"Kiss you?" Xiao Ge was stunned. This is his first kiss. Is it too bad to offer it like this?

However, looking at the beautiful girl in front of her, Xiao Ge thinks that it's not a loss to give her her the first kiss. If she is not a poisonous person, if she can't go out, I'm afraid she has already made countless men fight for blood.

"Dare you kiss me?" Scorpion that beautiful baby face, appear disappointed look, "still don't want to kiss me?"

"It's not that I don't dare, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm a good man. It seems that a good man shouldn't be so casual." Xiao Ge said solemnly, and then he changed his words, "however, since you sincerely ask me to kiss you, I have to be casual for the time being."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ge reached out and pulled the scorpion up from the ground. Then he gently held her waist with both hands. When his fingertips touched her cold and greasy skin, his wonderful feeling made him feel hot for a moment. Then he kissed her thin lips.

This is Xiao GE's first kiss. It's also scorpion's first kiss. Both of them have no experience. The pure purpose of verifying whether Xiao Ge is invincible also makes this first kiss not so wonderful. In a word, after a lot of confused exchange of saliva, their first kiss ends.

"I'm not pure at last." Xiao Ge murmured in his heart that the once innocent youth was gone forever.

Scorpion's waist suddenly gently twisted, from Xiao GE's two palms sliding out, the next second, she stood one meter away from Xiao Ge.

"I believe you." Scorpion looked at Xiao Ge with strange eyes. "You said, I won't be lonely any more, so you will come to see me every day?"

"No Xiao Ge shook his head.

Scorpion suddenly face a change, but Xiao Song and then said: "however, you can go to see me."

"What do you mean?" Scorpion is a Leng at first, then in the eyes flash a ray of joy, "you mean, I can go out?"

"That's right." Xiao Ge nodded, "although I can't help you detoxify, I have a way to let you control the toxins in your body. In fact, you can basically control them now, only when you are attacked, you will release toxins in a conditioned reflex. I just need to guide you, and you can control them more freely."

"But what about sweating? Even in cold weather, you may sweat. The toxins in your sweat can't be controlled. " Asked the scorpion.

"I'll teach you a mental skill of martial arts. It's called bingxinjue. After you practice it, even in the steamer, you can keep yourself from sweating as long as you run Zhenqi." Xiao GE has obviously thought about this, "now I'll teach you, you may need a period of time to practice, Bingxin Jue has 12 layers, when you practice to the first layer, you can go out to find me."

"Why are you helping me?" The scorpion suddenly asked, "how do you want me to repay you?"

"Because I've always been helpful." Xiao Ge solemnly replied: "as for reward, you can change your name. I don't like the name of scorpion."

be ready to help others?

Scorpion's face showed a strange expression, she obviously would not believe this answer, but she did not ask again.

"I'll change my name." Scorpion whispered: "now, teach me ice heart formula."

Unconsciously, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the living room, seven and eight keep looking at the stairs.

"Xiao Ba, do you think that boy has already died?" Xiao Qi finally asked.

"It's possible. It's been two hours. He hasn't come out yet. He's mostly dealt with by the boss." Xiao Ba thought about it and answered.

"Why don't you ask the boss?" Small seven a pair of eager appearance, "I want to get my gold necklace back."

"If I ask you, I dare not disturb the boss." Xiao Ba shakes his head. He has seen the terror of the boss.

"That boy is good at fighting. It's a pity to die. I want to torture him." Xiao Qi looks sorry.

"Don't try to torture me, you are born to be tortured." A lazy voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by this sound, Xiao Ge ghost generally appeared in the stairway.

"You're not dead?" Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba almost screamed out with one voice.

"I'm dead." Xiao Ge replied without expression.

"Damn it Xiao Qi was silly. "What the hell am I doing?"

"Hell with you." Xiao Ge continued to answer without expression.

"I don't know, how can I go to hell in broad daylight?" Xiao Qi is a little messy.

"Because you have a brain problem!" Xiao Ge finally had an expression on her face, said lazily, and then walked out of the villa.

Xiao Ge walked very fast. When Xiao Qi was still in a daze, he disappeared at the gate of the villa.

"Well, that kid's playing with me, isn't he?" Small seven finally reaction come over, saw a few other people one eye, some uncertain ask a way.

"Lao Qi, that boy is right. You really have a problem with your brain." Xiaobayi looks at Xiaoqi sympathetically.

"I'll kill that son of a bitch Xiao Qi almost vomited blood again.

But at this time, a cold voice came into people's ears: "from now on, no one can disturb Xiao Ge!"

Xiaoqi was stunned, and then immediately respectfully replied: "yes, boss!"

"There's something you'll do right away." Scorpion's voice sounded again, "I need to know everything about Xiao Ge, his origin, his hobbies, anything related to him, I need to know, you immediately check, remember, only in the dark, can't disturb his family and friends."

"Yes, boss." This time, all the people responded in unison.

"Do it quickly. Don't disturb me these days." Scorpion said the last sentence, and then there was no sound.

Everyone looked at each other, completely confused about the situation, they walked out of the villa together, and then, Xiao Qi finally could not help saying: "who can tell me what Xiao Ge and the boss have done in the next two hours?"

"Lao Qi, don't ask us. If you want to know, ask the boss." Xiao Ba shakes his head. He is also puzzled.

"Is this boy in the boss?" Xiaoqi said to himself, "if this is the case, this boy is so awesome, even our boss dares to bubble."

"Don't say a few words. I've been heard by the boss. I don't want you to eat fruit." Small eight reminds a way.

Xiao Qi closed his mouth and didn't speak any more.

"Huahua, don't be angry. You can't eat that. If you eat her, she will die." On the way back to school, Xiao Ge walks while comforting Huahua in a low voice. Huahua always wants to fly out and treat scorpion as a delicious meal, but Xiao Ge finally stops her. So Huahua is a little angry now.

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