All the time, Luochen feels that although he is a killer, he can be regarded as a real swordsman in this era, because in this era of rifles, few people use the sword as a cold weapon, and the sword is only used as a collection, and he, a killer with a sword, is inheriting the last fragrance of the swordsman.

But with the sword of Xiao Ge, Luo Chen immediately knows that he is wrong. In fact, there are real swordsmen in the world. Xiao Ge is the real swordsman. When he sees Xiao GE's sword, Luo Chen knows how mediocre and vulnerable his proud swordsmanship was.

"When you hear that, you will die in the evening." Falling dust face but show satisfied smile, "see this sword, die without regret."

Sword light disappears, but falling dust suddenly feels wrong. How can he still be alive?

"Tonight, I'll save your life. Later, you'll kill for me." Xiao GE's voice came into his ears at this time. In his tone, there was a smell of command. "I'll give you the first task. Find out who wants to kill me. If you can't find anyone, don't appear in front of me again."

After throwing the sword on the ground, Xiao Ge turned and left. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the sight of falling dust.

Fall dust for a moment some be in a daze, like this?

A gust of autumn wind blowing, falling dust suddenly have a kind of chilly feeling, he suddenly felt something wrong, looked down, immediately silly, his clothes, with this burst of weathering into pieces of cloth, in the blink of an eye, he is already naked!

"NIMA, you are too powerful to bully people like this!" Falling dust for a while some want to cry without tears, "I like to sleep naked, but I don't like to run naked!"

In wailing, falling dust quickly picked up two swords, grabbed several pieces of cloth at the same time, symbolically covered a certain part, and then began to run naked in the dark.

Entering the teacher's dormitory, Xiao Ge shakes his head secretly. It's really not in line with his low-key style that a killer comes to the door so soon.

"Who is going to kill me?" Xiao Ge thought about it, then shook his head, "I am so handsome, there must be a lot of people envious, because of jealousy, naturally there are many people who hate, or don't think about it, let the second rate killer named Luochen slowly find it."

As for whether falling dust will be obedient, he is not worried. If falling dust is not obedient, he will be fed some poison next time.

Soon, Xiao Ge came to his residence, took out the key, opened the door, was about to enter, suddenly looked at the door of 602, a thought flashed in his mind.

"Ha ha, I'm a genius!" Xiao Ge suddenly thought of a wonderful way to deal with Su Yunman. He immediately went to the door of 602 and knocked on the door.

"Didn't you threaten to knock on my door at five in the morning? I'm knocking on your door at one o'clock in the morning. Ha ha, look who's afraid of who! " Xiao Ge was very proud.

He knocked several times in succession, but there was no response. Xiao Ge didn't stop knocking. He had to wake up Su Yunman.

After Xiao Ge knocked on the door for three minutes, a confused voice came from the room: "who is that?"

This voice is Su Yunman's, but Xiao Ge deliberately does not answer, just continues to knock on the door.

Footsteps came out from the inside and soon came to the door. However, Su Yunman didn't open the door immediately. He was looking out from the cat's eye.

After a few seconds, Su Yunman finally opened the door. She looked at Xiao Ge with sleepy eyes, but she was confused: "Xiao Ge, what do you want to do with me so late?"

Su Yunman is wearing a short Nightgown, which is not very sexy, but a very common style. However, this nightgown is different from Su Yunman who has a good figure.

Xiao Ge, who always thought Su Yunman's skirt was too long, finally saw that most of Su Yunman's slender legs appeared directly in his sight, and what made him even more distracted was that maybe because Su Yunman was not very sober now, he didn't notice that the collar of her nightdress fell down a little, so he actually showed more than half of what should not be exposed.

"What a surprise!" Xiao Ge stares at that part impolitely and appreciates it. He didn't see Qin Ruoxi's appearance in pajamas before, but now he sees Su Yunman's sexy appearance in nightgown.

"Miss Su, I'm going to listen to you and be a good student." Xiao GE's eyes are still eating ice cream, but her face is very serious.

"You'd better think that." Su Yunman a little sober, tone also eased a lot, "now it's very late, you'd better go to bed early."

"Miss Su, I think as a good student, I should respect my teacher. So, I decided to say good night to my teacher every night before I go to bed." Xiao Ge is still a serious look, "although I go to bed late every night, but it is necessary to do, now, I just come to say good night to Miss Su."

"What?" Although Su Yunman sleeps a little confused, he is beginning to feel something wrong now. He goes to bed late every night and has to come to say good night to her? But she goes to bed early every night, usually around ten o'clock.

"Good night, Miss Su. I'll go to bed first. Don't get up too early in the morning. It's easy to get old if you don't get enough sleep." Xiao Ge said solemnly, and then he took a mouthful of ice cream. Finally, he turned around and quickly entered his room and closed the door.

"Ah Ten seconds later, Su Yunman suddenly reacts. She suddenly closes the door, rushes into the bedroom, picks up the pillow and smashes it.

What do you mean by saying good night to wake her up? Thanks to her, I almost thought he had changed his ways!

"Xiao Ge, I don't believe you can't be cured!" Su Yunman was so angry that she gritted her teeth. At this moment, she finally had a resolution. Even if it wasn't for the principal's entrustment, she must clean up the disobedient students!

However, this night, Su Yunman is doomed to insomnia.

Back in the bedroom, Xiao Ge is quite satisfied. Should Su Yunman not knock on the door in the morning?

Sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, Xiao Ge began to practice as before, and soon entered into the state of forgetting things and me.

Of course, this state is not ignorant of the outside world. A few hours later, when there was a violent knock at the door, Xiao Ge woke up.

Xiao Ge subconsciously looks at the time and finds that the time is just five minutes after five in the morning. He suddenly has a bad feeling in his heart. Won't Su Yunman really knock on his door? Does this beautiful teacher really do what she says?

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