They entered the city, came to the middle of the city, came to the appearance of a grocery store, so they went to the grocery store.

"Boss, let's do some shopping."

The boss didn't look up. He just snorted and signaled that they would choose the appearance they didn't care about.

Of course, Jiangning, of course, couldn't have taken so much into consideration. They both chose some supplies for daily life, the necessary TV set, and prepared to pay to leave.

At this time, the old man said, "are you two foreigners? Don't you know the rules in our city? Now let me tell you that we don't want money here. Money is just a useless thing for us. We may exchange some good things outside. If we only have some paper in our Chen, we can exchange some good things

"How can we buy these things?"

"Hahaha, it's easy to say that it's easy to buy these goods. What we always believe in here is the principle of exchanging things for things, or we can exchange things with the same value. If we talk about money here, we also have some, but a little different is that our currency is all about fighting for, not by earning."

Hearing the owner's rough words, Jiangning and Gu Xibing are both shocked. I don't know what he is talking about.

"Hahaha, I'll say it simply! If I want to buy something, I will either exchange it with something, or I will go to work, finish some tasks assigned by others, get points, and then buy these things with points. "

After hearing about this, they suddenly dare to love each other. There are places in the world where they buy things not with money, but with the points they help others get. However, this is very normal. So you and Gu Xibing respond without thinking.

The two people came to the city all the way. When they saw the so-called recruitment site, it could be said that there were a sea of people. There were people arranging and tasks constantly, and there were people in my task. It was a lively scene.

Jiangning came to an old man and took out a small treasure from his storage bag and handed it to the old man's hand. There was a flattering look: "brother, can you explain the principle of receiving the task for us? We're from outside the city. We're not familiar with the rules here. "

The old man weighed the things he liked and then laughed: "it's simple. You can get it from every person standing there. Let me give it to him after completing the task, and he will give it to you. After that, you can arrange the task by yourself. As long as you learn your task requirements well, someone will come to you naturally. You can learn to help you finish your task After completing the task, you only need to exchange your things for some points, and then use that point to tell the person. "

It has to be said that the thing that Jiangning just handed over to the old man is quite heavy. However, the items he seized from jinlongmen are not of high grade, but they can not be used by ordinary people. Unexpectedly, after the old man got them, he only weighed them and helped him sell them to the people on the side. Finally, he exchanged some points in his hands, which seemed like he wanted to get more points To do something like gambling.

After getting these quenchings, Jiangning and their helplessness came to the man's side to receive some tasks. At last, they saw that there was a more confused place.

You should know that under such circumstances, naturally there will be many people mainly to complete the task, their own goal or occupation. In this way, naturally, a lot of people will come here to take the task, but on the contrary, most of the people here are to give out a small part of the task to get the task. It seems quite strange that you say.

If you ask you to pick an old man at random and come to him, you will find that his task here seems to be a little strange. Go to the city outside to find some rare medical items, and then send them to him, you can get one. After watching in Jiangning, you can really find that you can only get some steamed bread just enough to eat.

"What's the matter? Why can we only change some steamed bread for such an important task? How can we have such unreasonable requirements? "

You should know that when you go out to buy some medicines, you can get at least a lot of goods after you come back. Even if you sell them, you can get more than 55 points. But in his eyes, it seems that he has some doubts about these steamed buns.

Since they are not satisfied with this person's Jiangning, they will not spend it there, and then they come to find a second person, and this person here is even more ridiculous.

It seems quite strange to fight against a man who has a lot of accomplishments in the transition period, and the reward after the victory is just a wooden axe. It seems quite strange that I have teased and forced him to buy for such a long time.

Jiang Ning has to wait for a few special characters to appear, especially those who are not good enough.Even Jiangning complained inexplicably: "it's a little strange. It's difficult to make the tasks here one by one, so the reward is still so. Do you think these tasks are so easy to do in their eyes? It's no wonder that no one is willing to do the task. It's really strange."

They continue to wander around, ready to find some more suitable tasks, if it is really not possible, then they have to give up a few oranges, need other documents to check something to force him not to be here more sad things, then in case of any big trouble, it is not easy to get out of trouble.

"Little thief, little thief, take a look at this task. I think it's quite suitable." Gu Xi Bing pointed to an old man's task scroll in his hand and said anxiously. ..

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