Xiao Ge and Luo Feifei didn't have any trouble after they got rid of those guys who robbed the place. They ate the barbecue happily together. As for Ding Xiaotian, they had a good time, especially Ding Xiaotian. The three boys were all eager to pay attention to her, which made her feel quite successful.

Of course, she is very clear that her three classmates are afraid to pay homage to Luo Feifei, otherwise they would have gathered around Luo Feifei.

"Honey, would you like some wine?" Xiao Ge is encouraging Luo Feifei to drink again. In fact, he doesn't like drinking very much. However, he likes to let beautiful women drink. Drunken beautiful women are easier to push down.

"Can I have soup?" Luo Feifei white Xiao Song one eye.

"No problem, honey. What kind of soup would you like?" Xiao Ge agreed.

"Fish soup." Luo feijiao snorted, and then added, "it's made of the fish in the lake."

"No problem." Xiao Ge agreed again, and then waved. Suddenly, a fish flew out of the lake and fell into his hands like eyes.

Luo Feifei is a little helpless for a moment, which seems to be too difficult for him. After thinking about it, she adds another condition: "you have to do it yourself."

"All right." Xiao Ge agreed without hesitation, which was just a little more difficult for him.

No, after a while, Xiao Ge was ready to kill the fish and wash it. The pot was ready, and then he began to make a fire to cook the fish soup.

It is not far away Ding Xiaotian four people see dumbfounded, this, this guy is not really immortal, right?

Then, Ding Xiaotian was a little envious of Luo Feifei. She was so happy that she had to cook fish soup for her.

However, envy to envy, Ding Xiaotian is not envious of Luo Feifei, she still has self-knowledge, Luo Feifei than she is too beautiful, that figure is let her even inferiority thoughts are not born, the gap is too big, can't give birth to the idea of comparison.

Looking at Xiao Ge seriously cooking fish soup, Luo Feifei has something strange in her heart for a moment. In fact, she doesn't really want to drink soup, she just wants him to do something. She thought Xiao Ge would find an excuse to say nothing. If he really said no, she wouldn't really care too much, but now he is really making fish soup, But let her in the mind unconsciously had so some sweet silk feeling.

Half an hour later, when Luo Feifei drinks the fish soup brought by Xiao Ge, she is a little surprised to find that this guy's standard of cooking fish soup seems good, and the fish soup is really delicious.

They ate and drank like this. Unconsciously, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and Ding Xiaotian and others began to get up and say goodbye: "Feifei, thank you for your hospitality. We're going back. We'll have a chance to play together again!"

"Well, good." Luo Feifei left a phone call for Ding Xiaotian.

When these four people leave, Xiao Ge and Luo Feifei really live a two person world. They stroll on the island hand in hand. There is a small beach on the island. Luo Feifei tramples on the beach barefoot and has a good time, just like a teenage girl.

"Hey, can you change a skirt for me?" Having fun, Luo Feifei suddenly asks Xiao Ge.

"Honey, do you want to wear a skirt?" Xiao Ge asked.

"Well, I seldom wear skirts." Luo Feifei nodded.

"Well, let's go back to the tent and change." Xiao Ge with Luo Feifei directly moved to the tent, "you wait for me, I'll get the skirt."

There is no skirt in Xiao GE's heaven fairy bracelet, so he can only get it temporarily. He comes to a shopping mall in a blink, ransacks it, and then makes about ten skirts to go back to the tent and hands them to Luo Feifei: "honey, do you like anything here?"

Luo Feifei picked for a while, and then chose a black skirt: "that's it, you must like it."

"Honey, I'll know whether I like it or not after you put it on." Xiao Ge said solemnly.

"You go out first." Luo Feifei's pretty face flushed slightly.

"Honey, I don't mind watching you change." Xiao Ge said with a smile.

"If you don't go out, I won't wear a skirt." Luo feijiao snorted.

"Nothing?" Xiao Ge asked seriously, "in this case, I can't go out any more."

"Hey, don't be kidding, you go out first!" Luo Feifei gets angry, and finally stares at Xiao Ge, "if you don't go out, I won't live on this island tonight!"

"Well, I'll go out." Xiao Ge quickly exits the tent, and Luo Feifei quickly pulls up the tent inside. Then she can hear the sound of Xie Xie Suo. It's obvious that she is changing her clothes.

Xiao Ge waited outside for ten minutes, and finally asked, "Feifei, haven't you changed yet?"

"Come in, this skirt won't go out at all." The voice of Luo Feifei came out from inside.

Xiao Ge didn't even open the tent, but moved directly into it. Then he understood the meaning of Luo Feifei's so-called "can't wear out". This skirt really can't wear out. If she is willing to go out, he won't let her go out.

This is a very sexy miniskirt, and more importantly, this sexy miniskirt is a little small for Luo Feifei. It's not, originally designed to be very sexy miniskirt. Wearing it on her, it's not only sexy, it's just too sexy.

Staring at Luo Feifei's proud figure, Xiao GE's eyes become hot unconsciously. At least, Luo Feifei is right. He really likes Luo Feifei wearing this skirt. Of course, only when she wears it for him.

"Hey, I'd better change a skirt. I can't go out to play with it." Luo Feifei's face is slightly red. She already feels the heat in Xiao GE's eyes. She obviously knows how attractive it is to wear this skirt. Because of this, she knows that she can't wear it out, but she still wants Xiao Ge to come in and have a look.

"Honey, you're right. You can't wear this skirt to go out to play, but in fact, you don't have to change it, because we can play in it without going out." Xiao Ge stares at Luo Feifei without blinking. In his speech, he has put his hand around Luo Feifei's soft waist, and then whispers in a dreamy voice: "Feifei, this skirt doesn't need to be changed for the time being. I like your appearance."


Seeing that something is about to happen, even Luo Feifei is looking forward to it, but suddenly, Luo Feifei has a huge sense of emptiness in her heart, because Xiao Ge suddenly stops!

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