Naturally, the two men are Luo Yunhan and Zhou Fei, and the young woman holding the child is Liu Dan. Han Xiaoling has never been able to hold the child from Liu Dan, because Liu Dan takes a step aside.

"Xiao Ge, is the child given to her?" Luo Yunhan then asked.

"Leave it to her." Xiao Ge nodded.

Liu Dan sent the child to Han Xiaoling and said, "he was a little scared, but don't worry, he wasn't hurt."

"Thank you, thank you... Wuwu..." Han Xiaoling hugged the child tightly, said two thanks, and could no longer help crying out.

Only those who have been mothers can really understand Han Xiaoling's mood at the moment. It's like going to hell for her to have her child stolen. Now, she finally returns to heaven.

"Instructor Ning is waiting for you. Let's go first." Xiao Ge said to Luo Yunhan and others.

"Good." Three people got in the car.

"Little sister, I have something to go first." Xiao Ge and Xiao Jie say hello, and then they get into the car.

Zhou Fei and Liu Dan subconsciously look at Xiao Jie more. Is this another sister of Xiao Ge? This guy's sister is beautiful.

However, several policemen in the police station who were also on the lookout felt that it was Xiao Ge who was still so tough. They didn't find the peddler all afternoon, but Xiao Ge asked someone to send back the stolen child with a phone call.

In half an hour.

Dark sword Ningcheng base.

Luo Yunhan and his wife finally wake up from the shock of seeing Ning Xinjing for the first time. When they first see Ning Xinjing's face after removing the scar, they are all stunned. Even Liu Dan, a woman, has not recovered for a long time.

"Well, now you three say, what happened in the process of getting the child back?" Ning Xinjing asked.

Luo Yunhan nodded slightly, barely suppressing the shock in their heart, and they began to tell the story.

In fact, this time it was really simple. Last time Luo Yunhan almost died, he recovered with the help of Xiao Ge. He was worried that he had no chance to repay Xiao Ge. As a result, he suddenly learned that Xiao Ge needed their help to find a child. Naturally, he didn't dare to neglect him.

According to the information provided by Xiaoxiao, their initial operation was also very smooth. They soon caught the peddler named Pang Lanhua. However, at this time, Han Xiaoling's son had been sold by Pang Lanhua. Fortunately, Pang Lanhua knew where the child had been sent, so they searched all the way.

In fact, the place to buy children also belongs to Tianyuan Province, but it's in a remote mountain village in Tianyuan province. Maybe it's because he was almost killed by the people from the demolition company last time. This time, Luo Yunhan was very careful and took all the weapons with him. Later, he found out how wise his preparation was.

Of course, one thing they did wrong this time was that they should not trust the local people. They were not familiar with the local mountain roads, so they found a local person to lead the way, but they almost couldn't come back.

The local reported a letter to the family who bought the children. When Luo Yunhan and his family arrived at their destination, they were met by dozens of villagers with various weapons. Without saying a word, they launched a siege against them. Unfortunately, if they were not secret sword agents, but three ordinary people, they would have lost half their lives.

If it was in the past, Luo Yunhan might still have some scruples, but this time, they are determined. Anyway, they have to snatch the children out and send them to Xiao Ge safely, because they feel that if they can't do such a thing well, they really have no face to see Xiao Ge, and they are not qualified to stay in the Dragon slaughtering group.

Because of this, the three did not hesitate to fight violence directly this time. When a villager took out a shotgun, Liu Dan fired without hesitation. As soon as he fired, things began to get a little chaotic. So Luo Yunhan killed his children and rushed out.

There were more than ten villagers and related people under the gun of the three of them. Of course, they still had a little discretion, that is, they didn't kill people, they just injured them. In the end, they didn't stop. They drove directly to Ningcheng all night and didn't catch up until this morning.

"Drillmaster Ning, this matter is actually our three private actions, if the upper authorities really want to investigate..." finally, Luo Yunhan also took the matter down.

Ning Xinjing waved his hand and interrupted Luo Yunhan's words: "I believe things are just like you said. You are just self-defense, and you have no responsibility."

"That's right. You should do things like this in the future. Don't worry about so much." Xiao Ge is quite satisfied with their action this time.

"Since Xiao Ge officially announced his return a few days ago, the Qianlong and the dark sword have been acting constantly in the capital. Some people in the dark sword are very dissatisfied with your dragon slaughtering team, and the Qianlong is more happy to see you and the dark sword making conflicts, which is to add fuel to the flames in the dark. This time, it is estimated that they are doing small movements behind their backs." Ning Xinjing pondered slightly, "although nothing will happen this time, it is not a long-term strategy to go on like this. I may need to go to the capital to solve this problem thoroughly."

"Instructor Ning, how do you want to solve it?" Xiao Ge asked.

"Maybe I can make the Dragon slaughtering group belong to the dark sword in name, but it is actually quite independent of the dark sword. I try to take over the Dragon slaughtering group, and now I only need to be directly responsible to the first person. That is to say, once the Dragon slaughtering group is under my management, other people in the dark sword will not be able to tell you what to do." Ning Xinjing roughly said his idea, "however, these things just can't be said well on the phone, I need to talk to head-on."

"That's good. We can decide what we want to do in the future." Luo Yunhan obviously agrees with the plan, and he also thinks Xiao Ge won't have any opinions, because everyone knows that there is some ambiguity between Xiao Ge and Ning Xinjing. Ning Xinjing takes over the Dragon slaughtering team and has no constraints on Xiao Ge.

"Instructor Ning, go to the capital, or I'll take you there?" Xiao Ge doesn't really have any opinions about it, and for him, it's a blink of an eye to go to the capital.

Ning Xinjing's face showed a trace of hesitation, as if worried about something.

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