"Feifei, just say it. No matter what, I'll do it for you." Xiao Ge immediately vowed that it was time for Luo Feifei to be sad, and it was also the best time for him to conquer her completely. Although it seemed to take advantage of others' danger, he didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

"I'll take you to see my grandfather later. I'll tell him that you are my boyfriend. My grandfather may make some demands on you. No matter what the demands are, I want you to agree." Luo Feifei said low, and finally added, "I don't ask you to do it. I just need you to promise for the time being. I just hope grandfather can leave as few regrets as possible. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Xiao Ge nodded to promise, and finally promised, "Feifei, I will not only promise, but also do it."

"Come on, let's go now." Luo Feifei didn't say anything more, but obviously, she didn't take Xiao GE's words seriously.

At the moment, in the intensive care unit of the first hospital of Luobei City, there is an old man with a breathing tube in his nostril. This old man is Luo Bingsheng, the most prestigious old man in Luobei.

The Luo family is a real military family. In addition to Luo Bingsheng, Luo Bingsheng's son Luo Jianguo is also in the army. Luo Jianguo's wife Zhou Ruo is also a soldier. Luo Jianguo and Zhou Ruo have a son and a daughter. Before Luo Fengwu's death, his son was an agent of the military, and his daughter Luo Feifei is now a member of the special forces.

In fact, Luo Bingsheng is not very old. He is only in his sixties now. A few years ago, he has been in good health. But more than two years ago, Luo Fengwu was killed, which caused a great blow to him. Since then, his health has gone from bad to worse. Now, he can't hold on.

"Where's Feifei?" Luo Bingsheng just took a nap, opened his eyes, but found that the baby granddaughter was not nearby, so he immediately asked in a weak voice.

"Grandfather, I'm here." Luo Feifei's voice came from the door, and then she took a man's arm and walked into the ward, quickly came to the bedside, "grandfather, I'm coming."

Luo Bingsheng's line of sight, but immediately fell on the man beside Luo Feifei, originally some gray eyes, instant seems to become bright a lot.

"Grandfather, I'd like to introduce you. This is my boyfriend. His name is Xiao Ge. He's also from the military." Luo Feifei whispers that the reason why she specifically says that Xiao Ge is a member of the military is because the Luo family has an unwritten family motto that the other half of the Luo family's children must be a member of the military.

"Hello, grandfather. I'm sorry I'm late. Feifei didn't tell me that you were ill before. I just knew that before long, and then I came here immediately." Xiao Ge immediately began to say, his call is not to mention much intimate, if usually, Luo Feifei will immediately curse, but now, she is very happy that Xiao Ge called, because in this way, grandfather should be more at ease.

"Xiao Ge? Are you the Xiao Song Luo Bingsheng's eyes seemed to be brighter, "Xiao Song of the dark sword? Is that Xiao Ge, who defeated the Qianlong, you

When Luo Bingsheng said this, Luo Jianguo and Zhou Ruo turned to Xiao Ge in surprise. First, they didn't expect that their father had heard of their daughter's boy friend. Second, they didn't expect that their daughter's boy friend seemed to have great abilities.

"Grandfather, I'm really Xiao Ge, but I didn't beat Qianlong alone." Xiao Ge was very modest once.

"Good, very good, ha ha ha..." Luo Bingsheng laughed happily, just so a smile, immediately began to cough, "cough..."

"Grandfather, don't be too excited..." Luo Feifei immediately flustered.

But at this moment, Xiao Ge reaches out and grabs Luo Bingsheng's wrist. The next second, Luo Bingsheng's cough stops. Almost for a moment, his eyes brighten a lot and his spirit seems to be better.

"Feifei, you don't have to worry. With me, my grandfather will be fine." Xiao Ge comforts Luo Feifei with a gentle tone.

Luo Feifei took a look at his grandfather and found that he looked really much better, so he was a little relieved.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. This young man has the ability!" Luo Bingsheng's voice was much louder. "Xiao Ge, in fact, two years ago, before Fengwu had an accident, I heard about you. Later, I also checked some of your information. Well, although your boy's information was encrypted, that person's authority was higher than mine. Anyway, I also had some friends. So, generally, what did your boy do, I know all about it. "

"Grandfather, in fact..." Luo Feifei was worried. She didn't expect that grandfather would know a lot about Xiao Ge. In this way, could she not continue to play this play?

"Feifei, let me say." Luo Bingsheng waved his hand, "Xiao Ge, I don't have much time. I'll ask you a few things. You have to tell me the truth. Don't cheat me, the dying old man."

"Grandfather, just ask. I won't be half false." Xiao Ge nodded at once, but he muttered to himself that there was not half a false sentence, but one or two false sentences were OK.

"Besides Feifei, you have other girlfriends, don't you?" Luo Bingsheng went straight in and asked the most important thing at once.

"Er..." Xiao Ge was stunned, and then really nodded, "yes."

Luo Jianguo and Zhou ruo's face suddenly appeared angry expression, this young man, unreliable!

"Then I ask you, are you serious about Feifei, or just want to play?" Luo Bingsheng asked again.

"Grandfather, of course it's serious." Xiao Ge immediately replied.

"Don't you take other girlfriends seriously?" Luo Bingsheng continues to ask.

"Well, grandfather, actually I have an advantage." Xiao Ge is a very honest look, "my biggest advantage, in addition to honesty, is that I like the new and never tire of the old."


Luo Feifei wants to shut this guy's mouth. Look at his nonsense. Is he honest? Who believes that!

"You mean you're serious about all your girlfriends, don't you?" Luo Bingsheng asked lightly.

"Well, that's about it." Xiao Ge a pair of honest appearance, "however, the key, I want to say is, I will always be very serious to Feifei, as long as I am still alive, I will always be good to her."

Luo Feifei wants to seal Xiao GE's mouth again. Can't this guy say something easier for her grandfather to believe? This kind of nonsense, even she does not believe, her grandfather can believe it?

However, at this time, Luo Bingsheng said: "very good, I believe you, but I hope you can promise me a request!"

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