During the silence of the Resistance Army, Zhao Meng became more and more uncontrollable. Without her opponent, she could be said to have no worries. She became more and more arrogant in the face of civilians. In his eyes, the current comment is that he can kill at will, which is used for fun without any function. In his eyes, he is just like a general waste And he has become a cold devil in people's eyes.

No matter where he was killed, he didn't need to be killed by nature. No matter where he was killed, he didn't need to be protected by nature. However, no matter where he was killed, he didn't need to be protected by nature If he can disobey his orders, he also gets along well in this tribe.

Just when he thought he was going to be invincible, he became more and more arrogant. At least he knew how to restrain himself. When facing some people, he would investigate first, and only when he knew that the other party could provoke him, he would take the initiative to attack. At that time, he was still stable, that is, after he became more and more powerful, he even went to the investigation step directly God, he thinks that such a practice for me is a waste of his time. He thinks that with his own cultivation of fitness period, no matter who he is facing, he has an absolute chance of success and assurance.

Under such circumstances, he would not care if anyone was against him. Instead, he would snatch everything he wanted. Whether it was money, treasure, women and martial arts secrets, he regarded them as his own private goods. If he dared to own them, he would kill them. However, his behavior was out of control, and he went more and more To the place where other people are located, it can be said that the whole tribe is trapped in a miserable environment.

As the old saying goes, after a person has done too many bad things, he will always get retribution. This time, Zhao met someone whom he absolutely could not provoke, and because of his mistake, his lower body was spent in suspicion and suspicion.

If he was allowed to do it again, he would prefer not to provoke that person, but it was obviously too late. After all, he was so frivolous and ignorant at that time, and it was too late to regret. After all, he was also a real villain. He provoked countless people, and he would pay for it.

And all this is due to his arrogant character. At that time, she thought that she was still invincible in the world. She was so arrogant and unreasonable that she became an autocratic tribal leader, which made the people under him miserable, but no one would escape for it Although they said that they resented the new group leader, in their eyes, this was their home after all, so no matter how much they resisted, they would never flee. Even if they were established, the Resistance Army would not seek help from other tribes. Instead, they stationed around their city, looking for ways to assassinate Zhao and others The border can also guard the safety of the whole city. For them, it is their task now.

However, compared with them, Zhao Meng obviously doesn't have such complicated thoughts. He just wants to make his life better. When she walks on the street again, she finds a girl who is far different from the people she has seen before. The girl is dressed in a green dress and a light gauze. It can be said that she has a kind of temperament that can not be stained by mud In this vast crowd, it is so outstanding, as stand out from the crowd in general, standing among the people, is to attract everyone's attention.

And that temperament is absolutely impossible to exaggerate. It can be said that no one can hide the natural beauty, beauty with a touch of moving, eyes full of warmth, looks like a very perfect girl, and how can such a person not let Zhao Mou be moved by it!

However, Zhao Meng ignored a point. We should know that in his tribe, every people are living in dire straits. It can be said that even eating is a problem. How could such a young girl with such a gorgeous appearance suddenly appear? Obviously, he should have passed through this place from other places, and was caught by Zhao Mou when he bought things unknowingly in the street. Facing such a young girl, Zhao Meng naturally could not give up easily. So he sent people to follow up secretly and found that the girl was a tourist, and there was a man with him. However, he did not know where he had disappeared.

I don't know when the girl will leave the tribe, so Zhao Meng's mind is becoming more and more impatient. He can't wait to have him, which can be said to be very. On her way, there is nothing in her impression that she can't grab, so she starts to plan, even if it is to use brute force to seize it to his own hand In terms of the strength of yeast, the cultivation of the area is still too high. Even without much effort, she found the inn where the girl lives now.

After solving the shop assistant and the boss of the inn three times and five by two, she stepped into the girl's boudoir. However, Zhao Meng did not expect that the girl was still resting in the room and did not find its arrival. When he revealed his magic claws, the young girl was humble, but it was already a little late. In terms of his strength, it was impossible It is comparable to Duke Zhou.This time, Zhao moved his mind. He wanted to talk about the girl in his house, instead of abandoning her at will, so he threw an olive branch to the girl. Who knows that after the incident, the girl could not bear the humiliation. She felt that she had been defiled by Zhao, and her heart was not pure, so she even found an opportunity to hang herself directly, which made Zhao Yueyu For a long time. ..

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