Ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. This is the idea of thousands of teachers and students on the field. When everyone finally reacted, they all looked at the stage together. They wanted to know which idiot, psycho bastard and level 3 guy was lucky enough to be Qin Feiya's fiance. They even wanted to divorce Qin Feiya?

Thousands of pairs of eyes soon converged to the same focus, a young man who just suddenly appeared on the rostrum.

White T-shirt, black cowboy, white sports shoes, about 1.75 meters tall, slightly thin, look at his appearance, in fact, he is good-looking, barely able to be a handsome man, and his facial features give people a very comfortable feeling, at the moment, he has a faint smile on his face, this smile, can also make people unconsciously feel good, this is, In fact, he is a boy with affinity.

Unfortunately, his remarks betrayed his appearance and temperament. His words just now made everyone feel that this is not worth beating.

"What did you say?" Qin Feiya, who has just finished her speech as a freshman representative, has beautiful eyes, but her pretty face is still unbelievable. She suspects that she has heard wrong.

"I said, I want to divorce you." Looking at Qin Feiya, the boy said, "simply speaking, I don't want you anymore. If you're gentle, I'll stop you. If you're vulgar..."

"Shut up Qin Feiya was so angry that she blushed and almost ran away on the spot. "Is your asshole Xiao Ge?"

"Yes, I am Xiao Ge, the most handsome little brother in the world." The boy stretched his waist. He was Xiao Ge, "I've been your fiance for 18 years, and now I'm a little tired of it, so I'm going to give up my marriage with you. Can you tell me, do you want to give up?"

"No Qin Feiya's pretty face turned red, and she glared at Xiao Ge angrily, "if you want to retreat, it's also..."

Qin Feiya is so angry that this bastard wants to give up marriage? When is it his turn to withdraw?

But before she could finish her words, Xiao Ge interrupted her: "don't you want to give up? Well, I'll go. "

Xiao Ge said to leave, turned around and jumped directly off the rostrum.

Xiao Ge quickly went to a fat man and held out his hand to him: "here, 100 yuan!"

The fat man was a little reluctant, but he still took out a hundred yuan bill from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Ge.

Xiao Ge took the money, put it into his pocket, and then walked to the door of the auditorium in a leisurely manner, and soon disappeared in the sight of the public.

"Zhang xiaopang, why do you give Xiao Ge money?" A girl asked the fat man strangely.

"I'll bet with him and lose." The fat man is a little depressed.

"What are you gambling with him?" The girl continued to ask.

"He said he was Qin Feiya's fiance. I didn't believe it, so I gambled with him. I didn't know that the goods were Qin Feiya's fiance!" The fat man is even more depressed. Since the goods are Qin Feiya's fiance, why do you want his 100 yuan?

"That bastard bet on me?" An angry voice suddenly came from the fat man.

The fat man turned his head and couldn't help being stunned. Qin Feiya didn't know when she had stepped down and came to him. Her pretty face was red and her eyes were still angry.

Fat man for a moment some dare not answer, Qin Feiya but again said: "tell Xiao Ge that bastard, I have no end with him!"

With these words, Qin Feiya turned and ran away.

Looking at Qin Feiya's back, the fat man muttered: "you are a family, of course, it's not over."

Five minutes later, the opening ceremony is over.

People leave one after another, and the news that Qin Feiya has been publicly withdrawn has already spread to everyone in Ningcheng University. In a few minutes, Xiao Ge became a celebrity in Ningcheng University.

At the moment, Xiao Ge is just walking out of the gate of Ningcheng University.

"I still need to work hard to get out of marriage, but I haven't succeeded yet." Xiao Ge said to himself, "at last, I've earned a hundred yuan. I can have a big meal."

Xiao Ge seems to see a big bowl of braised meat, but at this moment, the voice from behind interrupted his fantasy: "Xiao Ge, stop for me!"

"It's immoral to interrupt a gourmet fantasy about braised meat." Xiao Ge mumbled, then turned around and looked at the group of people coming towards him.

Six boys in a line, swaggering to come, all dressed in Nike basketball suit, under the feet are stepping on black sports shoes, or all of Nike.

These six boys are tall and big. The shortest one is more than 1.8 meters tall, while the tallest one is estimated to be about 1.9 meters tall. These children are a little over nourished, and they are very tall.

Originally, Xiao Ge was not a short man. He was 1.75 meters tall, but compared with these people, his thin body was a little pitiful.

The six boys quickly came to Xiao Ge, and the tallest boy looked down at Xiao Ge: "do you know what we want to do with you?"

"I know." Xiao Ge nodded and looked at the boy seriously, "you want to invite me to dinner."

"Are you dreaming?"

"Shit, eat, you eat shit!"

"That's not a damn thing to smoke!"


For a time, a few people, you and I went to battle together, as if they wanted to drown Xiao Ge with saliva.

"Stop first!" The tallest boy raised his hand, stretched out a finger, and the other boys all calmed down. Obviously, the tallest one was the head of this group of boys.

The tall boy looked at Xiao Ge with a proud look: "boy, do you know who we are?"

"I know." Xiao Ge nodded again, still a serious look, "you are the people who want to invite me to dinner."

"Tell the boy, brothers, who are we?" The tall boy stretched out another finger and then spat out two words: "Wang Fei!"

The other five were on the line.

"Zhang Xiaobao!"


"Li Buyi!"

"He Jun!"

"Meng zuolin!"

Then, six people said, "we are - nonviolent, uncooperative!"

Wang Fei once again extended a finger: "our slogan..."

"Without violence, there will be no cooperation!" the six people chanted again

At the end of the sentence, the six were elated, while Xiao Ge was gaping and speechless.

These six people are doing a lot of work. Now it's just the time to finish school. Many people in Ningcheng University don't live on campus. At this time, they are preparing to go home, which attracts nearly 100 students.

"Wang Fei, they are bullying people again!"

"Damn, these guys are more and more arrogant. The school police are over there."

"They are not even afraid of the headmaster, let alone the school police."

"Is that boy from other places? It's bad luck this time. "

"Damn, isn't that Xiao Ge?"

"Xiao Ge? Is that the guy who just wanted to divorce Qin Feiya? "

"That's what it is

"I wipe, Wang Fei these guys finally did a popular thing, beat him ya!"

"That's right. Xiao Ge really needs beating. I can't find a chance to say a word with Qin Feiya. It's unreasonable that the goods should divorce Qin Feiya!"

"Ha ha, Xiao Ge is so scared..."

Wang Fei and others were also excited. Seeing that Xiao Ge was stunned, Wang Fei was even more proud: "boy, are you afraid now? Kowtow to us and apologize. Stay away from Qin Feiya and we'll spare you! "

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