"Not a boyfriend?" Xiao Chan's father was a little disappointed, and then he laughed again, "no, it doesn't matter. It's not now, it will be later. By the way, did you have dinner? If not, let's eat together! "

Hearing this, Xiao Ge suddenly understood Xiao Chan's intention: "you said to invite me to dinner, that is to invite me to your house for dinner?"

"Well, do you think I don't know you want to kill me? I'm not fooled. Anyway, I invited you to dinner. Do you like it or not“ Xiao Chan snorted and whispered.

Xiao Ge suddenly some depressed, this girl really in pit him, eat in her home, that is certainly not enough to eat!

"Dajun, buy two more roast ducks, Xiaojun, get a box of beer." Xiao Chan's father is already telling the two disciples to do things. At last, he warmly greets Xiao Ge, "come on, sit down first!"

For the sake of two roast ducks, Xiao Ge finally sat down. What's more, if he didn't eat this meal, wouldn't it be even worse?

"By the way, Xiaochan, what's your name?" Xiao Chan's father obviously did not hear Xiao Chan's introduction before.

"Xiao Ge." Xiao Chan replied.

"Oh, Xiao Ge, good name." Xiao Chan's father said with admiration, "Xiao Ge, my name is Xiao Zhengqiang. Everyone calls me brother Qiang, but you should call me uncle Qiang. Of course, you can call my father-in-law..."

"Dad Xiao Chan is pretty and blushing. What kind of father is she? Don't they have a Lamborghini? Can he sell his daughter for a Lamborghini?

"Er, cough, this, take your time, take your time." Xiao Zhengqiang gave an embarrassed smile, took a sip of beer, and then lowered his voice, "Xiao Ge, do you think my daughter is beautiful?"

"Beautiful." Xiao Ge very honest answer, and then, a turn, still very honest to add a, "the body is not good."

"This figure can be developed and cultivated slowly..." Xiao Zhengqiang is trying to sell her daughter. Hearing that Xiao Chan just wants to dig a hole to get in, it's so humiliating. It's so humiliating!

Just when Xiao Chan wanted to find a place to hide, a voice came from the door: "brother Qiang, I heard that your daughter got back a Lamborghini? Now that you have money, it's time to pay back my 200000 yuan. "

With the sound, he walked into a tall man in his thirties. The man was short cut, dressed in a suit and sunglasses. He looked very elegant. Behind him, there were two young men, both of whom were big and in security uniforms.

Xiao Ge is no stranger to the security uniform. The group of security guards he met when eating hot pot fish last night were also wearing such uniforms. Anyone can recognize the obvious Flying Eagle Security words at a glance.

The tall man in suit and shoes saw the Lamborghini at a glance, and a bright color flashed in his eyes: "brother Qiang, how do you say that? Your daughter is much more promising than you. Qiao Sifei is also a reasonable person. Two days ago, you said there was no money, and I didn't force you. Now, you have Lamborghini. It's hard to say if you don't pay back the money, isn't it? "

"Dad, when did you owe 200000?" Xiao Chan asked anxiously, "are you racing with others again?"

"Xiaochan, that ah, I should have won, just a little accident." Xiao Zhengqiang smiles, obviously Xiao Chan's guess is right.

Xiao Chan only felt a headache. Her father just likes to race cars with others, and also likes to make big bets. Although he has won in recent years, generally speaking, most of them lost. Originally, their car repair shop had a good business, and their life should have been very good, because her father often raced with others, which made life very tight. Her mother divorced her father.

"Brother Qiang, I'm a reasonable person. I'll also give you several choices. First, of course, I'll give you 200000 in cash. Second, I'll give you 800000 if I give this Lamborghini at a discount of one million. Third, I can ask your daughter to work for me without your money or your car." The suit man who claimed to be Qiao Sifei's eyes fell on Xiao Chan, "but I heard that your daughter has the nickname of" flying car girl Xia ". I'm short of a female racer. Your daughter is beautiful and has good driving skills. She will be very popular."

Xiao Zhengqiang got up and went to Qiao Sifei with a low voice: "Si Shao, I really don't have any money for the time being, and my daughter is still young. She is not suitable for such dangerous things as racing..."

"That's OK. Just give me the car, brother Qiang. Don't say I didn't give you a way to live. I'm afraid there are not many people on the road who are so talkative as me?" Qiao Sifei interrupted Xiao Zhengqiang.

"Si Shao, this car is neither mine nor my daughter's. I can't make the decision." Xiao Zhengqiang has a flattering expression on his face. Obviously, he doesn't dare to offend Qiao Sifei.

"Not yours?" Qiao Sifei looked at Xiao Zhengqiang, then at Xiao Chan. Finally, his eyes fell on Xiao Ge, "boy, is the car yours? Brother Qiang's daughter, is that your girlfriend? "

"The car is mine, she's not mine." Xiao Ge replied lazily.

"Why?" Qiao Sifei frowned, "I said, why do you look a little familiar?"

"Si Shao, I think this boy looks familiar." A security guard behind Qiao Sifei whispered.

Another security guard took out his cell phone, turned out a picture and handed it to Qiao Sifei: "four little, do you look like it? I think it's very similar. It seems that he is the boy yingshao is looking for. "

"I said, it's really a coincidence, it's really like, I think it's the boy!" Qiao Sifei stares at Xiao Ge for a while, then carefully looks at the photos in his mobile phone. Finally, he stares at Xiao Ge again, "boy, did you go to Bashu hot pot fish shop last night?"

"Yes." Xiao Ge solemnly replied: "by the way, a very strange thing happened last night. There was a hedgehog, who looked like a human and had red hair. It was so strange!"

Qiao Sifei and the two security guards looked at each other, then nodded: "this is the boy!"

Xiao Zhengqiang and Xiao Chan began to feel that something was wrong. It seems that Xiao Ge had a festival with Qiao Sifei?

"Well, Si Shao, do you have any misunderstanding? He's just my daughter's classmate... "Xiao Zhengqiang asked.

"Come on, brother Qiang, it's none of your business now." Joe Sifei waved his hand. "Your business, compared with this boy's business, is nothing."

Ignoring Xiao Zhengqiang, Qiao Sifei came to Xiao Ge: "boy, since you dare to offend yingshao, you are not nobody. Please give me your name!"

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