As soon as Xiao Ge raised his hand, he grasped the silver wire with a heavy grip. It seemed that he could only detect the existence of the silver wire by feeling, which was very strange.

Silver suddenly shakes, a huge force surge out, seems to want to break away from Xiao GE's grasp.

A real anger surged out, and almost all of Xiao GE's strength gathered in his palm, and then he grasped it again. Silver finally calmed down, but still could not get out of his control.

Only at this moment did Xiao Ge finally have the leisure to follow the silver thread and find its owner. His eyes were full of silver white, and his silver tight clothes and trousers were wrapped with an extremely moving body, a pair of long straight legs, and a pair of silver boots. His waist was extremely slim, which made Xiao Ge think of Song Ying's waist for a moment. Their waist was comparable and their curves were obvious, It's very upright and cocky. It's a perfect figure.

Finally, Xiao Ge fell on her face, which did not disappoint him. Her skin was as white as jade, her facial features were exquisite, and her dark eyes were as beautiful as stars.

At the moment, this tall woman, who is at least 175 cm tall, stands up with her extremely moving figure, looking at Xiao Ge coldly with her eyes as bright as stars.

"Beauty, are you in love?" Xiao Ge suddenly said, "I know I'm handsome, and I know you love me at first sight, but you really don't need to pester me with love. I'm easy to chase. Why don't we open a room now?"

As soon as the words were finished, Xiao Ge suddenly felt a dangerous breath. The silver wire, which was clearly in his hands, suddenly moved. The front end of the silver wire suddenly split into two and continued to shoot at his throat!

Although the silver wire was still in his hand, the few inches of silver wire that had not been held in the front section automatically lengthened and launched a sudden attack on him faster than before!

This attack is too sudden, suddenly completely beyond Xiao GE's expectation. When he felt the danger, the silver wire was less than one centimeter away from his throat!

The silver woman's face is calm, not complacent, but indifferent. Obviously, in her eyes, Xiao GE's death is inevitable, and it is also a trivial matter.

But at this time, Xiao Ge, who had no way to escape, suddenly disappeared. Almost at the same time, a voice came from behind the silver woman: "beauty, I don't want any more love. You'd better give me a green silk."

Xiao Ge had to let go of the silver thread because of the strange attack of the silver woman. For a moment, Xiao Ge was a little upset, so he suddenly appeared behind the silver woman. He grabbed the long hair of the silver woman's head and waist with two fingers. He wanted to tear off one of the beauty's hair as a souvenir!

Two fingers quickly extended to the silver woman's beautiful black hair, but at this time, the long hair, which was originally soft and loose, suddenly floated up without wind, and more than a dozen of them suddenly turned into sharp swords and stabbed Xiao Ge, but the target was not his fingers, but his throat!

"Why?" Xiao Ge is really surprised this time. This beautiful woman is really powerful. Even if love is a weapon, can the green silk on her head be a weapon?

Just as Xiao Ge was surprised, another silver thread appeared in his sight and rushed towards him.

Xiao Ge disappeared in the same place again, and then appeared in the front of the silver woman.

"Beauty, my name is Xiao Ge, the most handsome little brother in the world." Xiao Ge smiles brightly at the silver woman, "we are all so familiar. Should you tell me my name?"

At this moment, Xiao Ge is really interested in this silver woman, not only because of her beautiful face and devil's figure, but also because of her wonderful ability, her manipulation of silver and hair, is simply superb.

The long hair naturally falls down again, and the silver wire disappears without a trace. The silver woman doesn't attack Xiao Ge any more. She just gives Xiao Ge a cold look. Then, with a flash of silver light, she disappears in the house.

"Well, that's it?" Xiao Ge was stunned. When he came back to chase after her, the silver woman had disappeared.

This silver beauty comes and goes suddenly, which makes Xiao Ge feel puzzled. She seems to have come to kill him, but she obviously hasn't done her best. How can she go?

"Forget it, I'll go back, too." Xiao Ge murmured to himself, and then disappeared in the same place.

Around 8 p.m., the hillside villa.

A graceful figure stood quietly at the door of the villa, looking at the dark void in the distance, I didn't know what I was thinking.

"Instructor Ning, you are here to see the scenery at such a big night?" A little surprised voice suddenly came, and then the woman's side, there is one more person.

"Xiao Ge?" It was Ning Xinjing who saw the scenery this evening. She was slightly surprised to see Xiao Ge suddenly appearing beside her. "Is everything going well in the provincial capital?"

"Fortunately, I almost went late." Xiao Ge replied.

"Yang Zhenbang and Yang Xingguo want to escape?" Ning Xinjing can't help asking. Under the torture of Song Ying, Lin Xinming tells all the things he knows. So Ning Xinjing and Xiao Ge already know that things have something to do with Yang Xingguo.

"Not to escape, they almost killed each other." Xiao Ge simply said about the situation, and finally added: "I can't let them die so easily."

"You're right. They are brothers." Rather calm light said.

"Instructor Ning, do you know a beautiful woman who wears silver tights and uses silver silk as a weapon?" Xiao GE has no interest in the Yang brothers. Thinking of the silver beauty, he can't help asking Ning Xinjing.

"Silver tights? Silver Ning Xinjing's tone suddenly became tense. "Did you fight with them?"

"They?" Xiao Ge a Leng, "I see only one."

"One? Yes, it should be one! " Rather calm tone is quite urgent, "you tell me in detail about the situation at that time."

Xiao Ge didn't hide it. He told the story of the fight with the silver beauty at that time. After listening to it, he took a deep breath and said, "it's really them."

"Instructor Ning, who are they?" Xiao Ge asked.

"Frost killers, the most famous killers of Qianlong!" Ning Xinjing's voice was a little heavy. "Unexpectedly, Qianlong sent them to deal with you so soon."

"Ice killer?" Xiao Ge sighed for a moment, "what a beautiful woman! How could she have such a bad nickname?"

After a pause, Xiao Ge asked again: "instructor Ning, do you say a pair of killers? I only see one! "

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