"Twenty million!" Xiao Ge suddenly opened his mouth and burst out a higher sky high price. He looked like he was going to win.

A group of people shake their heads. Xiao Ge obviously has no experience in auction. The more he shows himself, the more impossible Xu Piaopiao is for him to succeed.

Sure enough, Xu Piaopiao immediately raised his hand and spewed out a price: "20 million!"

When he quoted the price, Xu Piaopiao gave Xiao Ge a look with provocative eyes, and he refused to give up.

"Thirty million!" Xiao Ge seems to be a little annoyed. This time, he adds 10 million yuan without thinking about it.

"Three hundred and ten thousand!" Xu Piao Piao is still no sign of weakness, immediately added 10000.

"Well, there's a limit to my patience!" Xiao Ge stares at Xu Piaopiao.

"Xiao Ge, if you can't afford to play, you can not play." He Piao said timely to support his wife, "since it's an auction, anyone can bid. This is the rule of the auction, and no one can break it."

"Forget it!" Ye Ziyun persuades Xiao Ge in a soft voice.

"Not really!" Xiao Ge seems to bet on this tone, and then suddenly burst out a startling price: "50 million!"

As soon as the price was quoted, Xiao Ge looked at Xu Piao Piao and immediately added: "Hey, that floating woman, don't say I didn't warn you. If you dare to increase the price this time, I'll directly ask you to buy something worthless with 50 million yuan!"

"Joke, you think you can scare me?" Xu Piaopiao sneered, then raised his hand, "five thousand ten thousand!"

"I'm not in the mood to scare you." Xiao Ge is a brilliant smile, turned to look at Ye Ziyun, "dear, since she wants so much, give her good."

"Well, give it to her." Ye Ziyun also smiles and looks very happy.

Everyone is slightly a stay, Xiao Song this meaning, is he really don't want this necklace?

"Five hundred and ten thousand, is there any bid?" Xie min then asked again.

No one answered, suddenly, Xu Piaopiao and he Bu's face were slightly ugly.

"Xiao Ge, are you sure you don't want to increase the price?" He Bu light asked: "if I guess correctly, this should be ye Ziyun used the necklace?"

"I always mean what I say. As I said just now, if you increase the price, you'll get it." Xiao Ge said lazily.

"Since there is no bid, congratulations to Miss Xu. This necklace belongs to you." Xie Min has a bright smile on her face. For her, the auction is obviously a surprise.

Xu Piaopiao stood up, went to Xie min, took the necklace, looked at it, and then gave a cold hum: "I'll take this necklace to a prostitute later. The things used by prostitutes are suitable for prostitutes."

As soon as Xu Piao Piao said this, everyone felt a little vicious. Isn't it obvious that ye Ziyun is a prostitute?


A smile comes from ye Ziyun's mouth. When people look at Ye Ziyun, they find that she is smiling and beating Xiao GE's chest with her fist. She looks very happy.

Everybody is a little puzzled, this leaf purple rhyme can't be brain broken? She is so happy to be cursed so viciously?

"I'm such a good man." Xiao Ge smiles.

"Brother Xiao, if I guess correctly, there are still some stories about this necklace?" Bai Dahai asked.

Other people also look at Xiao Ge, obviously they are also curious about it. Although the necklace looks very ordinary, no matter how ordinary it is, it will not be ordinary again when it auctions for 50 million yuan.

"When you enter the hotel, you see a girl selling trinkets near the hotel. Well, when you go out and turn left about 200 meters away?" Xiao Ge asked seriously.

"Yes, the girl is pretty pretty." Huang Li Jing nodded.

"In such cold weather, it's really hard for a girl to sell trinkets to make money." Xiao GE has a very compassionate look, "I am such a kind person, naturally can not help her, so, I went to buy a necklace."

A necklace?

Many people subconsciously look at the necklace in Xu Piaopiao's hand. They feel a little strange in their heart. Isn't it so clever?

"Do you know how much that necklace costs?" Xiao Ge asked again.

"Like ten dollars?" Asked a man.

"No, actually, it's only five yuan." Xiao Ge laughed, "but I don't have any change, so I bought two with ten yuan."

As like as two peas were speaking, he saw a necklace from his pocket and saw the necklace. The expression of the other people was even more weird. The face of the floating place became even more ugly because anyone could see it. According to Xiao Song's hand, it was only five yuan necklace, which was exactly the same as the necklace that he had spent fifty million and ten thousand on Xu Yu's hand. It's just a mold!

"Five yuan necklace, I'm naturally embarrassed to give to Ziyun, so I let Ziyun donate to Miss Xie. In fact, I also decided that if who took the necklace, I'll give it to her. It's called" take one and get one free. " Xiao Ge smiles, and then really stands up, goes to Xu Piao Piao and puts the necklace in her hand in front of her. "Well, I'm very principled. Although I don't like you, since you've photographed the necklace, I still have to give it to you."


Ye Ziyun couldn't help laughing again, and there were several laughs in the crowd. Before, some people thought Xiao Ge was a fool, but now they all thought they were a fool. Can a fool make a whole person like this?

"You! You Xu Piao Piao was so angry that she turned pale. She thought she had humiliated Xiao Ge and ye Ziyun, but she made such a big joke.

"Miss Xie, is there something wrong with your previous explanation of this auction item?" At this time, he Bu looks at Xie min and asks with a frown.

"No problem, this necklace is really worthless to some people, and it's worth a lot to some people. Well, for example, it's sold for 50 million now. For those children who need the money, it's worth a lot." After that, Xiao Ge puts down the necklace, and then goes back to Ye Ziyun and holds Ye Ziyun to his lap again.

"Mr. He, as Mr. Tang said, there is no problem with my previous introduction." Xie min also said faintly: "this auction has been successful. Now, what we are going to auction is the second item, which is also a necklace. This is a diamond necklace. There used to be a similar necklace. It was sold in foreign auction houses at a price of more than 20 million. Now, you can bid."

"Ten thousand." As soon as Xie min's voice fell, someone made a bid, and this person was Xiao Ge.

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