Under the white thin wind clothes, Song Ying's charming body quietly lies on Xiao Ge. Xiao Ge quietly asks, "it's a nice day today. Shall I take you out to play?"

"Well." Song Ying answered gently.

"Where do you want to go?" Xiao Ge asked again.

"I don't know." Song Ying slightly raised her head, toward Xiao Ge sweet smile, "you decide on the line, where can."

"So." Xiao Ge felt the cool and refreshing from Song Ying, and suddenly turned over, "I'll decide later!"

"Well!" Song Ying's body is winding up like a snake.

Maybe it's because of practicing cold moon ice Jue, Song Ying's body has always been very cool. The feeling of ice is like touching an iceberg beauty. But in fact, she has always been very enthusiastic and active. Although her body is cool, she devotes her hottest heart to Xiao Ge, and under the control of her fiery heart, Her cool body, on the contrary, gives Xiao Ge a more wonderful feeling and gives him a wonderful taste that will never be forgotten.

What's more wonderful is that they have been lingering all night without feeling tired, which is quite strange, because now they don't feel tired just because of their mental excitement, but their physical strength, it seems that they really don't have any consumption, so up to now, they still don't feel tired or sleepy.

It was almost eight o'clock before they got up and dressed. After a simple cough, they went downstairs and had breakfast together.

In the dining room on the first floor, many guests who are eating suddenly get up and leave in a hurry, because they see a pair of men and women who are unforgettable to them come in.

Soon, the restaurant became quite deserted. Besides the waiters, there were only eight people in the Dragon slaughtering group.

"One night, Song Ying has become more beautiful." Liu Dan couldn't help muttering.

"With the nourishment of love, women will become more beautiful." Liu Feng said with a smile, and then got up and walked toward Xiao Ge, "Xiao Ge, good morning!"

"You are quite early." Xiao Ge glanced at the crowd, "is it difficult for you to stay up at night like me?"

"Well, you didn't sleep last night?" Liu Feng asked, and then felt a little inappropriate, and coughed two times, "cough, Xiao Ge, in fact, I have a thing to tell you. After eight of us discussed last night, we all think that it is most appropriate for you to be the leader of our dragon slaughtering team, so from today on, what we have is up to you to decide."

"Chief?" Xiao Ge for a while, and then a little depressed, "I don't like to be an official, before our class beauty teacher insisted that I be a sports committee member, let me depressed for a long time, this group leader I or improper."

"Well, brother, to tell you the truth, you shouldn't do it. No one should do it. None of us can do it." Liu Feng some embarrassed said.

"Yingying baby, why don't you do it?" Xiao Ge looked at Song Ying, "you used to have so many subordinates, now just manage a few people, it should be no problem."

"Well." Song Ying smiles at Xiao Ge. She seems quite satisfied with his new name.

"Oh, that's OK. You two are the same as each other Liu Feng Leng for a while, and then immediately nodded.

Liu Feng soon joined up with other people. When he learned that Xiao Ge had Song Ying as the leader of the Dragon slaughtering team, other people were a little surprised, but then they also felt that this seemed to be the most suitable one.

Although Xiao Ge is powerful, she is still a little younger after all. They have seen the general information of Song Ying and know that Song Ying is 20 years old. Comparatively speaking, Song Ying should have enough experience. Of course, if they know that Song Ying is actually the leader of the gang, they will think Song Ying is more suitable.

In an hour.

There are more than 50 people sitting on a moving bus, and a couple of men and women sitting in the middle obviously attract the attention of other people in the bus, especially the beautiful woman with silver hair and a pair of incomparably beautiful feet, which attracts many people's attention.

Naturally, these two men and women are Xiao Ge and Song Ying. They sit by the window. On the other side, front and back, the other eight members of the Dragon slaughtering group surround them. The people on the bus are the so-called house watching group. In other people's eyes, the ten members of the Dragon slaughtering group are also ordinary house watching people.

After breakfast, Xiao Ge and Song Ying did not think of a good place to go, so they finally decided to let Wang Jian and Xiao Lan go to see the house. Song Ying had no clear goal, and Xiao Ge just wanted to take Song Ying around, so it was OK to see the house together, so they got on the bus together.

The group is said to be initiated by a real estate forum. It is agreed to visit several new buildings together today. Wang Jian and Xiao Lan signed up before, and now Xiao Ge and Song Ying will come to Beijing for a one-day tour.

The car is also quite busy. Many people are already familiar with it on the forum. After meeting in reality, they also chat more warmly. Liu Feng, sitting in the front row of Xiao Ge, is also chatting with a woman at the moment.

"Where do you work?" The woman asked Liu Feng.

"Liangjian technology group, have you heard of it?" Liu Feng replied casually.

"Liangjian technology group?" The woman was puzzled. "Does it have anything to do with that TV play called Liangjian?"

"It doesn't seem to matter." Liu Feng some speechless reply way.

"Oh, no, your company is not big, is it?" The woman continued.

"It's not that big." Liu Feng's answer was a little casual, obviously he was not interested in this woman.

"Well, no wonder I haven't heard of it." The woman seems to have no interest, turned around to talk with another person.

Just at this time, another man came to Liu Feng: "Hey, man, ask about something. Do you know the beauty behind you? I remember you got on the bus together. "

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