Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 579: Bing Li


Qin Feng's fist shattered the space, and the strength of the nine bans superimposed, directly unifying the eight swords of the Ice Soul, cracking it into the void.

At the same time, the deputy patriarch of Bingpo's face was as gray as death, and he was hit by the fist on the spot and flew out, with blood gushing out in the air.

The next moment, Qin Feng tied the immortal lock, like a wandering dragon, pierced through the void, and directly replaced the ice spirit clan's deputy chief Bingpo with rice dumplings, and collapsed between the mountains.


Qin Feng suddenly used the ice attribute technique to seal thousands of miles in ice. As a superior martial skill of the earth immortal, its power was so terrifying that it shocked everyone present for a while.

The monks watching the battle in the field all sucked in cold air, their eyes were shocked to the extreme.

They looked at the deputy chief Bing Po, who was lying crooked between the territories, all of them changed color, and they were horrified.

The chain that bound the deputy team leader flowed with gleaming cold light, banning magical energy, making them all heart palpitations.

Qin Feng's skill attributes were too high, and his fist could have the power to destroy mountains and rivers, and he destroyed Ice Apparition's big move with one punch, and the fighting power between the two was high.

"My God, this is terrible too."

"This is a real retrograde killing of immortals!"


All the cultivators around were horrified, and even the great elder who had just abolished an arm by Qin Feng could not remain calm.

This kind of strength is really terrifying, refreshing his perception. He was on the wrong team just now, which made him feel hard to control himself.

The thought that the other party might retaliate against him makes him horrified!

"Just this, I dare to show prestige in front of the young master, it's really overwhelming."

Qin Feng's face was calm, he didn't take the deputy chief of the Bing Ling clan seriously. He squinted at the ice soul that was sinking on the ground, with a trace of teasing at the corner of his mouth.

"You are also worthy to be the patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan. With your cultivation base, you dare to send me to the flame clan?"

Qin Feng stepped forward, with golden light flowing under his feet, and stepped towards the deputy chief of the Ice Spirit clan.

"Ah... don't come over!"

Bing Po, the deputy head of the Bing Ling clan, was lying on the ground, extremely helpless. You have lost all of your power and can only be slaughtered. This made him frighten and piss.


Qin Feng was unmoved, he wrapped his foot with golden light, and broke his foot. Then, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the immortal chain ignited a divine fire, burning off the horizontal blow on it, and it became as bright as new.

"Who else?"

Qin Feng stared at everyone around him with a bright smile on his face.

In private, all the cultivators of the Ice Spirit clan were trembling and never dared to make any remarks.

At this moment, they finally understood why their elder Bingli would not agree to take Qin Feng, because they had already seen Qin Feng's terrifying combat effectiveness.

However, the other party didn't remind them of the deputy chief elder at all, obviously they wanted to take this opportunity to beat these people.

"Don't look at the patriarch, come out."

Qin Feng stood with his hands in his hands, his white robe was flying, his clothes were not stained with dust, and he was extremely ethereal.

As Qin Feng's voice fell, Bing Li, the patriarch of the Bing Ling clan, who was observing from a distance with the help of the formation, came from the sky and came to the field.

"Nothing can be hidden from the little friend's perception, the old man really admires it."

The patriarch of the Bing Ling clan bowed his hand to Qin Feng. He was subdued by Qin Feng's strength and did not dare to give birth to arrogance.

"You know how to watch the excitement."

A bright smile appeared on Qin Feng's face. He smiled and looked at the patriarch of the Bing Ling clan, as if everything was under control.

"Little friend joked, you have tried to teach the scum of the Bing Ling clan, I can only watch it naturally."

"What's more, your strength is amazing. Even if I try my best, I am afraid it is not your opponent."

Bing Li, the patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan, looked completely irrelevant at this moment. He had just stepped down as the patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan. As for the future results, it has nothing to do with him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill all the elders and monks of the Ice Spirit clan?"

Qin Feng looked at Bing Li ill-intentionally, this person was scheming, if it were the Bing Ling clan, in his hands, he might not be able to carry forward, but he would still be able to survive.

"I'm no longer the patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan, and the future results of the Ice Spirit clan have nothing to do with me."

Bingli's face also showed a fox-like smile. He knew that he was not Qin Feng's opponent, so he was really a character who could bend and stretch.

"Master Patriarch, for our Ice Spirit Clan, you can't let go of anything you say!"

At this moment, the great elder of the Ice Spirit clan saw hope, and the patriarch appeared here, instantly allowing him to find the backbone.

As long as the patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan can preside over the overall situation, then their Ice Spirit clan will not all be lost in the hands of this young man.

"What did you do earlier? I now know that I am the patriarch, but unfortunately I quit."

Bing Li, the former patriarch of the Bing Ling clan, waved his hand, completely unmoved.

If he wanted him to be the first bird and provoke Qin Feng's authority, he would not be so stupid.

"But Patriarch, for the safety of our Ice Spirit clan, you can't let go!"

The Grand Elder and the rest of the elders and cultivators knew their affections and moved them with reason. In their opinion, as long as Bing Ling was willing to preside over the overall situation, then their Bing Ling clan still had hope.

"If you want me to be the head of the patriarch, you can all swear that you can't do anything against Young Master Qin, don't allow it, and you must apologize to Young Master Qin if you are malicious!"

Bing Ling finally softened his heart after hearing this. This was the position passed to him by the master. Although he didn't have much abilities, it was impossible for him to watch the true demise of the Bing Ling clan.

"Follow the instructions of the patriarch."

"The patriarch is right."

"We all agree, what the patriarch said."

At this moment, all the cultivators of the Ice Spirit clan, under the leadership of the Great Elder, sincerely saluted the patriarch of the Ice Spirit clan. As long as Bing Li presides over the overall situation, they still have hope.

At that time, even if the patriarch of the flame clan arrived, with the ice spirits in front of them, they would be able to find a chance to escape calmly.

"Give you half an hour of preparation time, and be sure to ask Young Master Qin carefully!"

Bingli waved his hand. He knew that it must not be easy to dispel Qin Feng's anger. It is impossible for people like the Great Elder to bleed.

"Come to have a banquet!"

Bingli gave an order, he decided to host a banquet to entertain Qin Feng, and asked about what happened to the Huo Clan.

As he left with Qin Feng and others, some elders and monks gathered beside the great elder and began to discuss the consequences of this matter.

"What about the Great Elder?"

"What else can I do? The patriarch does not agree to send Qin Feng to the Huo Clan, and we are not his opponents, we can only watch the changes."

"But if the Flame clan is to blame, our Ice Spirit clan will die too, it's just a matter of time!"

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