"The famous beauty entrepreneur is really the mistress of a high official!"

"The two fallen high-ranking officials lead corrupt lives and share the first beauty in Ningcheng!"

"Behind the brilliance of the first beauty in Ningcheng!"

"Beauty is in trouble, two high officials are defeated because of the same woman!"


These are some news headlines that will appear in the major newspapers tomorrow. Although the headlines are different, the contents are all the same. In this report, there are mainly three people involved. One is sun Jiaguo, a provincial official who just lost his job some time ago, the other is he Yushu, the mayor of Ningcheng, who has just been investigated, and the last one is sun Jiaguo, It is Qin Ruoxi, who is known as the first beauty in Ningcheng.

This report doesn't use pseudonyms. All three people are named by their surnames. There are a lot of contents, but all the contents are to illustrate one thing, that is, Qin Ruoxi has become a beautiful entrepreneur and has a fortune of over 100 million because she has become the mistress of sun Jiaguo and he Yushu, while sun Jiaguo and he Yushu are corrupt, It's mainly to satisfy the mistress's desire for money.

The content is quite unbearable, and there are even some so-called details, such as where Qin Ruoxi and sun Jiaguo had a private meeting, and when he Yushu had a tryst with Qin Ruoxi, which gives people the feeling that it is quite true.

It can be imagined that once this report is published, the vast majority of people who have read it will take it as a fact, and Qin Ruoxi will be scolded by countless people.

Because of this, when Yang Ming inadvertently saw this report, she immediately informed Xiao Ge that if there was a way to prevent the publication of this report in advance, it would be the best. If it could not be stopped, it would be good to have some preparation.

It's also a coincidence that Yang Ming is very grateful to Xiao Ge for waking up her sister Yang Yun, but after Xiao Ge rescued her sister, she left the provincial capital without any reward.

As a reporter, Yang Ming is always used to doing some investigation, so she investigates the situation of Xiao Ge. The relationship between Xiao Ge and Qin Feiya is not a secret in Ningcheng city. Naturally, Yang Ming makes an investigation all at once. Then when she discovers this report about Qin Ruoxi, she immediately thinks about it.

In the living room, Qin Ruoxi, Qin Feiya and Liu Yue finally know about this report. The three women have different expressions. Qin Feiya is extremely angry, while Liu Yue is worried. Qin Ruoxi is the only one, but her face is as usual. She doesn't seem to be too angry because of this report.

"Who is so shameless? Isn't that deliberate slander? " Qin Feiya scolded angrily.

"The signature of this report is Wu Ren. Yang Ming said that without this reporter, she could not find out the source of this report." Xiao Ge answers her question. He also wants to know who wrote it. If he knows who it is, he will make sure that this person can't survive or die.

"Sister Qin, what should we do? This is someone's intention to discredit you. You have to find a way to make this report unpublished Liu Yue asks anxiously that she is actually a woman who has no idea and doesn't have much scheming. Maybe because of this, she and Qin Ruoxi have a good relationship.

"Yang Ming told me that the person who arranged this event should have a great background, but she asked reporters from other provinces that this report should be limited to newspapers in the province, that is to say, the power of this person should also be limited to the province." Xiao Ge said quickly: "she told me a relatively simple way, that is to go directly to the propaganda minister of the province, as long as he comes out, this report should be able to be deducted."

"But will they listen to you?" Qin Feiya is worried.

"I'll go to him and he won't listen." Xiao Ge is full of confidence.

After a pause, Xiao Ge looks at Qin Ruoxi who hasn't spoken yet: "sister Ruoxi, don't worry. I'll go to the provincial capital now and find the propaganda minister."

"No, don't suppress the report." Qin Ruoxi finally spoke, but shook her head, "Xiao Ge, ya ya, I have a plan. Let this report be published. Let's not interfere."

"Ah?" Qin Feiya was shocked, "Mom, how can this work? Although these are fake, those who read newspapers don't know. They will talk nonsense! "

"Yes, sister Qin, now people prefer to believe it or not. Even if it's a rumor, they will take it seriously." Liu Yue also said.

Even Xiao Ge doesn't agree with Qin Ruoxi's plan: "sister Ruoxi, it's bad for your reputation."

"I don't care about reputation all the time." Qin Ruoxi said with a faint smile, "I'm not afraid of shadow slanting. I have a clear conscience. They pour some dirty water on me. They can dirty my clothes, but they can't dirty my people. I've been clean all my life. I haven't done anything shameful. I'm not afraid of their nonsense!"

When he said these words, Qin Ruoxi's beautiful face exuded a strong sense of self-confidence and a sense of pride. At this moment, Xiao Ge looked at Qin Ruoxi's eyes and unconsciously became obsessed, because at this time, Qin Ruoxi's temperament seemed to have changed, becoming more noble and elegant, which also brought more attraction to Xiao Ge.

After a pause, Qin Ruoxi said, "I don't want to suppress these reports. In fact, there are two reasons. First of all, we may not be able to suppress them. The other party is obviously well prepared. We are in a hurry now. It's too late. Even if we can suppress the reports, there will be news on the Internet. At that time, with the help of some people, Maybe people will think that we are guilty. In that case, I'm afraid more people will take the report seriously. "

"This, it seems, is also, now the network is developed, it seems very difficult to completely suppress the news." Qin Feiya began to agree with Qin Ruoxi.

"Sister Qin, what's the other reason?" Liu Yue asked.

"Another reason is that I want to find out who's behind me." Qin Ruoxi frowned slightly. "In fact, some time ago, I vaguely felt that someone was dealing with me secretly. My company was under some pressure everywhere. Now the situation is worse. But before, I thought it was just a business thing, but now it seems that someone deliberately targeted me."

With a gentle breath, Qin Ruoxi's expression was somewhat firm: "I believe that this man must have some plot. I want to let things develop. When things develop to a certain extent and the other party thinks that the plot has been successful, then he should appear."

"When he shows up, I can crush him like an ant!" Xiao Ge then said, no matter who that person is, he will never let it go!

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