in the last two heavens, only the patriarch is slightly inferior.

Does this young monk really think that he can fight the deputy patriarch if he hurts the elder? This is wishful thinking!

"Boy, you are worthy to let the patriarch leave his last words. I think it's you who left them."

"Your kid is a silly fork. The patriarch quickly killed him and gave his head to the Flame Clan."

"...". .

Some cultivators of the Bing Ling clan mocked and sneered, and didn't pay attention to Qin Feng at all. .

It was clear that Qin Feng defeated the second elder with one move. This kind of strength was enough to make people look impressive, but these people still couldn't handle it. It really made people wonder what to say. .

"Wipe, a group of second-hands will be pretending to be forced, and have the ability to stand up!"

Qin Feng squinted at all the cultivators of the Bing Ling clan, and there was light shining in his eyes.

These wastes of the Ice Spirit clan are inferior to those cultivators of the Flame clan, where do they dare to speak wild words to themselves!

"Boy, what are you arrogant? What can you do with our patriarch here?"

"Hurry up and leave your last words, it's too late if it's too late."


The countless monks around were cynic and arrogant.

The monks in the vassal realm are more than a little stronger than the monks in the intangible realm, which is simply a qualitative change in combat effectiveness.

In their opinion, even if Qin Feng is strong, he cannot cross the realm to kill the enemy!

The patriarch of the princes of the two heavens, coupled with the blessing of this formation, is enough to make his cultivation reach the princes of the three heavens, and he can completely crush this kid!

"Oh, I stood up, I went back again, I stood up again, I went back again..."

At this time, one of the crowd deliberately provoke Qin Feng. He stood not far away from the deputy chief of the Bing Ling clan, enough to see that he had a close relationship with the deputy chief.

"Since you stand up, then I will fulfill you."

Just as Qin Feng's word for you fell, and immediately afterwards, a crisp slap sounded, and the monk who provoked Qin Feng just now was slapped and slapped away.

"Do you think you are Fang Tangjing?"

Qin Feng stood still on the spot as if he didn't move. He stepped on Xianbu just now, the speed was so fast that the opponent didn't react at all, and was slapped.

"Boy, there is a kind of thing you can hit me again."

The cultivator of the Bingling clan was not convinced. He hid beside the patriarch at this time. At the same time, he was transmitting the sound, saying: "Father, when the kid starts, you must seize the opportunity and teach him well. "

The deputy head of the Bing Ling clan heard the words, with murderous intent in his eyes. Now he is only one foot away from his son. Within this distance, let the opponent slap his son again, then he will not get confused in the future.

"If you have such a wonderful request, then I will fulfill you."

A brilliant smile bloomed on Qin Feng's face. He stepped against the fairy steps as if traveling through the void, and as his voice fell, his whole person disappeared again.

At this moment, the deputy patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan shrouded his huge soul power around his son. As long as Qin Feng's figure dared to show up, he could shoot Qin Feng into flesh in the first time.

However, Qin Feng's speed was too fast, and a powerful pressure radiated from his body. As his figure suddenly appeared, in an instant, there was a clear sound.

The cultivator of the Ice Spirit clan screamed, blood and teeth spurted out with a miserable appearance, and fell to the ground on the spot.

At the same time, the palm of the deputy chief of the Bing Ling clan also slashed across the void and hit Qin Feng's moment when a powerful momentum emerged, shaking the space.

However, he only hit an afterimage, because Qin Feng's speed was like a ghost. From appearance to disappearance, his figure didn't even blink.

"Boy, I thoroughly irritated me, I decided to kill, afterwards, it's the same as long as you send your head to the Flame Clan!"

At this time, the deputy chief of the Ice Spirit clan, who had been repeatedly provoked by Qin Feng, became angry.

Originally, what he wanted was to catch Qin Feng, and he was sending Qin Feng to the Huoyan clan to apologize.

Now it seems that it is extremely difficult to catch the opponent, as long as you can kill the opponent and bring the opponent's head over, it is the same.

"Who else?"

Qin Feng was floating in the air, and he slanted slantingly at the deputy chief of the Ice Spirit Clan in front of him, stroked the hair on his forehead, looking very confident.

This scene seemed extremely pretentious, but what he wanted was this result.

The saints Bing Yu'er and Bing Yaya of the Bing Ling clan both couldn't help but laugh. They had already seen Qin Feng's strength.

Qin Feng could kill even the patriarch and young master of the Flame clan, and the opponent's strength in the Ice Spirit clan could definitely run wild.

The two of them didn't worry about Qin Feng's safety at all, and they knew that Qin Feng was deliberately picking things out of the Bing Ling clan, and he was also helping them to vent their anger, making them both feel warm.

Of those present, only they knew that the patriarch of the Flame Clan was beheaded by Qin Feng, but the concerns of the Bing Ling Clan were not a problem at all.

However, after seeing the behavior of the Ice Spirit clan, the two of them were heartbroken, so they were not prepared to release the news that the flame clan patriarch was killed. They wanted to let these people continue to worry and vent their dissatisfaction. .

"Boy, seeing that you are so arrogant, you must have a great background in the outside world, but unfortunately, this is the secret realm of the Qing Xuan ancestor, and no one can save you."

The deputy chief of the Ice Spirit clan smiled grimly at the corner of his mouth. Around him, there were hand after hand of Frost Immortal Sword floating around him, making him full of confidence.

This is his home field. The Ice Spirit family has a formation method that can bless the cultivation base of ice attributes, which is enough for him to remain invincible.

This is why, after Qin Feng defeated the elders in the field of quasi-lords, he was still full of confidence.

In the secret realm of the Ice Spirit Clan, there is a forbidden formation deployed by Qing Xuan scattered people. This forbidden formation can bless the Ice Spirit clan.

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