"Godfather, we have grown up, and we will be eighteen soon!"

"Godfather, we have a big place. I don't believe you touch it!"

"Godfather, we have a lot of people chasing us now. Don't you have pressure?"

"Godfather, we were B last year, c this year, and we will become D next year. Don't lose money!"

While talking, the four demons hold their chests high and deliberately rub their backs on Xiao GE's arms. At the same time, they look at Xiao Yutong and Xiao Douya not far away, like a demonstration.

Little bean sprout doesn't care, but Xiao Yutong pouts. These four girls come here to seduce Xiao Ge when they have nothing to do. It's too shameful. Isn't it good to be beautiful? She's beautiful, and she's in good shape.

But Xiao Yutong also has to admit that there is a gap between her and the quadruplets. In fact, the four of them together can be more attractive than them. There is nothing in the world. Even the frost sisters, or the ice snow lotus, can be equal to the four of them at most.

This makes Xiao Yutong a little bit depressed. Fortunately, she knows one thing, that is, the four girls will leave in the end. After all, they are not really adults, and they actually know that Xiao Ge likes them very much, but they will not touch them before they are really adults, so they are not in a hurry at all, they just want to be charming.

This is not, about an hour later, the four tempting demons ran away, poor Xiao GE has been teased by them, so, xiaodouya soon suffered, and Xiao Yutong soon went to save her sister.

In fact, the reputation of Huahuang is not only spread in the world, but also in xianmeng. Everyone knows that Xiaoge is Huahuang.

Many people know that there is a flower shop in Wanbao City, where all kinds of flowers are sold. Many of the flowers have never been seen by xianmeng people. The name of this flower shop is xianmeng shop of Huahuang chain group.

In fact, it is this Florist that makes xianmeng know Xiao GE's title as the flower emperor.

The owner of the flower shop is a very beautiful and noble woman. To many people, her name is Qin Ruoxi. Although Qin Ruoxi didn't officially marry Xiao Ge, and the lady of the palace leader is also a happy fairy, many people have heard that Qin Ruoxi is Xiao GE's favorite woman.

There is a fact that the flowers sold by the florist every day are sent by Xiao Ge himself. This alone proves Qin Ruoxi's position in Xiao GE's eyes. Therefore, some people give Qin Ruoxi another reputation, that is, after the flowers.

There are many women in Huahuang, but there is only one after the flower. There is no doubt that xiaoyaoxian is not qualified to be the queen. Qin Ruoxi's temperament is worthy of her reputation.

Xiao Ge, the emperor of flowers, and Qin Ruoxi, the empress of flowers, are gradually recognized by the immortal League. But recently, some people have begun to be confused because there seems to be another empress of flowers in the immortal League.

Many immortals claim to have met a beautiful fairy who claims to be the queen of flowers. Many people say that the queen of flowers looks very similar to Qin Ruoxi, but her temperament is completely different. The queen of flowers is very powerful, and she can fight a nine robber immortal with a wave of her hand. The Queen of flowers is also uncertain. She is on this planet today and may be on another planet tomorrow.

With the appearance of the queen of flowers, the immortal alliance began to have differences. Some people think that Qin Ruoxi is the real queen of flowers, but those who have seen another queen of flowers think that she is more qualified to be the queen of flowers.

Later, I don't know who revealed a message that the beautiful fairy who claimed to be the queen of flowers was actually the fiancee of Xiao Ge, the emperor of flowers. Some people said that it was the queen of flowers before the emperor of flowers. What's more, I don't know who said that the real Queen of flowers was Xiao GE's favorite but never got her.

The real queen of flowers is named Qin Feiya, and I don't know who is more assertive. In fact, Qin Feiya and Qin Ruoxi are sisters, so they look very similar.

Who is the queen of flowers? No one can convince the other. So, xianmeng has two nicknames. Some people hope that Xiao Ge will come out to correct his name, but Xiao Ge never says who is the real queen of flowers. It seems that he is very happy to enjoy the state of one emperor and two queens.

As a matter of fact, Xiao GE has already made it very clear that she claims to be silly girl after the flower, but he doesn't quite know what silly girl is doing. She obviously comes to xianmeng again, and she suddenly seems to be in a high profile. But Xiao Ge doesn't go to find her either. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he knows that if Qin Feiya really wants to be found by him, he will definitely take the initiative to show up, If she does not take the initiative to appear in front of him, it is basically not willing to be found by him.

There is another reason, that is, Xiao Ge is in the Phoenix Temple at the moment.

The beautiful and noble Phoenix goddess, the fire rose that has been planted for Xiao Ge for several years, is now with Xiao Ge. They stand on the Phoenix Temple and look at the roses all over the mountain.

"Wife Rose, this is the latest variety I have developed. It can survive for at least one month. Do you think it's ok now?" Xiao Ge looked at Huo Xinmei's delicate face, with an expression of expectation.

Huo Xinmei looked at Xiao Ge with a slightly strange look.

"Wife Rose, it can't be like this, can't it?" Xiao GE has a bitter melon face.

"Puff!" Huo Xinmei suddenly chuckled, "you are so stupid."

"Well, I don't think it's very smart this time. It took so many years to grow flowers like this." Xiao Ge is a little depressed.

"I said you were stupid, but you really thought I had to plant all the flowers." Huo Xinmei said with a smile, "don't you understand? In fact, I just want to know if you are willing to do it for me? As a result, it's not that important. "


Xiao GE's mouth was wide open. He was a little silly for a while. He seemed to have been doing useless work for several years?

"Well, don't be disappointed. Now you are doing better than I expected, so you will be rewarded." Huo Xinmei smiles at Xiao Ge, then turns and walks towards the Phoenix Temple.

The moment she stepped into the main hall, Huo Xinmei's body suddenly burned with flames, burning all her red skirt. The next moment, countless rose petals flew towards her from all directions.

Xiao Ge, who had been disappointed, was overjoyed. He knew what Huo Xinmei was going to give him.

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