"I said second, don't worry about your second all day, OK? What's your pig brain? Do you think Qin Feiya is so good at kidnapping? Today, we almost succeeded because no one wanted to kidnap Qin Feiya before. Now do you think she won't find a bodyguard? " The boss scolded.

"Boss, the second is right. This girl is not Qin Feiya after all. Junshao may not accept the goods, right?" The third one added.

"Why don't you take delivery? Doesn't he just want to play hard with female college students? " The boss snorted, "besides, I don't care whether he accepts the goods or not. Our money must be given, otherwise I'll tie him up!"

"That's right. Damn it, if you have money, are you afraid that there will be no women to play with?" The third nodded.

Second, he doesn't speak any more. Obviously, he agrees with the plan of the eldest brother. The three brothers are in this business for money.

The van continued to drive forward, and soon left Ning'an district and entered Xinning district. Xinning district is an industrial district. Most of the factories in Ningcheng city are in this area. Naturally, there are countless factories in this area, including some abandoned ones.

The van drove into an abandoned factory, and then directly into a warehouse in the factory, where a Mercedes Benz was parked.

When the van stops, the boss gets out of the car, while the second and third pull Zhang Ni out of the car, tie her hands and feet with a rope, and then tuck her into the trunk of the Mercedes Benz.

"The old rule is that two people deliver the goods and one stays behind. Third, if you are injured, you can stay. Second and I will deliver the goods. If we don't receive my call within half an hour, you know what to do." The boss ordered a word, then and the second on the Benz, soon drove the Benz left the factory.

"I grass, is Qin Feiya that smelly bitch, if it wasn't for her, I would not be working here and so on now, but working just that girl!" Left alone, the third scolded, "when I have a chance, I must rape that bitch!"

"You don't have a chance." A lazy voice burst out.

Old three's face changed greatly. He suddenly turned around and saw only a flash of gold. This was the last scene he saw in the world. After a short scream, he fell on his back with a golden dart in his throat.

As soon as the figure flashed, an amiable young man appeared beside Lao San. It was Xiao Ge. With a move, the golden dart flew up and landed in his hand.

"Tonight, let's start with the gold dart you gave me." Xiao Ge said a word to himself, then flashed away and disappeared from the factory.

At the moment, the Mercedes Benz, which had just left the factory, was driving slowly towards the center of the city. About a quarter of an hour later, the Mercedes Benz finally stopped at the gate of a villa in the city.

The door of the villa quickly opened automatically, Mercedes Benz drove in, and then straight into the garage.

The villa covers a large area, and the garage is also quite large, at least a dozen cars can be stopped at the same time. However, now the garage is very empty, there is no car, there is only one person, a young man in a suit.

This young man should have been very handsome, but now he has a piece of adhesive tape on his nose, which makes him not only not handsome any more, but also feel like a clown.

But at the moment, the young man's face was obviously excited. In his eyes, there was more lustrous light, and there was the pleasure of revenge.

This young man is Lin Junxiong, who is precocious and may even be premature. He broke his nose with Xiao Ge yesterday when he failed in trading with him. Then he was knocked unconscious by Xiao Ge and went to the hospital. He regarded it as a great shame. Just after waking up from the hospital yesterday, he began to plan revenge, and his revenge plan is to kidnap Qin Feiya!

In Lin Junxiong's opinion, the biggest revenge for a man is to insult his woman. For him, he can not only get Qin Feiya, but also take revenge on Xiao Ge. It's killing two birds with one stone. As for the consequences, he doesn't think about it at all, because in his opinion, no matter what the consequences are, his parents will help him, and there's no need to worry.

Mercedes Benz flameout, the kidnapper boss and the second got out of the car, looking at Lin Junxiong: "junshao, the goods have been delivered, is the money ready?"

"Here's the money, half a million in cash." Lin Junxiong pointed to the bag under his feet, and then asked, "where are the people?"

"In the trunk, junshao, go and see for himself." The eldest said calmly. Then he went to Lin Junxiong, opened his travel bag and checked it. Then he pulled the bag up again and nodded to the eldest two.

Lin Junxiong eagerly went to the Mercedes Benz and opened the trunk. As soon as he saw it, the excitement on his face suddenly disappeared. He suddenly turned around and yelled at the two kidnappers: "what are you doing? This is not Qin Feiya at all

"Junshao, don't get excited." Boss a face calm, "Qin Feiya hurt a brother of mine to escape, but we caught this girl is also good, I believe junshao will be able to have fun."

"What I want is Qin Feiya, Qin Feiya. This woman can't even compare with one ten thousandth of Qin Feiya!" Lin Junxiong a pair of angry look, "no, you must catch Qin Feiya, otherwise, I will not pay!"

"It's impossible. Our three brothers will only act once in every place. No matter whether they succeed or fail, we will leave immediately. Similarly, no matter whether they succeed or fail, we must pay for our money." The boss mentioned the bag of money and motioned to the second.

The second one understood and directly dragged Zhang Ni out of the trunk and threw her on the ground. The eldest one threw the bag of money into the trunk and then continued: "junshao, Niu, I've brought it to you. It's your business to play or not. We're going to leave now."

"Junshao, if you really don't want this girl, you can give it to us. We can have some fun on our way back." The second one looks at Zhang Ni on the ground.

Although Zhang Ni can't speak now, she is still sober. When she sees Lin Junxiong, her eyes are unbelievable. Now when she hears this, her eyes are full of fear.

Lin Junxiong angrily looked at the eldest two, with a face of reluctance, but finally he had to reluctantly wave his hand: "let's go, but you do this, I will complain to Uncle Jiu!"

A small stone suddenly flew in and hit Zhang Ni on the head. Zhang Ni didn't have time to make any sound, so she fell into a coma.

"That's right. It's not right to do things like that." Lazy voice suddenly sounded, garage, quietly out of a person, a face with a faint smile of the youth.

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