"Mr. Lin, it's true that Xiao Ge is my brother, but I didn't deliberately cover him up. Moreover, when Lin Junxiong died, he was at school, so it must have nothing to do with him." Xiao Jie has really calmed down. Although she doesn't know the origin of Lin Tianxiong, Liu Kui was extremely respectful to Lin Tianxiong yesterday. Now Ren Zhengjie is obviously quite polite to Lin Tianxiong. It's obvious that Lin Tianxiong has an extraordinary origin. She knows that she must deal with it carefully. Otherwise, it is likely to bring great trouble to Xiao Ge.

"Whether it matters or not, I will investigate." Lin Tianxiong looked at Xiao Jie with cold eyes, "I need all the information of Xiao Ge now. Since you are his sister, you should know him very well. Then, it's up to you to tell me all his information!"

"Mr. Lin, Xiao Ge and I have only known each other for three days. I don't know about him either." Xiao Jie looks directly into Lin Tianxiong's eyes. This time, she doesn't flinch.

"You are very protective of him, very good!" Lin Tianxiong's eyes flashed a trace of irony, "do you think that if you don't say it, I can't ask about Xiao Ge from your mouth?"

Speaking of this, Lin Tianxiong's tone suddenly became colder: "Xiao Jie, I'll give you two choices. Either you tell me everything about Xiao Ge now, or I'll take you to another place and let you talk slowly!"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into the freezing point. Xiao Jie's pretty face was a little pale. She looked at Ren Zhengjie with the help of her eyes.

Ren Zhengjie's lips moved a little, as if to say something. But at this time, Lin Tianxiong seemed to understand Ren Zhengjie's idea. He immediately turned to him and asked coldly, "Director Ren, I'm going to take Xiao Jie. Won't you stop me?"

Ren Zhengjie looked at Xiao Jie and sighed: "Xiao Jie, otherwise, you'd better tell Mr. Lin everything you know."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jie understood that Ren Zhengjie could not help her at all. For a moment, Xiao Jie could not help but began to hesitate. Would you like to call her younger brother?

Xiao Jie doesn't want to tell Lin Tianxiong anything about Xiao Ge, but she knows better that he can't take him away. Lin Tianxiong is so arrogant in front of the director. If he takes him away, who knows what he will do to her?

Countless thoughts flashed in her mind, but Xiao Jie was still hesitant. She didn't want Xiao Ge to be involved, but now she found that if she didn't ask Xiao Ge for help, she had no way to deal with it.

"Xiao Jie, you'd better be more interesting!" Lin Tianxiong's indifferent voice sounded again, "I have no one who Lin Tianxiong wants to investigate, but I don't like others to waste my time, so if you don't give me all the information of Xiao Ge right away, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Xiao Jie took a deep breath and was about to speak. But just then, a voice came from the door: "she doesn't have to give you any information."

A man in his thirties came into the office and saw this man. Xiao Jie couldn't help looking confused. How could this man look familiar?

It seems to feel Xiao Jie's confusion. The man smiles at Xiao Jie: "officer Xiao, I've met again. My name is Yue Zhongheng. Last time I was in Ning'an Park, thank you very much."

"Ah, you're the one..." Xiao Jie finally remembered that this is the man who ran with the child bitten by the poisonous bee in Ning'an park that day?

"Yue Zhongheng, what does this have to do with you?" Lin Tianxiong's voice is still cold, but it is obvious that he and the man who just came in know each other.

"Xiao Ge is one of our people. You are not qualified to investigate him, and Xiao Jie is Xiao GE's family member. You can't harass her either." Yue Zhongheng said calmly: "now, you can go. If you want to investigate others, you can leave us alone. Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

"Family?" Lin Tianxiong sneered, "when can sister be regarded as a family member?"

"Is it family members? We has the final say." Yue Zhongheng light smile, "Lin Tianxiong, on the level, I am higher than you, do you want me to order you to leave?"

"Yue Zhongheng, what you can show off now is the rank!" Lin Tianxiong said with disdain, "as for ordering me, you are not qualified, but I don't bother to care with you now. Anyway, you can't jump for long. At that time, I will settle the old and new accounts with you!"

With these words, Lin Tianxiong gives Xiao Jie a cold look, then turns around and walks out of the office.

Seeing Lin Tianxiong disappear at the door, Ren Zhengjie is a little relieved. Then he looks at Yue Zhongheng: "excuse me, Mr. Yue..."

"Here is my identification." Yue Zhongheng takes out a copy and hands it to Ren Zhengjie. Ren Zhengjie takes it respectfully and takes a look at it. His face becomes more respectful. He returns the copy respectfully to Yue Zhongheng and asks, "what's the matter with you here?"

"Director Ren, don't be nervous. I'm not the second ancestor of Lin Tianxiong. Officer Xiao helped me a few days ago. I just want to thank her." Yue Zhongheng took back the book and said with a faint smile, "in addition, I have something else I want to ask officer Xiao for help, so I'll ask for a leave for her. Is that ok?"

"No problem, of course not!" Ren Zhengjie said busily.

Yue Zhongheng looked at Xiao Jie and said with a smile, "officer Xiao, can we go out and have a chat?"

"Oh, of course." Xiao Jie quickly nodded, she can see that this person is not invincible to her.

Yue Zhongheng and Xiao Jie quickly get out of the director's office, and then come to the corridor outside the Criminal Police Brigade.

"Officer Xiao, I'll be frank. I need to meet Xiao Ge. Please make an appointment for me." Yue Zhongheng stopped and said straight to the point.

"Good!" Xiao Jie also agreed very readily, "where shall we meet?"

In the classroom, Xiao Ge is lying on the table, thinking about most of the class, but he still can't figure out how to deal with Su Yunman.

Hit her? Insult her? Give her some poison?

It's no problem to use these methods to deal with the enemy, but it doesn't seem very good to use them to deal with Su Yunman. After all, she just asked him to come to class. Although it's a kind of torture for him, Xiao Ge is very reasonable. Su Yunman is not his real enemy. He doesn't think it's suitable to use these methods to deal with her.

With ten minutes to go before class ends, Xiao Ge plans to get something to plug up her ears, so that she can't hear Su Yunman's beautiful voice constantly reading out the dull English.

Just as he was about to plug his ears, his mobile phone suddenly rang. The pleasant ring of his mobile phone alarmed everyone. Even Su Yunman stopped lecturing and looked at Xiao Ge.

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