"Why are you here all of a sudden?" Joan felt her heart beat faster suddenly, a little uneasy, but she seemed to have a little expectation.

"Because I haven't had dinner yet." Xiao Ge sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Qiao an with burning eyes.

"Well, I'll go out with you." Joan's pretty face was slightly hot. When it comes to dinner, she unconsciously remembered the big meal a few days ago.

"Seven fairies, I haven't finished my last meal. Now I can eat it." Xiao Ge murmured.

The last big meal was suddenly interrupted because of Qin Ruoxi's affairs. Now, Qin Ruoxi's affairs don't need to be dealt with for the time being, and the affairs of the provincial capital Yang's family are also solved by him. After several busy days, Xiao Ge thinks it's time to reward himself, and the fairy dinner in front of him is the best reward for him.

"Well..." Qiao an's cheeks were red, and her body was hot. The fairy's heart had already been stirred, and now she began to respond warmly.

In the physical entanglement, the obstacles between the two people become less and less until they disappear completely. This night, the fairy finally falls to the earth completely.

The next morning.

When the alarm clock rings, a very beautiful body is almost reflexive and sits up from the bed.

"Ah The discomfort of her body made her suddenly wake up and quickly pull the quilt to cover her body. At this time, she finally remembered what happened last night. For a moment, the white jade like face turned red, but it was more soul stirring beauty.

At this time, an arm around her body, the voice also sounded: "seven fairies, so early, why get up?"

Qiao an an turns her head and looks at Xiao Ge lying beside her. Her pretty face is still blushing, but her eyes are more tender.

"I'm going to work. Go on sleeping." Joan said softly.

"Seven fairies, or you don't go to work." Xiao Ge is a little reluctant. How comfortable is her fragrant and soft body. She's going to work. Is it interesting for him to sleep alone?

"No, I promised to help a colleague to take the place today. If I don't go, I will hurt her." Qiao an explained softly.

"All right." Xiao Ge didn't force her to stay after all, "but we have to have a farewell ceremony first."

"I, I'll get dressed first." Qiao an's pretty face is red again. Although she has met Xiao Ge frankly, she still blushes easily.

After a few minutes, Qiao an finally got dressed, and then dared to kiss Xiao Ge goodbye. Then she entangled with Xiao Ge for nearly ten minutes, and finally the beautiful fairy got rid of Xiao Ge.

This morning, in Qiao An'an's cabin, spring is strong, but in the same city, outside the municipal police station and the director's office, people are filled with chills.

Lin Xinming came back and was sitting at his desk at the moment. But Lin Xinming was already a dead man, and he was tortured to death.

The fate of Lin Xinming has made these people feel miserable, but if they knew that Yang Zhenbang and Yang Xingguo, the provincial capital of the Yang family, had not stopped screaming since last night, they would probably feel that Lin Xinming is not the most miserable.

However, whether it is the death of Lin Xinming in Ningcheng police station or the accident of the Yang family in the provincial capital, the news is limited to a very small range. Obviously, neither Ningcheng nor the provincial capital wants the public to know about it.

Of course, at the moment, not many people in Ningcheng city will notice this, because now, more people's eyes are on Qin Ruoxi.

Now, whether in newspapers or on the Internet, it has been revealed that Qin Ruoxi fell out with her daughter Qin Feiya. Some people even imagine a shocking peach story, claiming that Qin Ruoxi had an affair with Qin Feiya's fiance, and then Qin Feiya broke it. Finally, Qin Feiya's unmarried husband was driven out of the Qin family, and Qin Feiya ran away in a rage.

There is also news that Ruoxi beauty group, which Qin Ruoxi is in charge of, is on the verge of survival. The beauty shops of this chain beauty agency in other places are closing continuously. The original hundreds of branches have already closed nearly 20 in just a few days. According to this trend, Ruoxi Beauty Group will close down in the near future.

Her daughter ran away from home, and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Qin Ruoxi seemed to be besieged now.

Nine in the morning.

At the gate of Ningcheng University, a limousine quietly stops there. There are two people in the limousine. Chen Hui is sitting in the driver's seat. In the back seat of the limousine, Yang Mingjie has a thick folder in his hand and looks a little anxious.

Chen Hui and Yang Mingjie didn't talk all the time. The car was quiet and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

After a full ten minutes, the door was suddenly opened, and a person also sat in the back of the car. It was a happy song on his face.

"What can I do for you?" Xiao Ge takes a look at Yang Mingjie and asks lazily. He is in a good mood now. He just ate a beautiful fairy last night. Can he be in a bad mood?

"I'm going back to the provincial capital." Yang Mingjie let out a breath.

"You don't need to tell me when you go back to the provincial capital?" Xiao Ge is a little surprised.

"At the beginning, I came to Ningcheng, but I had to. This time I went back to the provincial capital to get my own things. Moreover, this time, I will not go back to Ningcheng." Yang Mingjie said slowly.

"Well, you don't have to tell me." Xiao Ge obviously didn't care about it. Yang Mingjie just went back to the provincial capital, not his seven fairies. He didn't need to care at all.

Yang Mingjie showed a wry smile. He didn't mention what happened to the Yang family last night. He also knew that in Xiao GE's eyes, he was dispensable.

With a slight sigh, Yang Mingjie continued: "brother Xiao Ge, you have helped me a lot during this period. Now I want to go back to the provincial capital, and I have nothing to thank you for. All these things are given to you now."

With that, Yang Mingjie hands the thick folder to Xiao Ge.

Xiao Ge took the folder, but did not immediately look at the contents, just casually asked: "what's in it?"

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