"Yes, we found three people a few days ago, and it was a combination of two women and a man, but since I didn't participate in the past, I didn't know how they were." The mountain bandit replied in a hurry, as if afraid that Jiangning would kill him on the spot.

"Tell me, where have you taken them?"

"I don't know. I'm just an ordinary mountain bandit. I don't have the opportunity to participate in the management affairs. So I didn't participate in their transportation, so I didn't know where their destination was. However, when we talked about this with a partner before, the military discussed the possibility of this matter It is very likely that the three men were moved to the chief clan of the tribe, who handled and tortured them

Jiangning nodded heavily. He also guessed it. Seeing that there were so few gods in the Shanzhai, Jiangning realized that it was possible to take care of Bing's waist. But now it seems that their greatest possibility is that among the so-called tribes, Bi Ziyun and min'er have too many secrets to excavate. Naturally, they want to take care of ice He left it directly to the tribe.

After listening to this, the shark muscle immediately dropped the mountain bandit. After disposing of her body, Jiangning turned to prepare to go on the road.

Although we don't know the destination of their trip, Jiangning still decided to go to the south. We should know that after going south, it will be out of place, and naturally it is the most likely place.

"If they don't want to escort three people, they will be very slow. As long as I work hard together, I will be able to catch up with her and stop her." Jiangning said solemnly, and then accelerated his own speed.

On the other side, on the way to this tribe, a vast and powerful team is marching slowly.

The first man on horseback turned to his men and said, "how long have we been walking here?"

"Report to the boss, we have already traveled about one day, and it will take about two-thirds of the way to finish. As far as the current situation is concerned, everything is sunny and sunny, and there is absolutely no possibility of any rainstorm. Therefore, you can rest assured that we will not be late this time."

After listening to the report from his subordinates, the leader nodded in silence, and then seemed to think of something. The opponent ordered: "by the way, the three people in the back have prepared some food and drink for them. Don't let them starve to death. I can't ask any valuable information at that time. I'll take you for trial."

After hearing the words, the servant immediately nodded, and then stepped back cautiously. He patted himself angrily: "it's a pity to leave these hard jobs for me to take care of the prisoners' lives. I can't starve them to death. I'm afraid we don't have enough food in the prairie. I didn't expect to take care of these three people. It's a pity that we have to take care of these three people Yes. "

As he spoke, he came to a closed carriage. After lifting the curtain of the carriage, there were three good people in it. These three people had just escaped before. Ziyun and Minger also had three people who took care of ice.

Speaking of it, the three of them were unlucky enough. At that time, Jiangning was in a bad state and was about to sleep. So they ordered the three of them to escape immediately, not to be found by the anti thieves. Taking care of Bing, the three had to immediately comply with the order and flee, but they met with a little trouble at the last intersection.

They found a trapped herdsman who was attacked by a tiger at the mountain pass. At this time, the sense of justice suddenly burst out. He had to shout to save the herdsman. His brother Ziyun said obstinately, "it just doesn't take much time to save a man. We can also do good deeds. Maybe he will take us out with us What about it

Although Gu Xibing understands that this is the critical time, it's best not to interfere with these affairs, but he can't adapt to it. Two people should know that his task is to protect the safety of the two people, so he is helpless to accompany the two people to drive away the tiger.

After Lao Hu left, the herdsmen knelt down and said they would like to take care of ice. They came to his home to gather. At this time, they did not have a place to live. Because they had to wait for Jiangning's return, they accepted the herdsman's request, came to his home and lived temporarily.

Who knows that they have just lived in the front foot of lalamu and the back foot directly inform the mountain bandits. Soon the mountain bandits come down all night and arrest all of them.

Although Gu Xibing has gone through fierce resistance, after all, his fists are defeated by four hands. In addition to the public resentment, two people in the box have been captured. At the moment, he is helpless. Even if he wants to persist, it is impossible. Finally, under the threat of mountain bandits, he still puts down his sword and chooses to surrender obediently.

The herdsman was rewarded by the mountain bandits. Then he went back to his home with the money and left two people, Minger and Ziyun. They realized their mistakes at the moment, but there was no way to regret them. Now they were decided by Qin to send them to the big tribe overnight without any resistance The way.At the moment, they were trapped in this carriage. It was quite tragic that they didn't even eat a mouthful of water and a meal for a day and a night. However, as the name of the eldest lady, where did they suffer such hardships? Even if they couldn't help crying, they seemed to have been greatly wronged. Fortunately, Ziyun had undergone hard training from the army It can also be regarded as a way to get out of the situation and start to calm down.

However, this is not so easy to do. After all, there are mountain bandits in the examination department, and each mountain bandit is quite strong. For a moment, they can't solve the problem quickly by one-on-one. If the delay goes on, it will naturally cause chain support from many people. ..

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