"If it's useful to beg for mercy, what else should the police do?" Xiao Ge murmured to himself, then hit the burly man's head with a heavy fist.

The burly man snorted and fell to the ground.

At this time, Xiao Ge turned his head and looked at Xiao Haoran: "Uncle Xiao, do you need to teach that dead fat pig a lesson by yourself?"

"No more." Xiao Haoran smiles a little. Although he has just witnessed Xiao Ge cripple Feilong, Xiao Haoran is still calm. "Xiao Jie should be worried about me."

"Well, uncle Xiao, I'll take you to my little sister." Xiao Ge takes the initiative to push Xiao Haoran's wheelchair and walks towards the outside of the warehouse.

Outside Xinning chemical plant, there are at least a dozen police cars, at least dozens of police constantly in and out, and several ambulances parked outside. Several bodies have just been carried out, and a dozen yellow and thin men have been taken out and sent to ambulances.

Looking at her busy colleagues, Xiao Jie still feels as if she is in a dream. All this makes her feel too unrealistic. How can this matter develop more and more strangely?

Originally, her father was kidnapped, and the kidnapper was Zuo Xiaolong. It's fair to say, but when she came here, she didn't see her father or Zuo Xiaolong, but somehow she encountered several extremely vicious criminals. Then things began to get weird. She was safe when she faced the muzzle of the gun and the flying bullets twice, and there were five criminals with guns, They've been shot to death.

Of course, although it was strange, she could guess that Xiao Ge was helping in the dark. Although Xiao GE's ability made her feel strange, on the whole, it could be explained.

But what happened next made her feel more weird.

Because she only mentioned five armed criminals on the phone, but didn't say that they were dead, Tu Changwen was surprised when she received the phone call and immediately mobilized all the people he could mobilize. Several snipers were sent to her. When she first saw such a big battle, she thought it was a bit exaggerated. But then, after the police searched inside, She found that this battle was not exaggerating at all.

Under Xinning chemical plant, there is a drug manufacturing factory. There are more than ten men working in the factory. At that time, when every policeman saw these men for the first time, he could not hide his anger, because they were all chained, like dogs!

Xiao Jie, who saw this scene for the first time, was a little uncomfortable. Soon, she left the underground factory, which made her feel depressed.

But at the moment, Xiao Jie's heart is more incredible, she actually so inexplicably found a drug factory?

In just one hour, Xiao Jie experienced two moments of death, and then encountered such incredible things, which made her feel that it might be a dream.

Only the real picture in front of her eyes finally sobered her up. She knew that all this was not a dream, but Xiao Jie, who woke up, began to worry about her father's safety again.

"Xiao Jie!" The familiar voice came.

Xiao Jie turns her head and sees Tu Changwen coming.

"Xiao Jie, this time you've really made a great contribution. The second class can't run. The first class has great hope!" Tu Changwen's face was full of excitement. "Among the five bandits you killed, there are two A-level wanted criminals, one of whom has been wanted for more than five years!"

No wonder Tu Changwen is excited. This time, not only Xiao Jie, but also Director Ren Zhengjie and even the whole Ningcheng police station will be rewarded for this case!

After a pause, Tu Changwen said with admiration: "Xiao Jie, you are really good at shooting. The sharpshooter, ah, the five bandits were all shot in the middle of the brow and killed in one shot. It's too fierce. I heard that you are good at shooting, but I didn't know you are so good at shooting!"

Xiao Jie has a helpless expression on her pretty face. She doesn't speak and hands her police gun to Tu Changwen.

Tu Changwen was stunned: "Xiao Jie, what are you doing? No one wants to hand over your gun. You are meritorious, and there is no mistake... "

"Captain Tu, take out your magazine and have a look." Xiao Jie interrupts Tu Changwen.

Tu Changwen was a little confused. He took the gun and took out the cartridge. He was stunned. The cartridge was full!

"Well, what's the matter?" Tu Changwen looked up at Xiao Jie, "didn't you shoot?"

Xiao Jie nodded: "Captain Tu, although I wanted to shoot, I didn't have time to shoot at all."

"Well, there were others present besides you?" Tu Chang Wen asked in a low voice.

"No Xiao Jie shook her head immediately without hesitation. Since Xiao Ge didn't want to be known, she couldn't call him out. Besides, she didn't lie. Anyway, she didn't see anyone.

"Well, how on earth did they die?" Tu Chang Wen couldn't help frowning.

"Captain Tu, if I say that they accidentally killed their companions, do you believe it?" When Xiao Jie said this, she even didn't believe it, because it was really incredible.

Tu Changwen was speechless for a long time. He wanted to believe it, but would others believe it?

After a long time, Tu Changwen said, "Xiao Jie, don't say that until the forensic doctors determine the cause of their death."

"Captain Tu, I know how to do it." Xiao Jie nodded and agreed.

"By the way, one more thing, how did you find it here?" Tu Changwen is obviously confused about this. The Xinning chemical plant can't see anything unusual from the outside. The drug factory is underground, so it's hard to find it. So Tu Changwen can't figure out how Xiao Jie found it.

Xiao Jie not only began to hesitate, this question is really not so easy to answer, if you say that her father was kidnapped, the case will become more complicated, if you don't do well Xiao Ge will be involved, but if you don't tell the truth, how can she explain this problem?

Just when Xiao Jie was in a dilemma, she suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Xiao Jie."

Xiao Jie suddenly turned around and saw the familiar figure in the wheelchair a few meters away. Her tears almost came out of her eyes. The next second, her eyes fell on the young man behind the wheelchair. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. She only knew that Xiao Ge didn't let her down again.

"Dad After a long time, Xiao Jie just sobbed a little, but she did not cry out after all.

"Xiao Jie, I'm fine. If you're finished here, go home together." Xiao Haoran's voice is very gentle, his eyes are very kind, and even a little doting. This daughter is the biggest motivation for him to live a good life.

Xiao Ge also gave Xiao Jie a brilliant smile: "little sister, I said, you can always count on me."

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