"What's the important thing?" Xiao Jie still doesn't understand.

Xiao Ge looked at the Lamborghini on the side of the road, looking depressed: "I can't drive."

Xiao Jie can't help but stay. This little brother can't even drive a car. What are you doing with a car? As a decoration?

Yue Zhongheng then went to Lin Tianxiong who was in a coma. He checked the car first, then found out the key from Lin Tianxiong and threw it to Xiao Ge: "here, the car is yours. I said Xiao Ge, you are really good. Just for a while, let you get a luxury car."

Xiao Ge took the key and muttered to himself, "how can I learn to drive as soon as possible?"

"Xiao Ge, I should have guided you, but now that something like this has happened, I have to deal with it." Yue Zhongheng stood up, took out a note from his body and handed it to Xiao Ge, "this is my mobile phone number. You can call me directly if you have any questions. In addition, the 11 digits in front of the number on the certificate I gave you are the phone number of our secret sword headquarters. If you have any questions, you can also call me directly."

"Can I make that call to claim for food?" Xiao Ge asked.

"Well, it's OK, but generally there's nothing important, so don't make that call." Yue Zhongheng didn't know what to think of. He had a strange look on his face. Then he picked up Lin Tianxiong on the ground and said, "I'll go first."

Yue Zhongheng took Lin Tianxiong to a car by the side of the road and left soon.

"What do you want to do now? You don't know how to drive. Can this car come in handy? " Xiao Jie looks at the Lamborghini.

"I want to know how to learn how to drive as fast as I can." Xiao Ge thought seriously.

Xiao Jie is a little speechless. Can you think about driving? If you want to learn how to drive, you have to do it. You can't just think about it.

However, she has begun to adapt to this little brother's strange behavior now, only to see the Lamborghini on the side of the road, Xiao Jie is also a little excited, hesitated for a while, and finally she can't help it“ Little brother, why don't you take your time and let me drive around first? "

"Good." Xiao Ge agrees, and then hands the key to Xiao Jie.

"Er, little brother, you don't want to go for a ride with me?" Xiao Jie was stunned.

"Little sister, I won't go. I'll wait for you here." Xiao Ge shook his head.

"Well, I'll go for a ride first." Although Xiao Jie is a little bit puzzled, the temptation of going for a ride in the Lamborghini makes her lazy to care about the reason at the moment. She quickly jumps on the car, starts the Lamborghini, cheers, and soon disappears in Xiao GE's sight.

Xiao Ge takes out his mobile phone, and then takes out his ID card to prove his secret sword membership. He opens the ID card, takes a look at the 20 digit number, and then enters the first 11 digits in the mobile phone and presses the dial key.

The phone was soon connected, there came a sweet but slightly mechanical voice: "please enter the last nine digits of the number."

Xiao Ge did as he said.

"The number has not been activated." Soon, the voice came over there, and then he hung up.

"Not activated yet?" Xiao Ge is a little depressed. Is Yue Zhongheng playing with him?

Xiao Ge, who was very upset, immediately called Yue Zhongheng: "Hello, Lao Yue, what are you doing? What do you mean the number has not been activated? "

Yue Zhongheng on the other side of the phone was stunned by the name of Lao Yue. When he heard the following sentence, he was even more embarrassed: "Xiao Ge, did you call the headquarters so soon? Do you have anything important? "

"I'm bored. I want to talk to someone." Xiao Ge rightfully said: "are you fooling me? Otherwise, how can the number not be activated? "

"This..." Yue Zhongheng has some helplessness, "well, you wait for a moment, about ten minutes later, you call again, then, your number will be activated."

"Well, I'll trust you again." Xiao Ge some unhappy hung up the phone, and then began to wait.

ten minutes later.

Xiao Ge dialed the phone again, still the sweet voice: "please input the last nine digits of the number."

Xiao Ge entered the number again. This time, the response was different: "identity has been confirmed, Xiao Ge, male, 19 years old. If you are not Xiao Ge, please hang up in three seconds."

Drop, drop, drop!

After three drops, the sweet voice came again: "location confirmation, you are located at the gate of Ning'an Park in Ningcheng City, appearance confirmation, facial scanning, confirm that it is Xiao Ge himself, now, please follow the prompts, permission query, please press 89877654123..., data search, please press 989725847..."

Xiao Ge was stunned. According to the prompt, no matter what he wanted to do, he had to press dozens of numbers. Who designed the telephone voice system? It's too boring!

What makes Xiao Ge feel like brother Keng most is that the voice system has not finished speaking for ten minutes. When his patience is finally exhausted and he is ready to hang up directly, another voice comes from the microphone: "for manual inquiry, please press zero."

"Why?" Xiao Ge was very surprised that this time it was so simple? Almost without any hesitation, he immediately pressed zero.

"I know everything, Xiaoxiao. What do you want to know?" It's still that sweet voice, but it's still a little different from before. Obviously, the previous voice was recorded, but this one is someone really talking to Xiao Ge.

Xiao Ge asked casually, "why do you call it Xiao Xiao? Are you very young? "

"I'm not Xiaoxiao. I'm Xiaoxiao. It's not Xiaoxiao. It's Xiaoxiao who knows everything from astronomy to geography." The voice is still sweet, but the girl seems to be angry, "come on, what's the matter? If it's OK, I'll cut the thread! "

"You really don't know anything?" Xiao Ge asked in disbelief.

"Of course, I know what people looked like five thousand years ago, and what people on Mars should look like. I know what snacks the president of the United States eats, and what brand of underwear the wife of the president of France wears..." Xiaoxiao's tone was obviously showing off: "in a word, there is nothing I don't know all over the world!"

"Well, do you know who my mother is?" Xiao Ge asked seriously.

The phone suddenly quieted down. After ten seconds, Xiaoxiao finally heard some crazy voice: "you don't know who your mother is. How can I know? I'm not your mother

"You said you knew everything!" Xiao Ge felt innocent. "I didn't say I knew everything."

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