After planning the mission and target of their trip, the people in Jiangning also began to take action, and began to arrange for the clan leader of the tribe. It can be said that the preparation is quite sufficient, and there is no trace to show. Although others know that they are outside all day long and don't know what to do, they don't know what they are doing now So, they did not feel the danger of Jiangning at all.

In this way, as time goes on, Jiangning and Jiangning are getting closer and closer to their goal, that is, the person where the clan leader of the tribe is now. According to Liu Ziqing's investigation, the name of the group leader is Zhao Meng, a very thin person. It can be said that people in this tribe are afraid of his big name. If you mention his name You're all scared, so to speak.

According to Jiang Ning's words, it's the kind of person who can frighten his children out of going to sleep honestly at night after hearing his name. He has done too many cold and vulgar things. Even Jiangning and his colleagues are also shocked after investigation. Although they know that his bad character has always been harmful to all quarters, it can be said that he is quite a villain I didn't expect that he would dare to do so. After all, he was the head of a tribe now, but he didn't mean to be restrained at all. On the contrary, he gave full play to his tyrannical character.

It's not only to collect money everywhere, but also to rob people's property and jewelry everywhere. It's so disgusting that all the people you like go to work in their own houses, and then abandon people after playing. It can be said that all families are very angry when they see him. Even some women in some tribes dare not go out and are afraid of themselves when they wander outside A Zhao but to that can be even the rest of his life together to destroy.

However, even if the people's crisis is still unable to stop his crazy pace, it is not only that, but also has other ideas, blackmail local squires, making them sleep and food difficult, not only to come to a large amount of money, but also to melt their children into their own door, to serve themselves, can be said to be set up free of charge It's really hateful to have a group of troops serving themselves.

And it seems that he still has the ambition to continue to invade other tribes. Since they occupied this tribe before, they began to invade the outside constantly. Because of their powerful strength and the presence of people on the other side of the big tribe, no one can resist. Those who dare to resist them have become Zhao Mou's dead souls. After all, Zhao Meng was in the past It can be said that he is the first warrior of the tribe, second only to the existence of the clan leader. Naturally, his strength is needless to say. After so many years, he has made progress. In the face of those rebels, he does not even need to use too much force. Just a slogan can frighten the opponent to resist any more.

To deal with such a villain, Jiangning naturally has no room for them. They even want to kill her first and then quickly. It can be said that they can directly use all their strength there. However, after investigation, Jiangning found something wrong. Originally, he was quite confident in his own strength, and after the financial tsunami, he could It is enough to compete with Zhao Meng. Although I don't know how strong he is now, according to Jiangning's current estimation, it should be no problem to cut him down under the horse.

But who would have thought that Zhao was very careful at this time, and even was very careful not to travel alone at every step. Even with his cultivation in the period of integration, many people are watching together. It can be said that everyone is shocked by his strength. After all, he takes dozens of guards with him as soon as he leaves the door, which is not everyone can do You are not sure that you can stand out from his side. After all, facing an enemy who is also suitable for the area, plus dozens of helpers, it is quite difficult for Jiangning to rise from the waist and back. Under such circumstances, Jiangning naturally is not willing to take personal risks and can only find better countermeasures.

It's not that Zhao was too careful to arrange so many guards, nor did he attach great importance to his own life. To know how he was a warrior before, he left his life out of his mind early. Although he seems to love himself and care about his health all the time after he turns to be the group leader He asked countless doctors to make his own diagnosis, but he still could not change his bloodthirsty and killing nature. It can be said that he did not even regard his own life as one thing.

But it is because Zhao Meng is so fierce and hateful that the people are very angry. Everyone wants to kill him, and then it can be said that he has aroused public anger.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. So in this tribe, there are even a lot of rebels. They secretly sneak into the edge of the grassland and build their strongholds around the city. In order to find a chance to kill Zhao Meng, so as to fulfill their desire to purge them, each of them carries a deep hatred Hate, it can be said that every one has something to do with Zhao Meng, which is the reason why they joined the Resistance Army. But their ultimate goal is to kill Zhao Meng and hang his head on the wall.

In this way, all of their rebel forces are closely watching Zhao's head, which can be said to have kept it in mind all the time. This makes Zhao a little careless and may fall into a trap, and he will be killed by the other party. Even if he has a proper cultivation, he does not dare to relax his vigilance too much. Therefore, he has invited so many guards to protect him His safety, after all, is well prepared, and there is no fault with more preparation. Maybe he can save his life at a critical time!. ..

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