"Yes, he's a soldier, too." Luo Feifei light answer way, but in the heart secretly murmur, Xiao Song how hasn't come yet?

Xiao Ge Na's so-called military identity is just a name. In theory, both Qianlong and secret sword belong to military secret service organizations, and every secret service agent is also a soldier. However, in fact, they are totally different from ordinary soldiers.

"Major Luo, is your boyfriend in Beijing now?" The man surnamed Li asked again, as if he was quite concerned about Luo Feifei's boyfriend.

"Where do you care about me?" An uncomfortable voice sounded at this time.

"Husband!" Luo Feifei's face immediately appeared a happy smile, and then put her plump body into the embrace of Xiao Ge. I haven't seen her for a month. In fact, Luo Feifei has long been eager to meet Xiao Ge again. Maybe because of this, as soon as she found that the plane was late, she immediately thought of Xiao Ge.

"Feifei, you seem to have lost some weight." Xiao Ge embraces Luo Feifei's plump figure, and no matter it's in public here, she checks her body quickly with both hands. At last, she is relieved: "fortunately, the place that shouldn't be thin is not thin at all."

"Major Luo, don't you introduce your boyfriend to me?" At this time, the man surnamed Li asked a question.

"Feifei, who is this idiot?" Xiao Ge was upset again. Just when he came here, he found a guy talking with Luo Feifei. He was a little upset at that time. However, holding Luo Feifei's soft body, he forgot this discomfort for a while. But now, this guy came out to talk again, so he was more dissatisfied.

"The guy in the back of my plane is a boaster." Luo Feifei whispered, "forget it, don't pay attention to him, take me home first, grandfather, they are still waiting for me."

"Well, when he's lucky, he won't waste his time." Xiao Ge nodded, hugged Luo Feifei and disappeared directly.

"Well, where are the people?" The man surnamed Li wiped his eyes and stayed on the spot for a while.

In the battle of life and death during the Qingming Festival, Ning Xinjing won, song Yunfeng was in a different place, and the jade peony belonged to Xiao Ge.

This result soon spread in the capital. Although many people thought it might happen for a long time, when it really happened, it still made many people feel very complicated.

In fact, what these people are most concerned about is not the victory of Ning Xinjing, nor why Ning Xinjing suddenly became so powerful, but the ownership of jade peony, which will really belong to Xiao Ge from now on?

Huaxia seven color flower is the most outstanding and beautiful seven women in China. In fact, the legend of seven color flower didn't appear very early. About five years ago, the legend of seven color flower began to appear. Perhaps because of this, every flower of seven color flower is not very old. Before that, every flower was a famous flower without owner, which excited countless aristocratic children, Everyone dreams of picking one of them.

However, the reason why seven color flowers can become seven color flowers is not only because they are beautiful, but also because they have extraordinary ability. It's not easy to pick seven color flowers. Countless pretentious young talents, aristocratic CHILDES, officials and rich people all run into the wall one after another. Some even run into the wall beyond recognition and fail to see beautiful women, So many aristocratic children even started a competition in secret, who can be the first to pick the seven color flowers, who is the first son of the aristocratic family.

Unfortunately, these people never thought that it was not any of them who were the first to pick the seven color flowers, but a guy who didn't belong to any aristocratic family at all, a lucky son of a bitch who is still a college student and has no father, no mother and no family background!

Yes, everyone thinks that Xiao Ge is very lucky. Although they all admit that he has some skills, the more important thing for him to get jade peony is luck. A bet will make him succeed. It's really lucky. They even think that if jade peony has a similar bet with them, they can win, too. Unfortunately, Their luck is not good enough, jade peony and they did not have a similar bet.

There are countless people who feel that it's too easy for Xiao Ge to get the jade peony, which makes them feel unreasonable. They work hard to find a way, and they can't even talk to the jade peony. This son of a bitch seems to have done nothing, so he hugs and hugs the jade Peony?

"Why didn't the boy be killed by thunder?" Countless people curse Xiao Ge in their hearts.

And somewhere in the capital, a conversation is going on.

"You just watch the jade peony picked by Xiao Ge? Didn't you claim that you belonged to the jade peony? "

"The jade peony is still in the Peony Pavilion. I still have a chance."

"But the jade peony can come out of the pavilion at any time. Maybe Xiao Ge will touch the Peony Pavilion tonight and pick the jade Peony..."

"I'll find a way."


In fact, similar conversations are not just held in one place. When song Yudan made a bet with Xiao Ge, these people still thought that Xiao Ge could not win, so they just watched. But when Xiao Ge really won, and even Xiao Ge kissed song Yudan in full view of the public, they couldn't bear it. So unconsciously, there was a turbulent undercurrent in the capital.

But I'm afraid these people can't imagine that Xiao Ge is not in the capital at the moment, but in Luobei city.

After Xiao Ge sends Luo Feifei to Luo's house, he doesn't leave immediately. Instead, he follows the Luo family to Luo Fengwu's grave. Luo Feifei sweeps the grave, and he accompanies him. After leaving the cemetery, he accompanies Luo Feifei to have a meal with her grandfather and parents in the hotel, and does his duty as a boyfriend.

However, after lunch, Luo Feifei's grandfather and parents left the hotel. As for Xiao Ge and Luo Feifei, they reserved a room in the hotel and stayed.

"Feifei, if you want to be tired, have a rest first." After they came to the room, Xiao Ge, who had just done her part as a boyfriend, didn't immediately begin to enjoy her rights as a boyfriend, because when he just swept the grave, he could feel that Luo Feifei was a little sad. Obviously, although Luo Fengwu had been dead for a long time, Luo Feifei still couldn't completely get out of the shadow of this matter.

However, Luo Feifei looks at Xiao Ge, slowly unties her coat button, and soon presents her perfect figure which is enough to bury any man in front of Xiao Ge. Then, she throws herself into Xiao GE's arms and kisses him at the same time.

Xiao BIE wins the newlywed. Luo Feifei proves the reliability of this sentence again with her enthusiasm. She appears extremely active and crazy until she is tired.

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