"Oh..." Xiao Chan has already yelled excitedly. She seems to have completely forgotten that Xiao Ge is still nearby. She soon drove Lamborghini out of the city, and soon got on the ring road of Ning City. This road has few cars, which is obviously more suitable for speeding, and this girl also quickly sped up 300 times!

Before long, Xiao Chan drove a Lamborghini around the ring road, but she was obviously not satisfied, and continued to start the second circle.

Half way through the second lap, the sound of a police siren came from behind, but a police car came after him.

"Hey, you're speeding!" Xiao Song can't help reminding Xiao Chan.

"Whatever, it's not my car!" Xiao Chan did not care should be a, did not pay attention to the siren, continue to storm!

"Die wench, want to pit elder brother again!" Xiao Ge murmured to herself, this girl looks very honest, how can she be so bad? You can't judge a person by his appearance!

Xiao Chan quickly raced around again, and then drove the third lap. This time, several police cars began to chase and intercept, but we have to say that Xiao Chan's driving skills are really good. This time, the police car was thrown away by her. After three laps, no police car caught up with her.

"Wow... Xiao Chan, you are so wonderful. Do it again! Continue to challenge the police Xiao Chan got a little carried away, the speed didn't decrease at all, and then started the fourth lap of the storm.

"Well, do you know what it means to be no more than three?" Xiao Ge actually likes the feeling of riding on the car, but seeing that the girl is not happy, she can't help reminding her, "this time, people will set up roadblocks to stop you."

"Dead song, you crow mouth!" Less than a minute later, Xiao Chan couldn't help scolding Xiao Ge, because there was a roadblock on the road ahead, and there were several police cars behind. Obviously, no matter how good Xiao Chan's driving skill is, it's hard to escape, unless the car can fly.

"It's my magic trick." Xiao Ge said lazily.

"Well, I'm not afraid that the car belongs to you anyway." Xiao chanjiao snorted and slowly stopped the car on the side of the road. A middle-aged traffic policeman and a young traffic policeman also came right away.

"Get out of the car, the driver's license..." the middle-aged traffic police did not finish, suddenly came exclamation, "be careful!"

Xiao Chan and the middle-aged traffic police subconsciously turn their heads, only to see a black Lamborghini, is driving here at a very fast speed!

Although there are still several hundred meters away, Xiao GE has recognized that it is Lin Tianxiong who is driving.

Lin Tianxiong drives very fast. In an instant, the Lamborghini appears less than 100 meters away. At this time, Lin Tianxiong jumps up and appears in the air with a very natural posture.

"Wow, how handsome!" Xiao Chan looks at Lin Tianxiong in the air and shouts in a low voice.

"Get out of the way!" The middle-aged traffic police suddenly roared, with obvious panic in his voice.

"Ah Xiao Chan exclaimed, she suddenly found that although the driver left the car, the Lamborghini didn't turn off, or even slow down. It was running towards them at a speed of more than 300 mph!

Lin Tianxiong in the air, still looks so handsome, and his eyes, is still so cold, but at the moment, his cold eyes, more than usual a cruel, a wisp of pride.

An hour ago, he knelt down in front of Xiao Ge, which was regarded as a great shame by him. He was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted on the spot. He didn't wake up until half an hour ago.

He couldn't tolerate that kind of humiliation for a moment, so he immediately started the revenge plan. He soon knew the location of Lamborghini, and then he drove his other Lamborghini to come. He didn't want to wait for a moment, he wanted to crush Xiaoge into meat!

Seeing that his Lamborghini bumps into Xiao Ge as fast as he can, and Xiao Ge seems to be a fool. Lin Tianxiong has a little excitement in his eyes. He believes that Xiao Ge can't escape. He has even seen Xiao Ge lying in a pool of blood. As for Xiao GE's Secret sword membership, he doesn't care much, As long as he insists that this is an accident, what can the secret sword do to him?

"Ha ha ha..." a feeling of revenge made Lin Tianxiong laugh wildly. He took a step in the air and then fell to the ground. His posture was still free and easy.

"Xiao Ge, what are you doing? Run away!" Xiao Chan screamed at this time. She was used to racing, but her reaction speed was very fast. When she saw Lamborghini crashing madly towards this side, she instinctively rushed to the side of the road, fell to the ground and rolled around. When she rolled, she couldn't help looking at Xiao Ge, but found that Xiao Ge stood there and didn't move, just like she was stupid, All of a sudden, he screamed.

Although she often quarrels with Xiaoge these days, she doesn't really want Xiaoge to die. Now that she sees that he is going to be killed by a car, she is very anxious.

Not only Xiao Chan, middle-aged traffic police and young traffic police are also very anxious at the moment, and almost at the same time cried out: "hide!"

In fact, even if they dare, they are powerless at the moment. It's too late. They can only watch the runaway Lamborghini bump into Xiaoge. At the moment when Lamborghini and Xiaoge bump into each other, they subconsciously close their eyes. They dare not see this tragic scene.

"Lin Tianxiong, you really can't get rid of eating shit!" Xiao GE's calm voice came into everyone's ears at this time. At the moment when Lamborghini hit him, he suddenly shot.

He quickly raised his right hand, and with a flick of his fingers, a small stone flew to Lin Tianxiong. The next moment, his right palm was on the head of the Lamborghini!

Lin Tianxiong, who was just in the middle of complacency, suddenly fell to the ground again when his feet just touched the ground. He actually repeated the embarrassing situation an hour ago and fell down again!

"Ah A exclamation rang out. This time, the exclamation still came from Xiao Chan's mouth. She just opened her eyes again, and then she saw an incredible scene!

This exclamation made Lin Tianxiong feel a little wrong. As he climbed up from the ground, he turned his head to have a look, which immediately changed his face. The Lamborghini, which should have hit Xiao Ge, was running towards him at high speed, and it was only a short distance away from him now!

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