"Is there anything else you want to say now?"

The house owner there has already lost the previous demeanor, and his biggest card is the Mahayana master who has spent a lot of money to invite her. The reason why the Mahayana master makes her feel most at ease is that it has reached its twilight, which can be said to have no ambition.

With such a reliable thug and no second words about himself, it is natural that the town owner feels very smooth all the way, and doesn't need to give too much reward. The old man in terms of money doesn't care at all. After all, the old man has a great cultivation period, and anyone can do it.

And to be able to pay him is only a promise, that is, in unknown years, no matter what kind of descendants the old man is, they will take care of them in person, and will not have any debt will live with them in harmony, or even put them directly into your own family.

This can be said to be a quite formal commitment. After all, if such a promise is made, it means that there will be more aliens in his family, which is not allowed by the dignity of any family. However, the Li family leader is trying to make his family look more powerful and have more strength. Therefore, it is against the ancestors to say so much Admonishment, but also for the sake of family peace.

Before that, the clan that escaped from the Jinlong gate was also very strong. The disciples under the sect were also very powerful. Many elders also had accomplishments in the period of crossing the loot. Even more, when they thought that the small town on the border could be ruled by the king, a Mahayana master suddenly appeared, which really made them I'm so scared!

We should know that the masters of the Mahayana period, even if they were in the golden dragon gate before, can be said to be the same. They can even get close to the core position without being pushed out by anyone. Uncle, they should respect some. In the face of such an opponent, they are naturally not soft hearted, even if all the people unite to set the standard of the golden dragon gate It is still impossible to confront, and it is directly slaughtered without any influence.

Because the people in Yuanying village, which was arranged by the elder during the big ride period, couldn't find out that the owner of the family had died overnight. The epidemic situation made the Li family feel very happy. She didn't think that she was so worried, so she solved it easily, and her heart felt more about the old man Trust.

After that, you found Jiangning as a substitute for the dead. However, what he thought could be solved quickly in bed has caused some problems. At first, he found out that these five masters during the robbery period were not even the enemies of Jiangning. Therefore, he felt a little shocked. However, as the head of the family, you have dignity But he couldn't have been so scared.

Before that, he had been gripping his teeth to improve his strength to resist Jiangning's imposing pressure. Later, he sent the old man of the Mahayana period to try to teach you how to kill on the spot. He knew that the young boy had only the accomplishments of the crossing robbery period, or he would have killed the five brothers with the original version of the song, or he would have made his own contribution It is absolutely impossible for them to have the strongest strength of their own to kill the five guards.

But I didn't expect that what you burst out at the moment was even more frightening than he thought. The old man in the big ride was killed by Jiangning in one round, without any hesitation. It seemed that all this was the chicken you wanted to do, and she could not stop it. He was also afraid of some blows in his heart and drove silently He began to talk.

He began to regret why he sent people to tangle with Zhejiang before. You know, in their towns, even if all the members of his ant family were killed, the villagers would not say anything to him. After all, they were just ordinary people, and they could not fight against him. But he had to choose this one to make his face look better A lamb for sin has caused such a disaster.

At the moment, the head of the Li family looks at Xiaojiang. Your eyes are full of fear. He regrets why he came to provoke Jiangning. He is absolutely impossible to compete with Jiangning at the moment. After all, even the mature old man is not the enemy of a sword. Naturally, he is not surprised.

Since he was a child, he naturally has tears on his face, crying and singing. He kneels down to Jiangning and says, "great Xia, I'm wrong. It's all my fault. It's my obsession that I can't think of it. It's my greedy family for a time. The young lady's entry into this source of life has caused bad influence on you. It's all my fault! I didn't expect you to have such high strength. You might as well let me go. I will never provoke you again. "

Looking at the Li family owner who was begging for mercy in front of him, Jiangning just snorted and said: "that's good. If I really have low strength, will you say such a thing now? If I was on my knees begging you, would you agree with my decision? I will tell you that everything in this world is decided by the strong, while the weak can only accept it unconditionally. This is the most cruel rule in the world. It is precisely by taking advantage of this that these people can be squeezed. Today I will let you suffer. "It seems that you don't want to give up your appearance at all. The owners of several families have broken their pots. Although they know that it is absolutely impossible for your aunt to try to draw out the saber in Shenyang now, you stab him in the past at home. Although he said so, his eyes are still full of hope, and he will remember the great one In the sword, as long as Jiang Ning is killed, he will not be afraid.

"You die for me

In the eyes of everyone's concern, his sword instantly pointed to Jiangning's body, and Jiangning naturally did not have the slightest objection. He was stabbed in the chest by a sword. ..

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