These people don't know. At the moment, another person also thinks it's quite strange. A black car is parked on the side of the road a few kilometers away from the scene of the explosion. In the car, there is a man in his thirties who just put down his mobile phone. Then, he suddenly discovers that there are two more people in the car.

"Mr. Luo, Miss Sun?" The man was surprised to see the two men suddenly appear in the back of the car and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Mengzi, drive, get out of here!" Sun Qing shouts in a hurry.

"Miss Sun, what's the matter?" The man called Mengzi was still confused. Then he found something wrong with Luo Zhishan, "what's wrong with Luo Zong?"

"Don't ask. Let's go!" Sun Qing is about to go crazy.

"I don't believe that you are brain disabled. At this time, you think you can run away?" A voice of disdain rang out at this time.

Hear this voice, that call the man of fierce son suddenly facial expression a change: "is you?"

Obviously, Meng Zi immediately recognized that the voice belonged to the person who had just called him.

"Isn't that me?" Xiao Ge suddenly blows out.

Xiao Ge was standing by the car. It seemed that his fist just hit the car glass, but suddenly he found out strangely that the fist didn't break the window glass, but it went through the glass strangely and directly towards him.

"Hell The idea came out of his mind. He kicked open the other door and tried to avoid the blow.

But at this time, Xiao Ge suddenly turned his fist into a claw, holding the throat of the fierce son like lightning, and then suddenly took back his hand.


At that moment, Meng Zi felt a sharp pain all over his body. It seemed that his body had a violent collision with an iron plate. The next second, he found that he had left the car. However, one door of his car seemed to have been smashed by him, and fell on the side of the car.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?" Meng Zi asked with some effort. At this moment, his body seemed to fall apart, and his heart was also full of fear. All this seemed so strange!

"Don't you like to make bombs? Make another bomb. " As soon as Xiao Ge let go, he was forced to the ground.

"After that, the trunk still has..." Meng Zi tried very hard to get up from the ground, but he couldn't get up.

"Good. I'd better see what power your bomb has." Xiao Ge kicked Meng Zi, and Meng Zi's body flew up and flew back into the car.

The next second, Xiao Ge flashed to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and then really found a bomb that had been made. He picked up the bomb and stuffed it directly on Mengzi.

"You, what are you going to do?" The fierce man was shocked.

"What do you do? You are crazy? Let me down, I want to go down... "Sun Qing screamed in horror.


The violent explosion suddenly rang out, and the car split into pieces in an instant. This explosion was obviously stronger than the previous explosion in Ye Ziyun's car. The air waves overflowed, and countless pieces of debris flew around with the air waves. But strangely, there seemed to be an invisible round cover around the car, which blocked all these pieces. So this was a very violent explosion, In fact, it didn't affect other people at all. It just blew up the car and the people in it.

Xiao Ge and ye Ziyun stood not far from the explosion point, but they were also intact.

"Honey, the bomb seems to be quite powerful." Xiao Ge stood by the side of the road, looking like a pure spectator.

"Well, it's very powerful." Ye Ziyun seems quite calm at the moment. Then she smiles at Xiao Ge: "husband, you are really angry today. Why don't we go back first and I will help you eliminate the fire?"

When ye Ziyun said this, a red cloud rose unconsciously from her pretty face, but her beautiful eyes were watery, and her tone was full of temptation. Therefore, Xiao GE's desire fire, which was replaced by anger, suddenly rose again from the bottom of her heart.

Xiao Ge doesn't speak, but directly answers Ye Ziyun with action. He touches her belt with one hand, and at the same time takes her to the hillside villa, and appears directly in Ye Ziyun's bedroom.

In less than half an hour, there were two car explosions in Ningcheng City, which made Ningcheng police station quite a headache. However, it didn't take long for everyone to relax again, because after a preliminary investigation, they found that it was related to Xiao Ge. Since it was related to Xiao Ge, it was simple. Let Xiao Jie, the violent policeman, investigate.

Xiao Jie also lived up to people's expectations, and soon found out the case, but according to her investigation results, the case seems to have nothing to do with Xiao Ge.

It is said that this is a very strange case. The first explosion was caused by three suspect trying to kill the owner of the Audi car. A beautiful woman named Ye Ziyun was only lucky but escaped. But then the three suspect accidentally exploded because of the unstable performance of the explosive device on his car, and then killed himself. Thus, the suspect was dead, and the case was naturally settled.

Of course, some people know that this case seems strange, but it's not strange at all. In the first half of the case, there's no problem, but in the second half of the case, it's definitely not an unintentional self explosion. It's a guy who wants to harm others, who offends people who shouldn't, but someone else blows them up.

As for the innocent people who were bombed, it is said that ye Ziyun, as the victim, decided to help them pay the medical expenses, and the two bombings were basically solved.

In a word, because the two explosions were solved quickly, they basically had no impact on Ningcheng. At least this afternoon, Ningcheng still looks the same as usual.

Around 3 p.m., many pedestrians on Ningcheng Avenue were attracted by an eye-catching red sports car. It's a red Ferrari convertible. It's not a good choice to drive a convertible on such a cold day. It's not so pleasant when the cold wind blows. However, the beautiful girl who is driving a Ferrari now obviously doesn't care.

The gorgeous and sexy girl is actually more attractive than the sports car, and the combination of beauty and sports car makes it more attractive. Especially, when another red sports car appears and the driver is also a very beautiful girl, it makes countless people want to get close to see it.

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