"No, it's impossible, it's impossible..." Yang Ming Hao muttered to himself, his face very pale.

A minute ago, he was still laughing and regarded Joan an as something in his pocket, because he thought Xiao Ge would surely die, and his plan to insult Joan an in front of Xiao Ge also gave him a kind of abnormal pleasure.

One minute later, the situation has changed. Yang Minghao's three brothers of the Liu family, who are the backers of the family, have become dead, but Xiao Ge is safe. If Yang Minghao was still in heaven one minute ago, he is now in hell.

Heaven to hell is not so far, as long as a short minute, can go.

"Any last words?" Xiao Ge is still smiling brightly, "I am a very kind person, I will give you time to leave a last word, well, you can also make a will or something, so that no one will fight for your property, and maybe you will die. I am such a kind person, I don't want to see this kind of thing happen."

"You, you dare to kill me?" Yang Minghao suddenly glared at Xiao Ge and roared, "if you dare to kill me, my mother won't let you go. She is an immortal. If you dare to move me, you will die!"

It seems that the sudden attack made Yang Minghao a little confused. He suddenly went crazy and continued to roar at Xiao Ge: "Xiao Ge, you're dead, Qiao An'an, you're also dead, you're all going to die, you're going to die... ER!"

Yang Minghao's roar suddenly stopped, as if he had been suddenly strangled by his throat. However, in fact, there was a blood hole in his throat.

Yang Minghao's life suddenly stopped at this moment. He fell on his back and glared at his eyes. It seemed that he was dying!

"You can scold me. Don't scold my seven fairies. I can't bear to scold them." Xiao Ge said to himself.

"Xiao Ge, you, you, you killed them all?" Joan's stammering voice came.

Xiao Ge turns to look at Qiao An'an, only to find that Qiao An'an's fair face is whiter, but it's a little pale, obviously scared.

"Seven fairies, don't be afraid, just a few dead people. There's nothing to be afraid of." Xiao Ge gives Qiao an a brilliant smile.

"But, but..." Joan was really scared.

"Oh, it seems that fairies are a little afraid of ghosts. Well, let's go back first, seven fairies. You haven't finished your lunch yet!" As soon as Xiao Ge comes to Qiao An'an, she embraces her waist and disappears in the same place.

Joan an only felt a blur in front of her eyes, but when she regained her vision, she couldn't help but stay. Isn't this the western restaurant where she ate before?

To be exact, she is still sitting in the previous position, but now in front of the table, her unfinished steak has been taken away.

It's about two o'clock in the afternoon. There are not many guests in the western restaurant. When the waiter found that there was a man and a woman beside the empty table, he came over immediately: "Sir, miss... Eh? You're not, you're not the one who didn't pay before... "

The waiter was in a daze for a moment. How did the overlord come back? Do you want to continue to eat a overlord meal?

"I'm sorry, we were in a bit of a hurry before. Let's pay now." Joan finally calmed down, took out her wallet, pulled out 200 yuan, and handed it to the waiter, "don't change it."

Joan got up in a hurry, took Xiaoge and walked out of the western restaurant, while the beetle she had come before was still parked at the door.

In the puzzled eyes of the waiter, Joan pulls Xiaoge into the car and closes the door. Finally, she takes a deep breath and looks at Xiaoge: "I have to call my brother. I have to tell him what just happened."

After all, from a rich family, Joan has experienced many things since she was a child. Although she was quite shocked a few minutes ago, now she has barely calmed down.

"Well, let's fight." Xiao Ge didn't care about it.

"I'm sorry, I can't hide it for you." Qiao an an's tone is a little bit apologetic. She doesn't want to hide it, but she knows that even if she conceals it, Qiao's family can find out about it, so she might as well say it first and let Qiao's family deal with it in time.

"You don't have to hide it." Xiao Ge smiles brightly.

Qiao an an is slightly silent for a moment, and finally takes out her mobile phone. But when she wants to dial out the phone, someone has already made a call.

Looking at the caller ID above, Joanne's face changed slightly when she settled down, because it was not someone else who called, it was her brother, Qiao Jiafu.

"Brother, I..." Joan answered the phone.

Only after she said two words, Qiao Jiafu interrupted her: "leave the provincial capital immediately!"

"What?" Qiao an was stunned.

"You and Xiao Ge leave the provincial capital at once, go, go now, wait for my news!" Qiao Jiafu said in a low voice, "you've caused great trouble!"

"Brother, you already know?" When Qiao an settled down, he understood that Qiao Jiafu should have known that Yang Minghao died in the hands of Xiao Ge.

"Let's go. I'll call you when you get to Ningcheng." Qiao Jiafu urges a way, tone faintly still some anxious.

"I see, brother. I'll go right away." Qiao an an hears the anxiety in Qiao Jiafu's tone, and she vaguely understands that this time things are really big.

Hung up the phone, Qiao an started the car: "Xiao Ge, let's go back to Ningcheng."

"Good." Xiao Ge answered, but she was very happy. Now she has time to spend the weekend with her sexy girlfriend.

The car quickly drove towards Ning City. Qiao An'an's beautiful face was dignified, while Xiao Ge was still smiling and relaxed. He didn't pay much attention to the fact that he had just killed the three brothers of the Liu family and Yang Minghao. The only thing he was worried about was his new sister Yun Wuxue, Will you be angry because of this and not give Xiao Haoran leg treatment?

"Sister Wuxue shouldn't be so stingy. It's not that I don't give her face, it's that they have to deal with me first." Xiao Ge comforts himself. Strictly speaking, it's just self-defense, and it doesn't violate the rules of cloud dancing snow.

However, Xiao Ge thought of what Yang Minghao had said before he died. What is immortal gate? Are the three brothers of the Liu family the people in the immortal gate?

"In fact, it seems that I shouldn't have killed those three guys so quickly. If I catch them and ask them, I may understand." Xiao Ge muttered to himself, but since those three guys are dead, there's nothing to regret. Anyway, he believes that he can meet such people in the future.

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