"Dean, we are all ready. In an hour, the other party will come and sign the agreement." Qiao Zhiqing replied.

Joanne nodded and said nothing more.

An'an children's hospital is now expanding at a rapid speed. In recent months, qiao'an has acquired nearly a thousand hospitals, and reorganized and transformed these hospitals. Now, An'an children's hospital has become the largest hospital in China and even in the world, and its reputation in the world is impeccable, even some parents of children abroad, They'll be famous for sending their children for treatment.

However, it also makes Joan very busy. She does a lot of things by herself, because it is related to children's health and even life and death, so she can't make any mistakes.

"Dean, would you like to have a rest first?" Qiao Zhiqing can't help opening her mouth at this time, "you are pregnant now. You can't be too tired."

"I'm fine." Qiao an an light smile, "don't worry, I care more about the child in my stomach, if really uncomfortable, I will rest."

Joan got up, took a kettle from the side, and began to water the flowers. Joan's office was very big. In the past, the office was empty, but now, the office is full of flowers.

Most of these flowers are roses, some are red roses, and some are Joan's favorite blue roses, but they don't sell very well.

However, in recent months, flowers have been sent every day, and Qiao an an is very happy to accept them every time, which makes Qiao Zhiqing a little confused. When did the president's taste decline?

And now, seeing the president's careful care of these flowers, Qiao Zhiqing finally couldn't help asking: "president, are these flowers from your husband?"

Now many people in the hospital know that Qiao An'an already has a husband. Although no one has seen her husband, and Qiao An'an seldom talks about it, many people still hear some rumors that the president's husband is a very powerful man, but some playful. It seems that the president is not only a woman.

"Well, he did." Joan didn't deny it. She nodded and looked happy.

"Dean, these flowers don't seem very good..." Qiao Zhiqing actually knows that she shouldn't say these words, but she's not worth it for Qiao An'an. A woman like Qiao An'an should have been loved by the best man in the world, but the man she's now, the man she knows her name, is not only a flower heart, but also insincere in sending flowers.

It's not bad to send flowers every day, but can't this person buy better flowers?

"He planted the flower himself." Joanne whispered the words and then stopped.

Qiao Zhiqing also did not speak, she finally understood that these words may not sell well, but for Qiao An'an, it is the best.

But when did Xiao change his career to planting flowers? But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a career change. It seems that other people's business is just flirting.

After that day, the story that Qiao an's husband was a flower grower began to spread in the hospital. In the end, almost everyone took it seriously.

"Does Dean Joe have a boyfriend?"

"No boyfriend, a husband!"

"No, her husband must be very good, isn't he?"

"I don't know. I heard it was a flower grower."

"Ah? Who grows flowers? No? "


Similar comments often happen in An'an children's hospital. Unconsciously, this rumor has become a classic inspirational story of the hospital. It's really inspirational that you can marry a wife like qiao'an when you plant flowers.

In fact, inspirational stories are staged in several places in Minghu city. For example, Mu Yu, a famous feminist lawyer, is said to have married a man who grows flowers. This man also sends flowers to her every day. Su Yunman, a beautiful teacher of Tiannan University, has flowers on the platform of every class. It is said that she also married a flower grower.

In fact, such inspirational stories are not only staged in Minghu City, but also in many places. Those matchless beauties who are so bad that any man is willing to go bankrupt for her are married to a man who grows flowers.

So some people lament that this year's flower sales are too expensive, so that planting flowers can also become a rich family.

For a time, it seems that planting flowers is very popular. It is said that some rich people have changed their careers, because ye Ziyun and Han xueru, two beautiful CEOs of gold group, are said to have changed their careers.

The Tangmen, the most secretive and powerful special organization in China, is also said to be spreading a joke: "where is the sect leader? Planting flowers on the mountain

Inside the Tang clan, some people send flowers to Ning Xinjing every day, and Ning Xinjing has become the recognized wife of the leader of the Tang clan. Well, Judy, the former sexy arms dealer, is also in the Tang clan most of the time now. Unfortunately, because of Ning Xinjing's existence, Judy has become the recognized junior of the leader of the Tang clan.

Of course, Judy doesn't mind. She has a good relationship with Ning Xinjing.

There are many wonderful things in Tangmen. The most wonderful thing is that an old man named Tang Jiu went to Tangmen all day to soak female agents. When he saw the beautiful female agents, he boasted: "back then, I was actually Tangmen. You are now the master of Tangmen. You are my apprentice..."

Unfortunately, although the old man was able to pass through the Tang clan, it seemed that no female secret agent was involved. It was said that the leader Xiao Ge secretly gave an order, and no one could let the old man succeed. Of course, Xiao Ge never admitted it. He vowed that it had nothing to do with his order. In the final analysis, it was because Tang Jiu was not handsome enough.

These days, men are handsome!

It's strange to say that although Tang Jiu can't succeed all the time, he still goes to Tangmen to tease the female agents. Maybe he doesn't really want to come here to pick up girls, but he just likes to come here.

When it comes to being handsome, it is said that in recent years, more and more men think that it is important for men to be handsome, because in recent years, a TV station has a famous program called "don't disturb unless you are handsome".

Many years ago, there was a very popular blind date show in China called if you are the one, but in fact, we finally found that those blind date people are basically not sincere, and now the born non handsome do not disturb is also a blind date show, but it is a special blind date show.

Because, in essence, this blind date show is just an activity for a woman to audition for her boyfriend. This woman, who was not famous before, is now one of the most popular stars in China.

This woman is Ye Xiaoman.

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