Although Jiangning came to the end, she didn't relax her mood at all. Instead, she tried to explore the movement around her and avoid the possibility of any danger.

Although Jiangning's strength can be said to be completely free from any rest, it is a considerable mental load when the divine consciousness is fully opened. It can be said that every step makes Jiangning feel very tired. You should know that after Jiangning's strength, it is no longer a matter of physical strength. It is about your brain The amount of divinity in the sea.

Well, you know you have to do this, or you may be in danger of being monitored. There are too many factors that don't exist in the mountains, and Jiangning can't relax. Fortunately, as far as the current situation of Jiangning is concerned, it can still persist. If there is no accident, Jiangning will be able to do it until you get out of the mountain stronghold Keep your own divinity open, so that they can greatly reduce the danger of encountering enemies.

Finally, the group gradually approached the heifengling mountain, but Jiangning found that his divine sense seemed to be wrong, and his consciousness was gradually dull, as if he could not bear the spiritual consumption, and began to appear tired. This is not a good thing for the traffic police. In this way, they may not be able to go to the end of the mountain Is to expose their own things, so Jiangning must make the right out.

"Since I can't open up such a big divine sense by myself, I'd better sneak into the mountain stronghold of Heifeng mountain and watch all of them from a close distance to make sure that no one goes out. In this way, elder martial sister Gu can quickly evacuate. After they leave, I will follow them slowly and go back You can. "

Although Jiangning doesn't know why his divine consciousness is suddenly tired, he can't help but do it. This is the safest way at present. Even if there are some problems, Jiangning must practice in this way.

Ziyun and Minger at the moment naturally know the seriousness of the problem. After hearing what Jiangning said, they also nodded solemnly. Under the arrangement of Jiangning, they continued to walk slowly towards the front step by step, while Jiangning was on the territory of heifengling alone.

The more you go up, the more tired Jiangning feels mentally exhausted, as if there is something wrong. 120 Jiangning also began to force himself to lift up his spirit, and even took out a lot of drugs to supplement mental strength from his storage bag, but obviously there is no big effect, and it is still in constant erosion.

"No, if I go on like this, sooner or later, I will fall down directly because of my fatigue. What kind of mistakes should have made in this journey make my mental strength more and more reduced. It seems that I can't use it for the time being. I don't know where they are now. I hope they have gone out. I'll stick to it for an hour at most It's the limit, and then I'll just faint. "

Jiangning sighed and took the implementation back. He also began to sit on the ground and recover his divine consciousness. In the final time, he laid a secret array around him, and then he fell into a deep sleep.

It's not that Jiangning was irresponsible at the last moment and took back his divine consciousness. However, Jiangning knew that even if he persisted in this way, he would inevitably faint on the ground. As a result, not only could they not save the elder martial sister, but they might put themselves in danger. However, we should know that they are still in the range of Shanzhai and have a little carelessness If the scouts find out, they will be able to avoid their own business before they are caught?

Now the only thing I can pray for is that when Jiangning was watching them, it was enough time for them to escape from the mountains. In this way, Jiangning could catch up with them immediately after waking up, because as long as they went out of the range of the mountains, the mountain bandits would not dare to make window frames alone, even if they were closely related to the tribe It is impossible to cross the border to come there at this moment. After all, it is also a threat to the tribe.

In the morning morning, Jiangning is also the beginning. Although the doctor said that he was unconscious now, he still had the cultivation in the right period. In addition, Jiangning's original capacity of divine consciousness was amazing, so he was able to persist in large-scale exploration for such a long time. At the moment, after seeing what his life experience was like, Jiangning realized that all this was due to the reason For the fire in his body is crazy absorbing his own energy, and the most important thing is that he is absorbing the energy of God consciousness in the sea. Jiangning understands that this may be the ultimate breakthrough of Huo Qilin. He must use these things to recover.

If Jiangning doesn't grudge these things at ordinary times, it's very urgent at this moment. After thinking about it, Jiangning decides to give Huo Qilin all his refined divinity for the time being, and help him get through the difficulty of this promotion. After waiting, when Jiangning recovers 70% of the time, he will go to look for his senior sister's trace I'm afraid there is a time gap.As long as you are not found in this period of time, you will naturally have no worries about everything at that time. Moreover, huoqilin can make your body appear as soon as possible. Maybe the next time it appears, its strength will have completed a qualitative leap, and it will be promoted directly from the once quasi divine beast to the divine beast. In that case, it will be a miracle for Jiangning Great help, in the days after that, can also get greater growth with Jiangning. ..

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