Xiao Ge finally turned around. The first thing that came into his sight was a brand-new white BMW. Then he saw the man in the BMW, a red haired young man in his twenties.

The BMW stopped in the middle of the road, but the young man with red hair got out of the car. He looked at Xiao Ge with an unhappy look: "what are you looking at? It's you. Are you blind? Can't you see my car coming? If I hadn't braked fast, you would have been killed! "

"You're speeding." Xiao Ge looked at the red haired youth and said lazily.

"Grass, I like speeding. What's the matter? Is it none of your business The young man with red hair continued to yell at Xiao Ge, "Damn, if it wasn't for the bad luck of the new car, I would have killed you directly!"

"You're not a beauty. It's really none of my business to speed. However, speeding will kill people. If you die, your bird will be OK." Xiao Ge is still lifeless.

"Grass, you curse me, don't you?" The young man with red hair was furious. "I just bought a new car and wanted to try it. I met you. It really affects my mood. Get away from me now, or I will beat you!"

"Are you in a bad mood now?" Xiao Ge looked at the young man with red hair with a strange look.

"Grass, don't talk nonsense to me, just disappear. I don't want to see blood today!" The young man with red hair seems to bear the impulse of beating Xiaoge very hard.

"I just want to remind you that you will be in a worse mood soon." Xiao Ge said with a brilliant smile, "because your new car will soon become a broken one."

"Grass, what the hell are you saying..." the young man with red hair is still full of dirty words, but this time, his words did not finish, and suddenly there was a crash behind him!

The young man with red hair subconsciously turned his head and took a look, and suddenly he felt heartbroken: "grass, my new car..."

As Xiao Ge said, the new car has turned into a broken car, and the front windshield has been strangely cracked into pieces!

"Is it worse now?" Xiao GE's smile is very bright, "however, this is definitely not the worst time for you."

"I grass, it's you who are playing tricks, isn't it?" The young man with red hair turned his head and glared. He raised his feet and wanted to rush to Xiao Ge. "I'll kill you first!"

One of the red haired youth's feet had just been raised. Suddenly, a feeling of soreness came from behind the other foot. His body suddenly fell back involuntarily.

"Bang!" The head of the red haired youth and the brand-new broken BMW came to a close contact.

"See the blood!" Xiao Ge looked happy. "If you want to feel worse, you are welcome to come to me at any time. I'm going to eat now."

With these words, Xiao Ge turned and walked slowly to the hot pot fish shop. When Xiao Ge disappeared in the hot pot fish shop, the young man with red hair stood up with the car. He touched the back of his head with his hand and felt a piece of wet. When he got to the front of his eyes, it was bright red. Suddenly, the young man with red hair made a pig like cry: "grass, see blood, really his mother see blood!"

In Bashu hot pot fish shop, the pretty looking waitress looked at Xiao Ge and asked, "how much do you want?"

"Ten jin." Xiao Ge looked at the waitress, "don't you even have ten jin of fish?"

"You alone?" The waitress asked again.

"Yes, hurry up, I'm waiting to eat!" Xiao Ge is a little impatient.

"Oh, yes, sir. Just a moment." The waitress is sure she heard right, and finally leaves. Just before she leaves, she gives Xiao Ge a strange look.

Five minutes later, when the hot pot fish came to the table, Xiao Ge began to enjoy it. The hot pot fish here really tasted good. Half an hour later, Xiao Ge wiped out ten jin of hot pot fish, and then he still had some more to say.

"I'm going on a diet tonight. Why don't I eat it?" Xiao Ge murmured to himself.

But the next second, he shook his head: "as a foodie, how can you diet?"

A wave: "waiter."

The waitress, who had been staring at Xiao Ge, immediately came over and said, "do you want to pay, sir?"

"Ten pounds more." Xiao Ge replied.

"Ah?" The waitress opened her mouth. After a long time, she said, "Oh, OK, OK, just a moment."

Seeing Xiaoge swallow all the ten catties of fish with her own eyes, the waitress didn't doubt that he could continue to eat the ten catties of fish.

Soon ten catties of fish were on the table again. This time, Xiao Ge ate fish a little slower. Half an hour later, there was still one or two catties of fish left in the pot.

All of a sudden, a noise came from the outside, accompanied by some chaotic footsteps, and then a group of men in security uniforms came in.

There are more than a dozen security guards in this group. On the uniform, there are the words "Flying Eagle Security". These people seem to be well-trained. They guard all the exits of the hot pot shop with the fastest time, obviously they don't want anyone to go in and out at will.

There was a commotion in the shop, and some diners got up and wanted to pay the bill.

"Don't move A tall security guard at the door gave a deep drink, "Flying Eagle security company, please cooperate!"

It said please, but the security guard obviously didn't mean the slightest request. This is the order!

When I heard the words "Flying Eagle security company", some dissatisfied guests were immediately silent, and the waiters in the hot pot shop were also very generous.

In the hot pot fish shop, it suddenly became very quiet, but at this time, people heard the sound of Baji. Then, everyone's eyes looked at a table, where a young man in a T-shirt was eating hot pot fish with relish.

"This guy is really a dead man!" Almost everyone came up with the idea.

A waitress's eyes are more strange when she looks at the boy. Before, she only thought that this man was too good to eat. Now she begins to think that this guy's brain is also in trouble. Hasn't he heard of flying eagle security company?

The whole Ningcheng, few people do not know, Feiying security company is an ordinary security company on the surface, but in fact, people are black and white take all!

More than a dozen security guards quickly moved their eyes away from Xiao Ge and looked at the door together, because at this moment, a young man with red hair came in from the door. However, the young man with red hair looked so embarrassed. His head was wrapped with gauze.

"Little eagle." More than a dozen security guards bowed down to greet the red haired young man respectfully, with great momentum. This scene is quite like the eunuch welcoming the emperor on TV.

The young man with red hair was also very satisfied with this kind of ostentation. He showed a satisfied expression on his face, but the next second, the satisfaction on his face disappeared completely. He pointed to Xiao Ge, who was eating and drinking indifferently there, and cried angrily: "grass, that's the boy, repair him for me!"

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