After returning to the inn, Jiangning and the wizard were quite helpless. However, they had no idea that this matter would be solved easily. They had planned to fight a war and at least give those so-called tribal warriors a score. However, they did not expect that all the people would be shocked by one punch. After all, they were not soldiers who did not miss, but mercenaries one by one It can be said that they are in action for the sake of money. When they find out, they will lose their lives. Naturally, they will not complete these tasks.

After that, Jiangning naturally had no mercy. With a slight blow, the patriarch was blotted out in his frightened eyes. It can be said that there was no trace left. He was easily killed by anxiety because of his arrogance, which offended Jiangning easily at the beginning, and then repented What's more, he came to Jiangning fiercely and tried to surround them and kill them. It can be said that it was a big mistake.

After killing the group leader, Jiangning also went to Gu Xibing, indicating that they could gradually fade down here, because Jiangning had found out from his divine sense that there was no more powerful person in this town. It can be said that Gu Xibing was the leader and some ordinary people could easily deal with them It can be said that there is no pressure at all.

In this way, Jiangning can follow the two witches safely to the next tribe they are going to. Leaving Gu Xibing is enough to cope with the situation here. They don't need to worry about them any more. After a few simple explanations, Jiangning and the wizard are ready to move on to the next tribe.

Finally, on this way, the wizard or focus, you candidly salary, honestly say your purpose. Before, no matter what kind of fruit the family taught you, she was only willing to say that she just went to the city to do some things, there might be some small things, so she would invite Jiangning to be her bodyguard, but now after seeing Jiangning's strength, he also He is more and more sure. Facing Jiangning, he is no longer hiding anything. He just said with a smile: "you really make me feel at ease, so I decided to tell you the purpose of this trip, so that you don't feel that you have been hoodwinked at that time."

"The next tribe we are going to go to is a large city. It can be said that it is very huge. The clan leader's strength is also very strong, even above me, which is not a problem. Therefore, I need you to protect him. His strength is very strong. I'm afraid that if it is just my words, he is not his opponent at all. This time, my goal is It's a lot of his neck. "

The author, the great wizard's eyes showed a flame of hatred and anger, which seemed to be similar to what happened. Although Jiangning was confused, he did not say much. He knew that his task now was to protect the wizard's safety, and his affairs were all considered by Urumqi.

"I think you must be a little strange. Why do I have to kill him? It's not something to hide. So I'll tell you. After all, on the road after all, you and I have to jointly hold him. Therefore, the more I want to tell you about the purpose and danger of my trip, and it depends on you to decide what to do It's not without this problem that you want to terminate the mission. "

With the wizard's answer, Jiangning also nodded solemnly. He knew that now 50 was a real friend of baganzi. He would say such words to himself, but Jiangning didn't mean to give up halfway. Once he accepted the task, he must complete the type of words and deeds. Therefore, he was silent after hearing the wizard's words He nodded, but there was no sign of it. This fell into the wizard's eyes, which made him feel very happy.

"I once told you that when I was not 50 years old, I was very strong when I traveled around with my master. It can be said that even I am not his opponent. So I have been living under the protection of his bag. I can grow up safely and gradually learn his various skills. As a wizard, I must be the first It's divination. After learning these things, I also want to make practical use of them. I came here and wandered among various tribes. At that time, without the protection of the master, I could say that it was quite hard, but I survived temporarily with my own skills. "

"But after all, I didn't get home from my practice and didn't train my heart to the best. I met a woman in the process of traveling, and I fell in love with him deeply. It can be said that my greatest thought at that time was to see her every day, and I knew this was the so-called love."

"It's just a short time. Just when we were in love, something happened to his family. His father, who was the head of the clan, suddenly died of illness. At that time, the task of the patriarch fell on his head. At that time, the assembly task was busy. In other words, everything depended on it to maintain, and he also made great efforts to cultivate him Even the death of the patriarch did not affect the normal and prosperous life of the people. At that time, it was quite excitingWhen talking about this, the wizard's eyes flashed a happy light, as if thinking of something in general, the corners of his mouth raised a smile, it can be seen that she is very happy, while Jiangning on the side of the side saw these in his eyes, his heart is also silently recorded, he knows that the wizard seems to be some change, so that his face smile has disappeared Facing some Jiangning, I naturally want to know what kind of changes happened in those years, which caused these things. ..

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