Xiao Ge turned his head a little displeased, and then he saw two familiar flat headed youths, who were Xiao Qi Xiao BA with Wang Manzi in the morning.

"Your hands are ready so fast?" Xiao Ge was a little surprised. Then he looked at the brand-new gold necklace around Xiao Qi's neck and was even more surprised. "You have a lot of gold necklaces!"

Xiao Qi subconsciously steps back, seems to be afraid of Xiao Ge grabbing his necklace, of course, he is more afraid of Xiao Ge dislocating his hand.

"Xiao Ge, we are not here to make trouble. Our boss wants to talk to you." Xiao Ba said.

Xiao Ge fished out a few pieces of mutton from the hot pot, put them into his mouth, chewed them a few times, swallowed them, and then said, "since it's your boss who wants to see me, let him come here to see me."

"Our boss is not very fit to go out." Xiao Ba explains why.

Xiao Ge was a little surprised. He looked back at Xiao Ba: "is it inconvenient? Did your boss break his leg? I said, you really have no pursuit. How can you recognize a broken leg boss? "

"Xiao Ge, don't talk nonsense, our boss is good!" Small seven some indignation, "you dare not see our eldest brother, afraid?"

"Your provocation is very low. It's useless to me." Xiao Ge said vaguely while eating: "in a word, it's your boss who wants to see me, not me, so let him come to me in person."

"Xiao Ge, our boss really can't go out. Let's make it a condition. How can you meet our boss?" Xiao Ba said.

It's not that Xiao Ba wants to be humble, but before he comes here, the boss says that he wants them to take Xiao Ge with him. If they can't do it well, they can't do it.

"It's not that my leg is broken, how can I not go out?" Xiao Ge said to himself, "well, it seems that your boss is a little strange, which makes me a little interested. My curiosity is always strong."

"So, would you like to see our boss?" Xiao BA was a little relieved when he heard Xiao GE's words.

"I can go to see your boss, but you have to promise me a few conditions." Xiao Ge said lazily, "first of all, you will pay for my meal."

"No problem." Xiao Ba agreed very readily.

Xiao Ge turned to Xiao Qi and said, "next, give me your necklace."

"I'm grass, you want my necklace again?" Small seven immediately can't help spitting out dirty words, this boy is too much!

"You don't have to. Anyway, I don't really want to see your boss." Xiao Ge said, continue to enjoy the mutton meal, no longer pay attention to small seven and small eight.

Xiao Qi stares at Xiao Ge and tries to resist the impulse of rushing up to beat this guy, because he knows he can't beat this guy. After a full 30 seconds, he bites his teeth and takes off the gold necklace that he has just worn for less than half an hour from his neck and puts it on the table: "you're a bull, I won't wear a necklace in the future!"

Xiao Ge was not polite. He picked up the necklace, weighed it, and then shook his head: "this necklace is not thick enough. It's only 20 grams. It's far worse than the necklace before you."

Xiao Qi can't help clenching his fist again. This is too much. I can't bear it!

"I'll pay the bill!" Can't bear also have to bear, small seven don't want to break his hand again, then decided to see for net, away from this boy.

However, after looking at the bill, Xiao Qi couldn't help saying: "my God, is this product too edible? If you eat instant boiled mutton, you can eat more than 2000? "

A few minutes later, angry Xiao Qi returned to the table and looked at Xiao Ge with an unhappy look on his face: "can you come with us now?"

"Don't you see I haven't finished yet?" Xiao Ge discontented to see small seven one eye, "wait for me to finish eating to say again, don't say I didn't remind you, I hate others to disturb me to eat most."

Poor little seven was so angry that he almost vomited blood and died on the spot. This product is too fuckin 'bullying, can't it fight? When the goods meet the boss, he must repair the boy well and spit out the anger he received today!

Bear, I bear!

After half an hour, when Xiao Qi felt that he had become a ninja tortoise, Xiao Ge finally finished the lunch. He wiped his mouth with a tissue, belched and muttered to himself, "it's delicious at last."

Slowly stood up, turned around, saw small seven small eight, he looked surprised: "eh? Are you still waiting for me? "

After hearing this, Xiao Qi almost vomited blood again. Even Xiao Ba had the impulse to vomit blood. In just half an hour, he thought they didn't exist!

Fortunately, Xiao Ge immediately added: "well, I'm a little interested in your boss. I'd better take a look with you and lead the way now!"

After hearing this, Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba were a little more comfortable. At least, what they had just done was not in vain.

They quickly took Xiao Ge out of the mutton restaurant and got into a car parked at the door. Although it was only a 80% new BYD, it was much better than the old van they drove in the morning.

BYD drove along Ningcheng South Road for about ten minutes. After arriving at the edge of the city, it finally left the main road. In a few minutes, the car stopped at the gate of a separate two-story villa.

The villa is not big. It covers an area of about 300 square meters. At the iron gate of the courtyard, there are two young men with flat heads standing there. They look like little seven and little eight, and they also have scorpion tattoos on their right arms.

Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba take Xiao Ge into the living room of the villa. There are four flat headed youths in the living room, who are still dressed the same way and have the same scorpion tattoos. They are sitting on the sofa and standing on the stairs.

"Xiao Ge, go down from here. Our boss is waiting for you there." Xiao Ba takes Xiao Ge to the stairway and says to him.

"Your boss is really strange. He likes living in the basement?" Xiao Ge looked at the stairs leading to the bottom. He was a little surprised. A good villa couldn't live upstairs, but it had to live in the basement. It seems that the so-called boss's hobby is really special.

Although he thought it was strange, Xiao Ge was not afraid. Instead, he became more curious. So, he didn't say anything more. He walked directly down the stairs. He wanted to see where the so-called boss was so holy and strange.

Walking down the stairs to the bottom, the air-conditioner comes. The temperature of the basement seems to be much lower than that of the top. In front of Xiao GE's eyes, there is a door, a closed iron door.

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