"It's over 100000." When it comes to money, Zhang xiaopang is very excited, "now they are all in the bank, and I'll give them to you together."

"Only 100000." Xiao Ge is a little disappointed.

A hundred thousand?

Zhang xiaopang's enthusiasm was once again severely hit.

Xiao Ge thought about it and said, "Zhang xiaopang, you tell them that I will accept their challenge this Saturday. Those who want to sign up as soon as possible have only one chance. Who wants to challenge me in the future, unless he is more handsome than me."

"Well, good." Zhang xiaopang was stunned, then nodded.

"By the way, register the way everyone wants to challenge me." Xiao Ge said again.

"You don't have to say that. I've already registered." Zhang xiaopang was a little complacent, and then worried, "man, I tell you, there are many ways to challenge you. Although most of them are basketball and football, there are still many strange ways to challenge you, such as singing, dancing, even loud voice, and someone who wants to drink coke with you. Are you sure you can win them?"

"Of course I will win." Xiao Ge is confident, "unless I don't want to win."

"Well, man, you don't really want to win, do you?" Zhang xiaopang was stunned.

"Look at my mood." Xiao Ge lazily said: "anyway, I lost no loss, let Qin Feiya invite them to dinner."

Zhang xiaopang again speechless, Qin Feiya how to stand on such a man?

When the bell rang at the end of the first class in the afternoon, fifty students of the Chinese Department looked at the back row. When they found that Xiao Ge was still sitting there, there was a strange look on each face.

And after the second class, they found that when Xiao Ge was still there, everyone felt like the end of the day was coming. This guy didn't skip class today? This is too abnormal, is the end of the world really coming?

Ten minutes later, the bell of the third class rings, and everyone looks at Xiao GE's seat again. Then, with a sigh of relief, fortunately, it's not the end of the world. This guy finally skipped class.

At the moment, Xiao GE has arrived at the gate of Ningcheng University. A brand-new police car is parked there, which is very eye-catching. Xiao Ge goes straight over, opens the door, gets into the car and sits in the co driver's seat.

"Here you are, little brother." Xiao Jie showed a little reluctant smile, it can be seen that she is not in a good mood now.

"Little sister, is your father OK?" Xiao Ge couldn't help asking.

At lunch time, Xiao Jie left temporarily because her father had an accident. Now Xiao Ge saw that she was still in a bad mood, so she naturally asked.

Xiao Jie shook his head: "it's no big deal. There are two gangsters who are looking for trouble with him. They push down his wheelchair and make him fall down. However, there are patrolmen passing by. When I go, they have already dealt with it."

"Well, little sister, what can I do for you?" Xiao Ge is a little confused. He just received a phone call from Xiao Jie. In the phone call, Xiao Jie didn't say anything, just said that he was waiting for him at the school gate, so he came out immediately.

Xiao Jie looked at Xiao Ge, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "little brother, do you really know how to cure?"

"Not really." Xiao Ge nodded, "little sister, why do you ask this?"

"My father used to be the best criminal policeman in Ningcheng. He was jealous of evil, which made the criminals in Ningcheng scared. In those years, Zuo Xiaolong was arrested by my father for running an underground casino, and he spent five years in prison." Xiao Jie slowly narrated, "after Zuo Xiaolong got out of prison, he took revenge on my father. Then, my father had an accident and his legs were paralyzed. From then on, he could only sit in a wheelchair. In fact, little brother, do you know? My biggest wish is not to take revenge on Zuo Xiaolong, but to make my father stand up again. "

Xiao Jiemei's eyes turned red unconsciously: "how powerful he was. The big men in Ningcheng would take the initiative to retreat when they saw him. But now, even two little gangsters can humiliate him at will. You don't know, when I went to see my father at noon, he was trying to climb onto the wheelchair by himself, and he was unwilling to ask for help. I......"

Xiao Jie choked and couldn't speak any more.

Xiao Ge was silent, and he didn't know what to say. Comforting girls doesn't seem to be his strong point.

Xiao Jie soon got out of this kind of sad situation. She wiped her eyes, took a deep breath, and began to smile again: "little brother, don't laugh at me, but I just had some feelings. I remember you showed me your wrist last time, and treated that child in the park. I thought you knew how to treat him. Originally, I wanted you to see my father to see if his legs had any hope of recovery, But if you really don't know how to do it, forget it. "

"Little sister, in fact, I can still go to see your father." Xiao Ge thought about it and said.

Xiao Jie was stunned: "little brother, did you cheat me before? Do you actually know the art of medicine? "

"No Xiao Ge shook his head again, "but, little sister, as I told you, I'm very familiar with the structure of the human body, so although I'm sure I can't cure your father's leg, I can see whether his leg is still possible to recover."

"So?" Xiao Jie was disappointed and thought about it. Then she nodded, "OK, little brother, go and have a look. If my father's leg is still hopeful, I can help him find a doctor. If there is no hope, there is no way."

"Little sister, go to see your father now." Xiao Ge is bored now.

"Well, we'll go now." Xiao Jie nodded, started the car and drove away from Ningcheng University.

However, as soon as the car was about a kilometer away, Xiao Jie's mobile phone rang.

Parking the car at the side of the road, Xiao Jie answered the phone: "I'm Xiao Jie, who is calling?"

"Xiao Jie, I'm Liu Kui from the crime squad." A voice came from the phone with a trace of fatigue and a trace of hoarseness.

"Leader Liu?" Xiao Jie is a Leng, "what do you want me to do?"

"Xiao Jie, there is a case that needs your help. Can you come here now? I'm building 8 in Xinan villa district. Do you know this place? " Liu Kui's tone was a little hasty.

"Group leader Liu, what case?" Xiao Jie is a little surprised. It's reasonable to say that there's no reason for her to help with the case of the serious crime group. Besides, she also has self-knowledge. Her investigation level is really not good.

"Xiao Jie, it's not clear on the phone. You'll know when you come here." Liu Kui answered vaguely.

"Well, leader Liu, I'll come as soon as possible." Xiao Jie agreed to come down.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Jie looked at Xiao Ge: "little brother, I can't go to my home for the time being. There's a case I need to go. Do you want to go with me or do I want to send you back to school first?"

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