After that, they naturally listened to Jiangning's opinions and went all the way East. Indeed, there was no one who had been examined on the road. Even on this vast grassland, they did not see a person. It can be said that they were relieved. In addition, the horses and vehicles of the mountain thieves they have been riding are also free of fatigue Tired feeling, very relaxed.

A group of people have gradually walked towards the depth of the tribe. When they look back, they have found that Jinnan city is almost invisible, even a large mountain is not seen again. People are also worried about what the micro message is in the way ahead. They still don't know, so they can only explore by themselves.

Of course, the most worrying thing is that Minger is the most worried. Although he is about the age of Ziyun, Ziyun is a military origin, and has received quite strict training and hard work. For him, these hard work is nothing, and his strength is very high. It can be said that he has more than self-protection, but Minger is totally different from him It is only a girl, and there is no little cultivation in the body can be said to be a complete mortal.

Plus, Minger has always been the Pearl of the whole Ling family. It can be said that he holds the flowers in the greenhouse and lives in his hands. He has not been beaten by any wind and rain. So the way on the grassland has made him tired. He needs to know that there is very little place to take a bath. So he also feels that Life is difficult, now is the daily feeling very difficult, sometimes also want to cry.

However, he saw a group of people who were so hard and not like him alone. So she was still strong enough to bear it. Only the moment was held in her heart and she was afraid to affect everyone's enthusiasm. After all, he knew that they didn't come out for outing this time, but to carry out very strict tasks, which is related to the future of the whole Chinese people. Therefore, he did not We must be careful and can not make any mistakes.

So the four people in this line are moving forward in a tacit way, and there is almost no dispute. So they walk on the grass gradually. Jiangning calculates the time and says, "almost, we are about to approach the location of the first tribe, and that place should be a very radical place. Their people are very fierce and like to fight Fighting, can be said to be a very barbaric tribe. "

Said, Jiangning took out a few black yarn from his storage bag, threw it to the two people who took care of ice and Minger and said, "take it with you! Although I may be white worried, but after all, you are a girl. There is no human rights on the grassland. I'm afraid those so-called grassland warriors will not be able to endure you when they see you. When the strong comes, it will cause a lot of unnecessary boredom. So I think you better hide your own traces, and don't expose yourself to the crowd In the line, we can also safely pass this place without knowing the next place. "

Although it is said that this veil will be ugly, it is specially developed by Jiangning, which can isolate any divine exploration, and make people not know the appearance. Besides, they are wearing a bloated coat at the moment. After all, on the grassland, the wind sand is being worn by them, It is also for safety reasons, and they can not see their body shape and appearance clearly. As long as they don't speak, no one can think that they are two young and beautiful women.

Such a group of four people were so vast that they approached the first tribe. At the glance, Jiangning found that the tribe seemed to be different from what he thought. Originally, in his impression, this very barbaric tribe should belong to the very open land, without any buildings, but found that it was not.

This is indeed subverting Jiangning's cognition. After all, the villagers in this grassland have lived the life of herdsmen, without fixed living places, only with their sheep and horses, where they live. Therefore, most of them are mainly built with tents. This is also a matter of Jiangning's life, but I didn't expect this small tribal city The city is quite different, not only with very high wall buildings, but also some Guard officers, which seems to be no different from those in the middle of the gate.

It seems that Jiangning is a little confused. Ziyun also explains: "brother Jiang, you don't know. Although these tribes say that they all live nomadic life, they are actually a whole, which can be said to be very dependent on them. Everyone comes from a tribe, and this tribe is never betrayed by all of them And every tribe often causes disputes, which can be said to be a war from time to time. "

"Their war is no different from the war we usually have in order to consolidate their territory. They have built walls similar to ours, which can surround their territory like us, so that they can provide better security for their people. This is where they are a little bit more powerful and can learn from me We can not learn their strengths, but we are all stuck to their own Say purple cloud sighed, seem very angry.Naturally, Jiangning is also obvious. Ziyun comes from Jinnan City, which is close to the tribe. Ziyun is also an officer and soldier of the garrison. He is very familiar with the customs and character of these tribal people. Naturally, he has studied deeply. It is not surprising that he can explain these explanations at this time.

"Although they are really very powerful, but do not forget that we are not ordinary people. When we are oppressed and treated unfairly, we will also stand up and fight against it. From this point, we are very united." ..

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